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Trance Forum » » Forum  Unidentified - DVLSS?
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IsraTrance Full Member
Started Topics :  116
Posts :  1219
Posted : Mar 23, 2010 23:14:44
I saw this name in a tracklist and I googled and was only able to find albums in .rar files on blogs. He/she/them is/are not even listed on discogs!

Then someone pointed out to me that one of their tracks sounds suspiciously like a Xerox & Illumination song.

Here for you to judge:

Can anyone translate "Rogdestvenskaja Skazka"? I'm curious...

Also, if anyone knows who this DVLSS character is and where one can legally get their songs, I would be interested.
Maine Coon
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  12
Posts :  1659
Posted : Mar 24, 2010 01:54
"Christmas fairytale"

The transliteration they use is strange. "Rozhdestvenskaya" would be closer to how it actually sounds ("zh" = French "j"; English examples would be "s" in "usual" or "decision").

I just googled him. It seems like it's a guy from Moscow (greater Moscow area, actually) by the name Aleksey Krylov. The only thing I could find about him is that he was born on August 15, 1978 and that he likes electronic music (psy trance in particular) and writes mostly for the purpose of self-education. Some of his stuff is available as WAV or FLAC, supposedly from himself.

Don't know whether any of this is true. Can be sure only about the title translation

Trance Forum » » Forum  Unidentified - DVLSS?
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