Eclipse festival in Brazil?
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Posted : Feb 22, 2005 16:58
hi, someone told me about an eclipse festival in Brazil 2006, so I was just wondering if anyone knows anything about that? Thanks |
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Feb 22, 2005 18:55
Yeah, 4 sure, just wait and see, we are first founding a gr8 spot, it's gonna be something really magic, until July we give all the informations, but u can get prepared 4 that, c u there, love and laught, Shamamix!
Wild Artists (
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Posted : Feb 23, 2005 00:54
Sounds interesting... Will stand by awaiting more info. |
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Posted : Feb 23, 2005 02:53
Solar Eclipse & Festival in brasil ???
Can't wait!!!!!!!
All the best.
and keep updated about news.
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Posted : Feb 26, 2005 15:48
Thanks guys , hope to see u there.... |
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Posted : Mar 11, 2005 22:37
My brother Marcelo (shamamix), may the Great Spirit be with us once more.
Aho mitakuye oyasin - we are all related! |
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Posted : Nov 25, 2005 04:26
anymore news re, the eclipse in march 2006?
has there been a website set up?
any acts been announced?
psywoof is correct in that if peoples are going to travel to the other side of the world there needs to be som incentive...
any useful links would be appreciated...
salutaions skills... |
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Posted : Nov 25, 2005 12:31
On 2005-02-22 18:55, shamamix wrote:
Yeah, 4 sure, just wait and see, we are first founding a gr8 spot, it's gonna be something really magic, until July we give all the informations, but u can get prepared 4 that, c u there, love and laught, Shamamix!
Until July?? But the eclipse is in March!!
Waiting for more information!
Tks a lot! |
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Nov 27, 2005 05:50
i posted in another topic,.. but i will paste here also,...
Hey Guys,
Sorry to take so long to come here and answer your questions,... but had a long time that i am not coming to Isratrance,...and also i have been very busy with some other events and my agency, but yesterday a friend from São Paulo called me and told me to come here,... cause people was getting worried about the party.
So here is the situation,... as i said b4 the festival is 100% confirmed,... so don't worry that it will not happen or get canceled, cause i would not come here and tell about a event that i wouldn't do it in the end.... The divulgation starts now in december,... on mushroon magazine we will have an article and an advertising, union magaizne in Brazil will have an advertising also ,.. and we gonna have flyers in Europe next month,... inside will Brazil flyers just in january or maybe in Universo Paralello.
I am flying for close a deal for the festival land,.. next saturday,.. i have like 3 places to decide,... and i play in Recife on the 3rd than i gonna stay one week over there cheking all the details,.. how's gonna be to get the license for the festival, checking and making contacts with hotels and people that work near by the festival area, check all the lojistic situation,.see if they have good equipament over there.. and all this details. I play in Natal at the 10th,.. and over there i want to make some partnerships with locals organizers,.. cause all the help is needed.
But one thing i decided already with my partners,... we gonna post the line-up just on january...the idea first would be just on march,... but we decided to do b4,...cause also the artists will feel more safe about it,... Cause one thing i want to be clear 4 erevybody,... on this festival the line-up is not the main thing,... it's just one of the several details that it is important for the whole concept of this Gathering,... But when the website is ready u guys gonna understand why this festival is so unique and special for the trance story. But we garantee gr8 music during the 10 days of festival,...and we have already confirmed some very special artists,.. 2 of the most respected projects of the progressive scene,.. and 1 one of the most psychedelic artist of the history of the trance scene,... several more are confirmed and we are confirming some other ones until the end of the year... But it will not be so many expensive and comecrial projects and djs,.. cause this is not the spirit of this party,...also cause it's a very bad season to do a massive festival in Brazil,...for so many reasons that i already said b4. But we will not disapointed who will come from other countries to Brazil or to some other cities to the Northeast of the country,... I am sure everybody will be glad to be part of this amazing celebration.
I wouldn't do that now, but just to people check it out the flyer,.. i will post during this week on ; (it's not ready yet,.. but u guys can have an idea), this is my agency and most of the artists will come trough us for the festival,.... next month also we gonna have a hotsite for the festival.
I understand that u guys are curious and really want to know the news,... but i don't have the place closed yet, and also the line-up is not 100% confirmed,... but don't worry guys we are preparing something very special for all of u,... and as we said b4 the Main Atraction on this event is the Solar Eclipse, by the way i repeat, it will not be total okay? In Turkey also will not be Total, but the Energy of this Cosmic Event is amazing and the view from Rio Grande do Norte will be in the morning, but very clear,...
So get prepared guys,.. book your flights and come join with us on the Sundance Gathering!
Thanxs for the atention,.. and soon i come here with some fresh news and talking about the Venue,...sunny love to everybody, Shama!:)
Wild Artists (
Iboga Records (
Reality Engine (
Euphoria Festival (
Cachoeira Alta ( |
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Posted : Nov 27, 2005 14:10
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Posted : Nov 30, 2005 02:56
Shit Yeah! The disko daddy will be there!!!!!!!!!! |
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Posted : Dec 12, 2005 10:28
Hi guys.
Sounds Great .Nice one Shamamix. I see artists playing ,who are playing in turkey .What is going on there . we will be arriving around the 24/03/06. According to Nasa the possibility of visibility in Brazil is 4% higher than turkey and It will be a Total Eclipse Guaranteed!!. But if it is cloudy then it may be obsecured or not visible . Same as at every eclipse in the world . It is dependant on mother nature and the clouds. . Are the acts confirmed . Once again Thankyou all involved. Lets make this a special event.
Psy-woof |
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Dec 12, 2005 22:15
Shamamix!! Great one man!!
Just one question.... this will happend just after TF06 - how much will the tickets be - and for how many ppl? U know a lot of us will go to UP and TF... so it will be an expencive begining of the year!!
Ok Best luck and I hope to see you there!!
  "open your might just see that there isn't anything to be seen" |
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Posted : Dec 13, 2005 02:58
Psy Woof where did u see the artists playing on the site? |
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Posted : Dec 14, 2005 02:51
Zoidle, go to the wild artists website click on artist and takes a minute to load.Nice looking line up.