E-Clip - Shuma (Yellow Sunshine Explosion, 2011)
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Sep 7, 2011 12:08:01
E-Clip - Shuma
Yellow Sunshine Explosion, 2011
1. Life Is Enough
2. Asia Tribe
3. Crow
4. New Level Of Being
5. Chandra
6. Reactor
7. Nostalgic
8. Existence
9. Cosmic Energy
A Serbian artist named Marko Radovanovic (a.k.a. Radule) created his album called "Shuma", which he released via Yellow Sunshine Explosion under the nickname E-Clip. Once an artist connected with the likes of such labels as TesseracTsudio, Iono Music and Blue Tunes Recordings, he delivers vibes from the progressive psytrance genre in a smooth way. People who know these labels and their releases should already be aware what to expect on this CD. Moreover, one can feel evident full-on influences in his output, which should not be a surprise when taking into consideration the fact that earlier Marko was active as a full-on producer under the name Beyondecliptica. "Shuma" delivers very good material, worthy of its beautiful emerald cover. I was a bit afraid that the album will be made in similar vain to music by the omnipresent crew of Zyce, Flegma, Sideform and Nerso, who plunged deep into clichés many times repeatedly. Indeed, one can hear a lot of connections and similarities, even inspirations as far as their style is concerned, but the album has its own vibe and the mixture of progressive majesty and full-on power in proper proportions gives a good result. There is this intangible "thing" which cuts off this album from many other standard releases of this type. This "thing" enabled me and still enables to come back to this album time and again, which I consider to be a big success. When establishing the order of tracks on this album, the artist was seemingly guided by the rule conceived by the master Alfred Hitchcock, that is starting with an earthquake and building up the tension. One of my favorite tracks on this album, namely "Life Is Enough", is a perfect example of such earthquake in music terms. Just play it and take a deep dive into waves of psy-progressive power, best in connection to the evening sun at some summer festival. The tracks are well-built, nothing is random here. Along with this idea, Marko emphasizes a correctly established introduction, well-built core and non-absorbing ending. True, E-Clip works within the lines of a certain pattern, but on the other hand one does not need some amazing twists and turns at every moment if we want to get in tune with the music and trance out - this is what this music does in a great way. If we add an undisputed load of energy to the whole thing, we end up with a package one cannot disregard. Well done, mr Radovanovic.
Templar / http://www.psytrance.pl
  www.ektoplazm.com/2011/panta-deus - download for free Psytrance.pl's 10th anniversary compilation featuring 100% Polish psy-music (goa, prog, dark, full-on, chillout): Artha, Sundial Aeon and many more
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IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Jan 5, 2012 18:25
C'mon people this album deserves at least a few comments Track nostalgic brings back the memories of la la land... Overall,this is a great album IMHO. |
IsraTrance Senior Member
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Posted : Jan 7, 2012 13:11
Yes one of the best progressive albums of 2011.
Asia Tribe, New Level Of Being, Nostalgia are Sheer Psychedelic tunes. !
More OF e-clip this year.
  “What we need is the development of the Inner Spiritual man, the unique individual, whose treasure is hidden in the symbols of our mythological tradition and in man’s unconscious psych.” - CJ Jung |
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Jan 8, 2012 16:26
Great album! |
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Posted : Jan 12, 2012 19:57
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Feb 4, 2012 11:06
Definitely one of the best albums of the year! Really love the atmosphere and the driving beats.
  soundcloud.com/supergroover |