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Earthquake hits Isratrance Trance section

Solid Snake

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Posted : Mar 18, 2011 00:48
Don't encourage the bad apples, it will only get worse.

We're trying to deal with the situation, however as you might have realized it requires investigation a la depth.

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Mar 18, 2011 00:52

On 2011-03-18 00:40, TimeTraveller wrote:
^fully agree,made the same observation.This is a scene of paradoxes.All this plur does only exist in utopia in the psytrance zones tbh.Or just for a moment on acid maybe

ahaha so true, i smell these rats really well now , might be used... they are as trusty as junkies with no nope and no money to buy some
Inactive User

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Posted : Mar 18, 2011 06:06
yeah , were is the PLUR ?
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Mar 18, 2011 10:26

On 2011-03-18 06:06, mk47 wrote:
yeah , were is the PLUR ?

here           We were born naked & grow up to become wicked.
Evie Grace
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Posted : Mar 18, 2011 21:51
Hi, Evie here, long time reader but never posted here as I always felt it was a close-minded community that was long past its sell by date

Betty Boop (Steve) is my Father

I'm in no way trying to stick up for my Father's actions here, but I feel I must say at least something

Over the years there have been a certain few persons that have very literally had it in for him and he pretty much leaves internet forums alone as a result. Sometimes he pops in and it is the same people time and time again that start to become bullies. Those people are Kristian (Beat Agency), Colin Benun (OOOD), Pavel, Dave and a few unremarkable others. In fact looking at how they treat Moki, I'm not at all surprised that other females do not even bother to use this forum as its intended purpose which is to be a community. There is no community here. Just the same old jaded bullies who make people feel uncomfortable.

My main reason for making this username and contacting you is that I am greatly disturbed by some of the accusations heading my Father's way. Apparantly, Dave was accused of calling Colin a Paedofile and Colin got the Police onto him. Now Colin is accusing my Father of this. You see where this is going. When my father is cleared Colin will accuse someone else etc.

This form of internet bullying is unacceptable. Accusing people of things they have not done.

A small bit of recent history about Dave. He upset Robin Triskelle by accusing her of stealing money by selling some Festival tickets when the Festival was aborted later. Then he added Shane Gobi to that list and upset him for not returning his deposit cash to a failed festival. Colin stopped talking to him (as Triskelle manage Colin) yet they suddenly get together to bash my Father. Strange friends suddenly.

Reading through my Father's posts, I don't see him trolling anyone at all until Kristian started with the single line replies of 'hello steve' and then obviously they all started to send him nasty messages, make snide comments and generally have a high school type party on him, so naturally he is going to flip out on them and get banned.

That does not mean he was a troll.

That means he was trolled and reacted (again). I was looking in most days and a lot of their inflammatory posts were deleted, leaving just his to make him look a fool, which he is not.

Big difference.

Long story short, my Father won't be looking at this forum again, and I probably wont either. We all have lives beyond an internet forum and I don't think they even have internet in Morocco unless they drive 50 miles into Essaouira and use a cafe. I'm lucky if I even get a sms text once a month (but being my age and having my folks trust me with the house is nice)

I was born in Goa and for that I will have eternal thanks to both my parents. Even after my Father was arrested there, he made sure we were safe and looked after. So he isn't the horrible bad person a few people on this forum make him out to be. He even hopped on a flight to Goa knowing he might be arrested for leaving the country before his Supreme Court hearing cleared him to leave after being in Fort Aguada to come and help me out of a silly situation.

I shall leave it there, because I could write a book on this. Just please think before you judge.

Beat Agency
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Mar 18, 2011 22:01
Give me a break. What a incredible stupid rant. I have never had any problems with him ever before the other day where he started on me (and everybody else). I did not even know him before a few days ago. Whatever he told you it's highly delusional and you got the facts totally messed up!

I said "hello Steve" after Pavel mentioned his name in another topic. Your father mentioned my name Kristian (Even though we never met on the forums or in real life) from the first post he directed at me (Yes he started a rant toward me - not the other way around) and I returned it with a "Hello Steve".

Get your facts straight before you accuse people of false things. But what I have learned the past few days is that your father is not a person to be trusted or even taken serious. He seem to have huge issues and so do you!
Evie Grace
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Posted : Mar 18, 2011 22:12
I'm trying hard not to reply as I did expect the Famous Five to get all snarky back

Unfortunately, I have made my own mind up as I said I have been reading this forum since I was 13. Care to explain why you are so nasty to moki? Care to explain why you feel the need to defend yourself?

He didn't tell me anything, I am using my own eyes here

And thank you for judging me and saying I have issues on the back of just 1 post. That was expected, from you.
Beat Agency
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Mar 18, 2011 22:15
Just get your facts straight. Your father was the one starting the rants. Not me or anyone else. No matter what you like to believe or think you know. And as I said I did not know him, his name or anything about him until a few days ago. So stop your petty accusations. You are dead wrong!

I dont defend myself. I just don't think you do yourself a favor accusing people with false accusations.

And you obvious did not read all the now deleted posts (his first one too - the one igniting the whole thing) carefully.

That's all I got to say.

Evie Grace
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Posted : Mar 18, 2011 22:17
please stop trying to talk down to me just because I am 18

you are making it perfectly clear now that you cannot hold a civil conversation, as expected.
Beat Agency
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Mar 18, 2011 22:20
I did not know your age so how can i talk down to you because you are 18?

