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Ecology - A trend

Forest dreams
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Oct 22, 2009 10:24

On 2009-10-22 10:02, JohnTaramas wrote:

On 2009-10-22 09:50, Xolvexs wrote:
your child is a recycled soul in a new body
usually its the evil soul that likes to return

sweet morning thoughts..

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Posted : Oct 22, 2009 11:33

On 2009-10-21 18:52, Login wrote:
What its funny its that maybe, for the first time in history there is a “trend” in something that matters to all humanity, and people complains about it.

I know we must be critic on everything, don’t trust and be skeptic, but if we all know the problem is real and its going to have devastating effects, which is the problem with it being popular?

I have seen this phenomenon many times: when good causes get mainstream attention underground activist feel like “expropriated”, they don’t have any longer a flag which credits them as more “aware”, “intelligent” etc etc than the mainstream people Their ego gets hurt, that’s the problem.

The same happens with underground music

No, not really. personally i have realized (and im sad to say that, at the 25th year of my life) that practically almost nothing effective will be done to save the environment and that is because there is no profit out of that..
and now, that more people talk about ecology did you see anything changing??
the way you see things is really weird, what activists are you talking about and what ego?? im sorry to say but you sound to me like feeling bad because you never cared much for such things or because you enjoy commercial music.


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Posted : Oct 22, 2009 12:18

On 2009-10-22 11:33, JohnTaramas wrote:
.... that practically almost nothing effective will be done to save the environment and that is because there is no profit out of that..
and now, that more people talk about ecology did you see anything changing??

of course, didn't you?
There is so much more going on, I don't even know where to start. wind, sun energy powerplants as never before etc. hybrid cars on almost every car brand from 2011. There is so much more going on since there is more talk. Maybe it depends where you live and if you read a lot of newspaper. its a TREND and its not just talk. Its not enough, but its more.

I'm actually really glad that some sharks found out that there actually IS a lot of money in ecology. For once their exploit can cause good.
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IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Oct 22, 2009 14:27

On 2009-10-22 11:33, JohnTaramas wrote:

On 2009-10-21 18:52, Login wrote:
What its funny its that maybe, for the first time in history there is a “trend” in something that matters to all humanity, and people complains about it.

I know we must be critic on everything, don’t trust and be skeptic, but if we all know the problem is real and its going to have devastating effects, which is the problem with it being popular?

I have seen this phenomenon many times: when good causes get mainstream attention underground activist feel like “expropriated”, they don’t have any longer a flag which credits them as more “aware”, “intelligent” etc etc than the mainstream people Their ego gets hurt, that’s the problem.

The same happens with underground music

No, not really. personally i have realized (and im sad to say that, at the 25th year of my life) that practically almost nothing effective will be done to save the environment and that is because there is no profit out of that..
and now, that more people talk about ecology did you see anything changing??
the way you see things is really weird, what activists are you talking about and what ego?? im sorry to say but you sound to me like feeling bad because you never cared much for such things or because you enjoy commercial music.

"that practically almost nothing effective will be done to save the environment and that is because there is no profit out of that"

You and I have spent the same amount of time on this earth, yet you must have been in a coma for the past 8 years. No profitable areas for saving the environment eh? Solar power, wind power, electric cars, bio diesel.... The list goes on. There are TONSSSSSSSSSSSSSS of areas that involve "saving the environment" and profit.  - Midwest based psytrance group
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Posted : Oct 22, 2009 14:36
yes and all these are made by scientists, ppl who act rather than talk , who btw i was never referred to
the topic is a hater about the populists that sell ecology not the ppl who do smthng about it.
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Oct 22, 2009 14:50
I believe there is gloabal warming.Since I had and still have from time to time something with nature to do ,I observed it over the years that it really changed,even befor they started to blablaing about it all.
The weather changed atleast here in europe.Really crazy changed.
If you count on weahter you have to act different than a decade ago.
I live in respect to nature,I dont give a fuck about all the ilumminatis with all their videos I dont trust anybody more than my senses tbh.
Strugling militant people always talk too much than do something.
I feel better even if nobody would respect to do it as I can for my mind.
No need to force anybody ,do what you like - you get what you deserve (i really believe in it) 

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Posted : Oct 22, 2009 16:22
Yeah you need to wake up. I have been working for last 2 years indirectly for Cheveron on Solar installations (mainly at schools but now they looking at utility grade installation in desert). Would not imagine they would be involved unless there was some money to be made - well they also like the PR. With the state of the economy I could be out of work without this so I am also profiting.
Here is a tip for all you that want to be trendy: Hang your washing on a line to dry in the sun like the old days!

