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Trance Forum » » Forum  Australia & New Zealand - Earthdance Gippsland SEP 22nd 23rd 2012
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Earthdance Gippsland SEP 22nd 23rd 2012


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Posts :  25
Posted : Aug 25, 2012 15:45:15

Line Up for 2012

Namarkkon (Live)
Doc Fil
Olivier Marcello
Mindhertz (Live)
Rainbow Architect (Live)
Loosefingers (Live)
Freaky Frequency
Roger Ramjet
Capt Shiner
Dr Quinn
DJ Petal

Earthdance Gippsland is back for 2012 and here is some info about
this years focus..

Addressing this year's theme, all Earthdance events will focus on causes that work to promote gender equality and empower women, while fostering peace and harmony with each other and our Mother Gaia.

Earthdance believes that increasing women's access to quality education, meaningful employment, land and other resources is vital to the sustainable development and evolution of humanity in the 21st century and beyond.

* Women account for two thirds of the 1.4 billion people currently living in extreme poverty.

* Women make up 64 percent of the 774 million illiterate adults in the world. Globally, 77 percent of women are literate, compared to 87 percent of men.

* Across the globe, 70 per cent of the world's poor are women, women earn less than 10 per cent of the world’s wages – but, women do more than two thirds of the world’s work.

* On average women reinvest 90 per cent of their income into their families while men invest only 30-40 per cent.

Impacting local change on a global scale, each official Earthdance event donates at least 50% of its profit to a local charity. Last year, the Earthdance Global Festival for Peace benefited over 75 international charities for peace, sustainability, and/or social justice. As Earthdance events continue to grow each year, more and more local organizations are gaining traction and exposure in their communities.

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Posts :  25
Posted : Aug 25, 2012 15:46
Here is the Lineup:

Namarrkon is the project of Brian Winter and the storm spirit sacred to the people of Arnhem Land. After sifting through many genres of music Brian’s hunger was finally satisfied when he was introduced to the sweet sounds of psychedelica at the start of millennia. With this his creative musical journey began, drawing inspiration from great artists such as Logic Bomb, Fatali and Protoculture. When producing music Brian feels connected to the land. He draws from the vibrations of the earth creating vast dynamics like that of a storm. The calm, the swelling of the clouds, then moving through the forces of nature; wind, thunder, lightning and rain and finally the feeling of cleansing & rebirth after it has passed. This project is a musical journey into the spaciousness of a sonic soundscape, creating a smooth driving flow, with combinations of many colours and textures. It’s an exploration of how sounds harmonize and react in complex rhythms and patterning. It could best be describes as complexity within subtlety. Namarrkon is sure to get your booty shaking and hopefully a smile aswell.

Doc Fil (Sundance)
Since 2000 dr Fil has been busy playing at and throwing sick trance parties along the east coast of Australia. His style is distinguished and exhibits a slight fondness for epic piano tracks. Fil claims to be able to set up and pack up a wicked party quicker than any other geezer out there. Where top gear has The Stig, Australia has Doc Fil on the decks; he once played a 27 hour set when a plane full of international artists got lost in a volcanic ash cloud. The Doctor is said to own 368 baseball caps; this has yet to be proven. Djing in bars, cafes, clubs and bush parties for more than a decade. The Doc has played varied styles of electronic music from deep house, drum and bass to trance. In 2006 Fil started playing for one of the worlds earliest and longest running underground trance labels (SunDance)and now recently joined with the team at TesseracT studios. The Doc is excited to be able to showcase this uplifting, powerful, melodic trance to all the dancers on the floor.

Also known as Trolley, Wayne has been involved with Melbourne's psychedelic trance community for over ten years. In that time he's performed at many events including Earthcore, Tribeadelic, Rainbow Serpent Festival, Royal Doof, Alien Earth, Imajica, and countless others... Although he's tried to give away the game several times, his love of music keeps drawing him back, and over the past couple of years he's developed a style and a collection of music that is unique. All the best elements of psychedelic and progressive trance make Wayne's sets a convergence of genres that are super-charged and super-funky at the same time...
Get ready for an unforgettable dance floor experience.

