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Dumbing down of music depending on size of audience


Started Topics :  40
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Posted : Nov 23, 2009 16:42:22
Hi All

I recently went to the largest psy-trance festival Ive ever been to having moved to Cape Town recently - ______________.
What immediately struck me was the very strange configuration of the dancers, i.e. standing in concentric hemispheres around the stage. Pretty cool. The video playing behind the dj was going on about attaining a higher consciousness... all of us together, which I thoroughly cheered. YAY!
The awesomeness of the "herbalist" in helping me out with some natural "herb" was beyond question.

But what struck me was how the music in between roundabout 23:00 and 04:00 (that's when I went to sleep) was an almost identical never changing bass kick line with subtle differences only in the squigglies. The only difference between live artists and dj's being the elevating presence of complete silence in between tracks that were being dj'ed.

This show reminded me of the stand-up comedian dave cook, who is great in small audiences when he isn't afraid of provoking the crowd, but dumbs down his whole act to jokes-for-stupid-people for large audiences. Basically to entertain but not provoke.

Id like to know if anyone else notices this in psy. Basically, do large parties dumb down the music in order to please the drugged plebs who get mentally masturbated in concenctric circles by vague and nebulous aphorisms, and repetitive bass while consuming alcohol and tofu. Any comments?

That said I'm definitely going back. Its a nice vibe of happy carefree people. And if the music is nice I'l be pleasantly surprised. Holding thumbs.

Also very seriously, I ask this question because its becoming more and more acutely prominent as I explore the scene, Is it possible to enjoy big event psy trance music without drugs? Because I know there is good psy out there, which is provocative and immersive while requiring no drugs... Im just progressively faced with the reality that none of it gets played at the big parties.

Yeah Yeah. Rant off.
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Nov 23, 2009 16:55
I haven't noticed this at all. However, I haven't been going to parties for that long and the attendance range of psy parties I've gone to is like 20-1500.

At least they didn't play cheesy stuff .  - Midwest based psytrance group
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Nov 23, 2009 17:26
big festivals cater for the mass usually (there are exceptions) so yes it might be dumbed down a little imho.

It is very much possible to enjoy a festival drugfree although i can't remember if i have ever done so I know people who do though (unless you mean they should also be alcohol and weed free, than i don't know any people going drugfree).

Munty munt munt
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Posted : Nov 23, 2009 17:32
Just goes to show its about the drugs and not the music.
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Nov 23, 2009 17:52
I think if you can't enjoy a festival without drugs, you're in the wrong scene. They should simply enhance the experience, not be the only reason you enjoy it.  - Midwest based psytrance group
Martian Arts

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Posted : Nov 23, 2009 18:57
I haven't been to a large trance festival for a couple of years, not them big summer ones that last for a week+.
The reason I don't stumble upon music that does not provoke my mind as well as driving my feet, is because I check the line up before I attend a party. Apart from keeping up to date with my favourite artists, I also check the music that people I haven't heard of before and are included in the line up, will play.

Its a simple process really, necessary in order to avoid going to parties were people will play a lot of cheese, or silly madness, that I don't like.

As far as drugs are concerned...I don't think about it too much, if I feel like it and/or my mates are up for it, I'll get on the case. Not because I can't enjoy the music if I am not stoned, but just because I wanna loosen up and because I enjoy loosing control for a good few hours.  
Inner Demon

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Posted : Nov 23, 2009 19:30

On 2009-11-23 18:57, disco hooligans wrote:
I haven't been to a large trance festival for a couple of years, not them big summer ones that last for a week+.
The reason I don't stumble upon music that does not provoke my mind as well as driving my feet, is because I check the line up before I attend a party. Apart from keeping up to date with my favourite artists, I also check the music that people I haven't heard of before and are included in the line up, will play.

Its a simple process really, necessary in order to avoid going to parties were people will play a lot of cheese, or silly madness, that I don't like.

As far as drugs are concerned...I don't think about it too much, if I feel like it and/or my mates are up for it, I'll get on the case. Not because I can't enjoy the music if I am not stoned, but just because I wanna loosen up and because I enjoy loosing control for a good few hours.


IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Nov 23, 2009 23:59

On 2009-11-23 18:57, disco hooligans wrote:
I haven't been to a large trance festival for a couple of years, not them big summer ones that last for a week+.
The reason I don't stumble upon music that does not provoke my mind as well as driving my feet, is because I check the line up before I attend a party. Apart from keeping up to date with my favourite artists, I also check the music that people I haven't heard of before and are included in the line up, will play.

Its a simple process really, necessary in order to avoid going to parties were people will play a lot of cheese, or silly madness, that I don't like.

As far as drugs are concerned...I don't think about it too much, if I feel like it and/or my mates are up for it, I'll get on the case. Not because I can't enjoy the music if I am not stoned, but just because I wanna loosen up and because I enjoy loosing control for a good few hours.

well said
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Nov 24, 2009 02:22
yeah im with Disco here aswell...
tough sometimes the location can be a big factor..
and if there are jams to attend to
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Nov 24, 2009 02:36
Was that the MMD/Beartrap party Bukaboy?

I don't think it's dumbing down the music, rather consistency that keeps the night time vibe going. For me, the music starts settling in more as the soundscape for my own experiences - like a soundtrack - rather than straight up dance music. It's actually the only form of electronic dance music that does this for me.

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Nov 24, 2009 02:54
Whatever Disco said. And I am the one drugfree on most of the parties, including alcohol and weed, the music is what makes me dance. Lately, you'll rarely see me dancing at parties though. Since I moved to Canada it became almost impossible to enjoy a party unless you make it yourself. They play techno along with trance I don't necessarily like... I feel like they are going downhill here, well we will try to bring it back now. And yes, I see a lot of drugged out parties with shit playing from PA's. I really feel for you, and I come from a similar ground, where we were making the parties the way we wanted in Latvia, and they were awesome, small but very good. I assume if you want to go commercial, you have to deal with shit, if not, just do your thing that you enjoy! It's very sad that this is happening           Monitoring devices, know where you go
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IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Nov 24, 2009 04:59

On 2009-11-23 17:32, Munty munt munt wrote:
Just goes to show its about the drugs and not the music.

Um, how?
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Nov 24, 2009 05:33
just goes to show YOU notice drugs more than the music ?

Its all in out heads. U can always look the other side .
the daleks
The Daleks

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Posted : Nov 24, 2009 08:51

On 2009-11-23 16:42:22, bukboy wrote:

going on about attaining a higher consciousness... all of us together, which I thoroughly cheered. YAY!

you're not going 'hippie' on us, are you bukboy??


big events and clubs in general dumb down by default. but you also get some of the bigger artists and talent so it kind of balances out. i like to mix my event diet with mostly small parties and the occasional big one, for this reason
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The Daleks :
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Posted : Nov 24, 2009 10:21

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