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Earthquake In Japan

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Mar 11, 2011 18:14

On 2011-03-11 17:52, TimeTraveller wrote:
what a bullshit..

          "no one ever sweats on a plug-in" -moby

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Posted : Mar 11, 2011 18:44

On 2011-03-11 17:47, Outolintu wrote:
The main idea behind HAARP is the ability to direct electrons along the naturally occurring magnetic field lines of the Earth and accelerate them to near the speed of light to form a protective shell of highly excited particles that not only block communications worldwide, but destroy missiles and their trajectory as they descend from space......

R U smoking Crack?

HAARP was developed primarily as an alternative means of communication, particularly with submarines. I should know I have been studying and reading about it since 1996.
Jesus where do you get this bullshit from.

Next you will be saying Tesla caused the Tunguska Event in Siberia, and it is a reptilian facing changing conspiracy....

P.s Anyway I just hope my relatives, along with everyone else, out there are okay.

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IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Mar 11, 2011 18:44
Hawaii seems to be ok, just a minor tidal surge. It's now apparently on its way to the Oregon coast.

rip those in Japan.

I think this earthquake was caused by the pollution from unwashed hippies. That's why Shiva made tsunamis happen, to wash them.

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Mar 11, 2011 19:34

On 2011-03-11 14:32, Beat Agency wrote:
Stop the utterly nonsense before you dig an even bigger hole in the ground TimeTraveller. Earthquakes got nothing to do with Pollution or changing climate. OK? Comprende?

And about Pollution. Nothing is a a fact! it's pure speculations. Scientists from NASA says that climate change follow the suns solar winds which also are natural. So stop thinking you got all facts right. You don't. No one has!

man you are so cynical. can't you supress you drive at least once in a topic like that?
this comprendo poser is exactly the kind of behaviour that begs to be stopped.
if nobody has all facts right, then everybody has the right to suggest a perspective. comprendo? nobody needs to stop suggesting perspectives and new vectors of thought. life is short and the vectors of thought might really be the only immaterial thing that is left after us. let us create vectors and perspectives. it is one of the things your ego doesnt appreciate much, right? let other people have their own vector?

this aside, i find the thread really cynical considering how immense this disaster seems to be. and time travellers advice, relax, excuse me, about what?
i wanna have all nucleus power off. then i will relax. why should i relax before that. i refuse to be thrown in the hands of people who decide where my connection to nature ends and where it begins.
Beat Agency
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Mar 11, 2011 19:45

On 2011-03-11 19:34, moki wrote:

On 2011-03-11 14:32, Beat Agency wrote:
Stop the utterly nonsense before you dig an even bigger hole in the ground TimeTraveller. Earthquakes got nothing to do with Pollution or changing climate. OK? Comprende?

And about Pollution. Nothing is a a fact! it's pure speculations. Scientists from NASA says that climate change follow the suns solar winds which also are natural. So stop thinking you got all facts right. You don't. No one has!

man you are so cynical. can't you supress you drive at least once in a topic like that?
this comprendo poser is exactly the kind of behaviour that begs to be stopped.
if nobody has all facts right, then everybody has the right to suggest a perspective. comprendo? nobody needs to stop suggesting perspectives and new vectors of thought. life is short and the vectors of thought might really be the only immaterial thing that is left after us. let us create vectors and perspectives. it is one of the things your ego doesnt appreciate much, right? let other people have their own vector?

this aside, i find the thread really cynical considering how immense this disaster seems to be. and time travellers advice, relax, excuse me, about what?
i wanna have all nucleus power off. then i will relax. why should i relax before that. i refuse to be thrown in the hands of people who decide where my connection to nature ends and where it begins.

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Mar 11, 2011 19:57
Just because everyone has a right to speak their mind doesn't mean that everyone's opinion is worth something. If you do not know anything about the subject matter about which you are speaking, you are not doing anyone any good. You're just spouting bullshit.

So much logical fallacy in this thread its blowing my fucking mind.
           If you want to make an apple pie from must first invent the universe
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Mar 11, 2011 20:22
rest in peace the ones who got taken by this calamity, bless bless

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Posted : Mar 11, 2011 20:29

On 2011-03-11 20:22, minus wrote:
rest in peace the ones who got taken by this calamity, bless bless

Bless bless the child who starves to death every 4 seconds.....
Bless everyone everywhere everytime forever and always. 

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IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Mar 11, 2011 20:55
the child that starves to death every four seconds, even being one of saddest things happening on our planet, is not always dying because any of us was responsible for that. simple: imagine we were not existent - this child would probably still be dying because the parents did not take care to think about a plan of where to take nutrition for their baby. it is mostly an area with many children and not enough food. it is much more a problem of the rational intention of evolution than a problem that we are so much responsible about. or at least those of us who keep their consumption on the lowest tangent possible.
and even if i am wrong, CAN WE COME BACK TO TOPIC NOW? this is a terrible thing happening and cynism is really extremely disturbing. arent you afraid of anything right now? anything that your heart is telling you?

you want another chernobyl??? this situation is really serious in case you dont get it. WE SHOULD GET RID OF NUCLEUS POWER!!!!
this is a product of the fallacy of barely rational human thought.
wow this day is really extreme. i good japanese friend was going to fly back home after six month here and yesterday was her good bye party and now something like that happening . it is so extreme. i dont know how much devastation is there, but i read terrible news about the nucleus.
PRAY. that humanity is less masochistic and hears the call ot its heart.

Beat Agency
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Mar 11, 2011 21:00
There is no nucleus leak! Only speculations - as here! 
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Mar 11, 2011 22:10
There were some boats that got sloshed around here in California by tsunami.

"..the experts predict that many will be sloshed by tsunami’s this evening."

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Mar 11, 2011 22:16
+1 for HAARP reptilian conspiracy.

This is just the beginning folks, hang on tight while 2012 comes with all its glory.


RIP for asian buddies... hope there is a japanic afterlife -_-

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Posts :  743
Posted : Mar 11, 2011 22:32

On 2011-03-11 22:16, aciduss wrote:

This is just the beginning folks, hang on tight while 2012 comes with all its glory.

I'll be smugly stroking my chin at people like you in 2013, when people like you make up some excuse why the eschaton has been postponed.
I'll let you into a secret, the eschaton is a personal/psychological event, not a somesort of hollywood style global disaster.
You can really tell the kids who've not done their homework and used all sides of their brains. 

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IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Mar 11, 2011 22:58

XD is my fun face.

Also i'm no kid, i do homework and use my four side brains XD now shut it while we listen to the following disasters.

Started Topics :  312
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Posted : Mar 11, 2011 23:47
So much bullshit in one thread. Well, by the usual brain fried idiots.
With that said, I hope Japan recovers soon and returns to be the happy and wacky place that it is..           Everyone in the world is doing something without me
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