SORCERESS plays a range of electronic beats, featuring styles such as progressive/tech house, tribal progressive trance, and just damn good techno………. With her roots deeply seeded in trance & house however, and a mixing journey that began in year 2000, there will often be the driving sound of the Swedish Nord Lead heard throughout her sets fused with new progressive rhythms and analogue synth melodies. Her prog house & trance sound fusion is best described by European influence and musical mentor, Peter Juergens as straight “progressive.” With this classy style themed throughout her act, be sure to hear plenty of deep driving bass lines, clicky rhythms, and inspiring melodies with an up beat progressive flow to suit day or night. May the Sorceress be with you!

Deutronium (Lucid Realms)
Dave Deutronium has a distinct sound that is lush, melodic and uplifting, across a broad tempo range. His sets are all about illustrating the difference that exists between two terms that are often (and unfairly) used interchangeably - ‘melodic’ and ‘cheese’. No cheese here – just contemporary, melodic and chunky psy and progressive at its finest

Mindhertz is Dan from the Yarra Valley in Victoria.
He was first introduced into the Psy Community in 2002 and was instantly hooked by the outdoor sound. Two years later, he began DJ'ing and after mastering the decks he wanted more. In 2005 he started writing his own brand of slamming full on 150 bpm melodic psy/goa trance under the name Mindhertz .
In 2005, Dan co-founded PsyEvolutions with his little bro Jubz and began running outdoor and club events in and around Melbourne
PsyEvolutions is dedicated to supporting Australia's very own Local talent mainly focusing on live electronic music and are responsible for events such as, Local produce, Free noise, Roket and Gateways to name a few. Dan has played LIVE outdoor sets alongside world renowned artists such as Shift, Twisted System, Andromeda, Headroom, Dark Nebula, Luke Psywalker, Artifakt and Broken Toy

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Posts :  25
Posted : Aug 25, 2012 15:47
Dj Kundalini – GreenAnt Melbourne

Kundalini is a versatile DJ and visionary Installation Artist who has contributed to the development of and been actively involved in the Psychedelic Dance Music Culture in Melbourne for almost 20 years. She is one of Australia’s longstanding and seasoned female DJ’s, who has djed at most of the high profile Dance Parties and Electronic Music festivals in Australia as well as played at Music festivals and Clubs internationally . Kundalini’s sets are a spiralling, uplifting journey, with a devotion to connect and share her love and passion for funked up, Psychedelic, mind bending psytrance music.
Kundalini has been involved with Earthdance since its inception in Melbourne in 1997. She has also played at Earthdance in India and Cairns and is committed to the events unique concepts of uniting dance floors all over the world in love and peace and raising peoples conscious awareness of humanitarian causes. It is an honor to be invited to play at this years Earth Dance festival.

DJ Krusty - GreenAnt Melbourne
DJ Krusty:- performed and headlined in clubs, events and festivals all over Australia and the globe. He has produced, composed and released psychedelic techno music:- as House of Pagan Christians & Organic Madjik. Creative Director / Owner Manager of the independent dance and electronic music and events label Green Ant. Independent Music Industry:- Creative Producer and Director of both Earthcore & Rainbow Serpent outdoor Electronic Music, Arts and Lifestyle Festivals.

Sylph (Rudy), has been surrounded by and loved music for as long as he can remember, donning blue face-paint and dancing around as a Smurf at 3 in a pre-school pantomime, falling asleep to his parents eclectic records after Disney and a bath, playing keyboards in original grade 6 band “the Rad Rats”...

Olivier Marcello
Originally from the party island of Mauritius, Olivier Marcello began his dj career spinning deep and progressive house vinyls since 2000 which was only the beginning of his years of experience on the circuit. From there on he has accumulated an expertise which allows him to take the audience on unforgettable psychedelic journeys. His dj sets are influenced by atmospheric feelings. His mixes are distinctive in the way they are driven by layers of effects and rolling twisted minimal sounds. While performing Olivier gets very creative and always finds room for new and experimental musical directions which illustrates to the audience how “crispy” and “punchy” progressive techno can be.