I just do not like to be accused of things that are wrong. And who is it that talk down to people? You accuse me of having bullied him for years even though I did not even know your Father until a few days ago. If you don't see how you fail here then you are not even worth another reply.

You are the one not being civil. I expect you to be Steve as I refuse to think his Daughter can be this naive. 
Evie Grace
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Posted : Mar 18, 2011 22:27
Well if you perceived what I wrote earlier correctly you would not be getting so defensive.

I said st away that I have no intention of staying here as I see it as a closed forum with jaded people. Not something people my age really associate with.

I don't want to get into any arguments as that is not really my nature, so please stop trying to be so antagonistic. I might be 18, but I can see a troll a mile off.
Beat Agency
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Mar 18, 2011 22:30
LOL whatever you are a lost case talking to. Believe what you think is the truth. Just remember to live what you preach. As of now you point fingers without knowing facts while accusing me of trolling.

This is really my last word in this case as your not worth my time. And no it got nothing to do with your age. 
Evie Grace
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Posted : Mar 18, 2011 22:37
well I guess I should have anticipated the named and shamed ones to attack me so fiercely

I'm not staying, just trying to point out that alot of people here are just as guilty of trolling one another

The beauty of being my age is I can spot a troll instantly. When you're my Father's age you all hum and haa about it for weeks before you make up your minds and then make a half hearted attempt that makes you look stupid

I'm leaving this forum now. I hope you all treat women better in the future but I doubt you will. Being dragged about many fests as a youngster I learnt very fast that psy trance people have no respect for women. Strange scene you have going on there. Still single Kristian? Colin? Pavel? Dave? yep thought so

Colin OOOD
OOOD/Voice of Cod

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Posted : Mar 18, 2011 22:44
Hi Evie, I'm sorry but there are more than a few inaccuracies in what you write.

Triskele does not manage me or OOOD, and has not done for a few years now. It was your father who started rumours about me being a paedophile on another (unmoderated) forum. He also offered £500 to anyone who could give him photographic proof that I had been beaten up. This was potentially particularly damaging for me as I am a music technology tutor working with young people, a fact your father was aware of, and which he clumsily attempted to use in his accusations. These rumours spread to other forums, and in my distress I responded badly to Dave's comment on the matter and mistakenly accused him of being party to the accusations. He and I were already at the time not really on speaking terms over other disagreements relating to the moderation of our home forum (not this one), and this mistake of mine caused the rift in our previous friendship to become a chasm... which I am glad to say we have gradually resolved between us over the past few weeks and months. Dave has been a difficult and volatile character at times, and he would be the first to admit that, but none of us are perfect; because of the nature of our respective characters and wounds I know that at times, he has found me to be as difficult as I have found him.

Anyway: I did not call the police on Dave, and I have never done so on anyone, not even your father, despite the disgusting and (quite rightly) illegal nature of his previous allegations against me - and despite the numerous pieces of advice I received saying that that was absolutely what I should do.

Your father should remember that nothing on the internet is ever truly deleted; despite the fact that I was able to request from various forum admins that his threats and allegations against me were removed to stop them spreading, they are still there, hidden from public view. It would be quite clear to anyone comparing the writing style there with Steve's posts here that they are from the same source, not to mention the fact that they could be traced back to his location at the time.

As far as the kerfuffle on this forum goes, your father responded to an utterly non-descript post of mine on one of his threads (now deleted), with a lengthy character assassination of the kind that I have become used to over the past years in which he has carried out his grudge on me. At this point, yes, I will totally concede that I decided to have fun with him and wind him up. His visits to Isratrance inevitably end up with him blowing his top at anyone who disagrees with him, and particularly me, and I wanted to fast-forward that tedious tedious process and help him get himself banned as quickly as possible. It might not have been the 'best' thing to do, but I've done the 'best' thing so many times, here and elsewhere, and the pattern of his behaviour has not changed... so this time I took a different approach.

I'm sure Steve has been a loving and generous father to you, and is a caring and considerate husband to his wife, your mother, but online I'm afraid the plain truth is HE'S A FUCKING NIGHTMARE. And if your post is the version of the story that he's told you, then I'm very sorry but he's not told you the truth.           Mastering - ::
OOOD 5th album 'You Think You Are' - :: ::
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Beat Agency
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Mar 18, 2011 22:45

On 2011-03-18 21:51, Evie Grace wrote:
Over the years there have been a certain few persons that have very literally had it in for him and he pretty much leaves internet forums alone as a result. Sometimes he pops in and it is the same people time and time again that start to become bullies. Those people are Kristian (Beat Agency)

This is what made me react and object to your accusations. As I have tried to get into your thick skull. I did not know your father before some days ago. Not his name, his internet alias or anything about him. So you are wrong saying I have bullied him before.


On 2011-03-18 21:51, Evie Grace wrote:
Reading through my Father's posts, I don't see him trolling anyone at all until Kristian started with the single line replies of 'hello steve' and then obviously they all started to send him nasty messages, make snide comments and generally have a high school type party on him, so naturally he is going to flip out on them and get banned.

Again your wrong! As I mentioned earlier. I did not know his name until Pavel mentioned it in another topic where your father made the 1st post (surprise). So again you are wrong.
Your father was the one starting to send me message with my name "Kristian". I did not send the 1st message. He did and it was an extremely rude one!

I suggest you get your facts straight before you attack people with false accusation!

I start to question if you are who you say you are and not just Steve with a new user-name. 
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