[/quote] No, not really. personally i have realized (and im sad to say that, at the 25th year of my life) that practically almost nothing effective will be done to save the environment and that is because there is no profit out of that..
and now, that more people talk about ecology did you see anything changing??
the way you see things is really weird, what activists are you talking about and what ego?? im sorry to say but you sound to me like feeling bad because you never cared much for such things or because you enjoy commercial music.

IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Oct 22, 2009 16:30
ecoNomics vs ecoLogy
Nomics - 5 Beeeleeen Dolaaaz
Logy- save me save me

          When death comes to your doorstep, make sure you are alive
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Oct 22, 2009 16:58
economics can save the enviroment with just one thing: put a price over externalities.           "The dedication to repetition — the search for nirvana in a single held tone or an endlessly cycling rhythm — is one of electronic music's noblest gestures."
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Oct 22, 2009 18:37

On 2009-10-22 14:36, gutter wrote:
yes and all these are made by scientists, ppl who act rather than talk , who btw i was never referred to
the topic is a hater about the populists that sell ecology not the ppl who do smthng about it.

Gotta love ignorance right here.

Hi, I'm an engineer. I worked on a renewable energy project in school. I developed a way to use oat hulls (waste product of oat production), produced by a quaker oats plant near by my university, as a renewable source of energy that the power plant on the university campus actually uses.

Now that your uninformed opinion has been completely unvalidated, what say you?  - Midwest based psytrance group
Inactive User

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Posted : Oct 22, 2009 20:38
ignorance lol
in which way you put yourself or a plain student to the populist behavior exactly im refered too? youve misunderstood smthng, somehow you have among others take this post as offending to you ..
your post is totally irrelevant imho
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Oct 22, 2009 20:48
lol, I'm just making fun of this thread cause I'm bored

however, what I said about the experiment was true  - Midwest based psytrance group
IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Oct 22, 2009 21:17

On 2009-10-22 14:50, TimeTraveller wrote:
I believe there is gloabal warming.Since I had and still have from time to time something with nature to do ,I observed it over the years that it really changed,even befor they started to blablaing about it all.
The weather changed atleast here in europe.Really crazy changed.
If you count on weahter you have to act different than a decade ago.

How would you know if that's not just part of the normal climate change, instead of the 'global warming' issue?

IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  80
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Posted : Oct 22, 2009 21:48
some plants work differently according to the weahter than years ago.Not just observed along the very last years .
Today ten years ago you could pick up some shrooms in t-shirt smoking a buddha on a nice secret meadow ,today in hamburg I have a fever and nobody is going out without clothes like in winter.The shrooms aren't anymore there.End of season.

Outdoors you can start earlier with your ganjah cuttings maybe even rather at end of march than in middle of may.And there are lots of other observations.
Maybe it's not a clear proove to you but I wouldn't do it different this times and for sure not like in some old books which were once golden.

well about the global you are right I don't know exactly this is more a guess I agree.But the weather has definetly changed dramaticaly here,or in europe that I know.But noticing all the nature disasters tsunamis and other exreme happenings all over the world I suppose there is more than a theory about the global warming.And the temeprature has added two grades of celsius as an avarage .At least here in germany it is fact.
IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Oct 22, 2009 22:00
well if you have seen what you look like when you were 5 and what you look like today you have obviously changed...same thing with the weather. when you were 5 you went to bed really early in some cases as early 7pm and you also needed more things began to change your sleep requirement changed...did your sleeping pattern change because of the weather or climate change? or because you found more things to do?
i believe the nature operates in a similar if not the same way.           When death comes to your doorstep, make sure you are alive
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