Rainbow Architect (Lucid Realms)

Loosefingers (Universal Dance)
Loosefingers is the Psychedelic Trance project of Alby Pickstock, based in Melbourne Australia.His unique style of Morning Psychedelic Trance evokes happiness on the dance floor, with his uplifting melodic synth lines, punchy crisp basslines, lush pads, and snappy percussion. With new sights set on the horizon Alby brings to you his debut E.P. " Chemical Symmetry" An uplifting morning psytrance release with full tilted waves of energy and depth perception, ready to rock the dance floor.

Freaky Frequency
Freaky Frequency is Dee Ali, from Karachi, Pakistan who lives in Melbourne Australia, and is a new comer in the Progressive and Psy Trance scene. In 2005 he started compiling uplifting trance sets which led him to the beautiful and magical world of psytrance. He started to get the itch, and the only way to deal with it was to start making music, so after experimenting with different projects in 2011 Freaky Frequency came to life.

Roger Ramjet - Lucid Realms
Separated from the rest of the crew after the starship crashed when the improbability drive failed, he's been DJing in tapas bars, seedy clubs, dirty warehouse and wild bush parties for more than two decades. He's been crusading since '89 infiltrating the National Capital's underground, bringing The Prodigy to town to play with, pioneering the foundations for the future through club nights Voodoo, RAW and Smile, and the Experience Parties. Adelaide was goaled for a night, Peace Train came to town, and then came the metamorphosis production "Rave Nation". There were rumours of his assimilation of Coffs Harbour, before he sabotaged Byron Bay and Brisbane. Down over the rough waters of Bass Straight Launceston was captured, and Sydney was broadcast around the globe. He can still be heard on rare occasions on playing it old skool. There's word of an adventure to London after the End of the World. With his needles and ancient black plastique, a well known black box, and the wheels of steel he eminates deep froody minimal beats, with elements of techno and trance in sets of groovy waves that climb to crescendos and drop away to smooth breaks, and interwoven warm basslines with bright brassy sounds, sweeping vocals and atmospheric sound clouds mashed with sweet keys.

Cpt Shiner
At the fuzziest end of the sonic spectrum, where reverb starts to melt into delay and leaves sticky crystalline deposits on the insides of speaker cones, you'll find Captain Shiner. Combining a misty-eyed love of sounds past with a seventh-gear fascination with sounds future, Shiner fuses music without taxonomy and threads a groove united by one core principle: psychedelia. As a long-time as-good-as-resident at Tribeadelic, he's been solidly at the centre of the Melbourne psychedelic scene since many of us were still in short trousers, including a period at the helm of the legendary Monkey Island. Officially "too weird to play in Malta", Captain Shiner brings to the table a passion for contained melody with a wide, expansive journey from start to finish.

Dr Quinn
Originally from Darwin NT, Quinn has been composing original music since the age of 14, having since played various instruments, she has recently developed a soft spot for electronic music. Now based in melbourne. She's been producing for the past two years, and has focussed on creating psychedelic electronica. Quinn's set compiles of her own tracks, highly approved tracks, samples collected from various sources and loops. Between, Dark and Melodic, whether its fast or slow, her music always aims for suspense and intrigue

DJ Petal (Lucid Realms)

Repsycooled (Lucid Realms)

More info will be up soon and if you would like to volunteer for this year please let us know.

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Posts :  25
Posted : Aug 26, 2012 04:28
For more info look for Earthdance Gippsland @

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Posts :  25
Posted : Sep 5, 2012 09:19

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Posts :  25
Posted : Sep 9, 2012 13:18
Flyer out now so come look at facebook or oztrance
Trance Forum » » Forum  Australia & New Zealand - Earthdance Gippsland SEP 22nd 23rd 2012
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