OMG...if I didnt know better, I would have thought this was an SNL parody...
Damn you Alex.
You mentioned a SNL parody and just out of curiosity, I opened it.
What a disgrace!!
i think they try to make it the states.. since its big over there!
they will make country music if it sells..
i can understand they want to make money.. but i cant understand how can they do it with mediocre too bad music.
they try to get out of their comfort zone.. but fail miserably so far. and still psy fans generates the most income for them.
IsraTrance Senior Member
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Posted : Feb 14, 2012 19:44
I hate it.
And it is even worse than eurotrance, much worse.
Mushroom Hunters
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Posted : Feb 14, 2012 19:47
I tried it, didn't like it at all!
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Feb 14, 2012 19:51
To answer question.... hate it, especially as it grows and grows.
but if you wanna talk about it, anyone remember this monster?
One of the last big hits of the 90s club scene so if dubstep is defined as club music it didn't really evolve much in the last 12 years (though can say the same for a lot of trance).
So if you can't deal with the midrange wobble but still want to give it a chance look more leftfield. Labels like Hyperdub, Planet Mu and DMZ (for the oldschool ragga stuff).
For the psychedelic crowd there is always psystep coming out of Oz which is some of the most badass music out there.
Then of course there's an infinite amount of post sound out there that can't be pinned down. IDM, dubtech, postdubstep, callitwhatyouwant ... stongly believe that if there is evolution in music happening it's happening in a big way in there somewhere. Heck the Monolake guys invented Ableton from their ideas of live gigs.
Silicon sound
Silicon Sound
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Posted : Feb 14, 2012 20:46
On 2012-02-14 12:49, pr0fane wrote:
The only stuff I've really liked has been some tracks from Monolake/T++, 2562, Applebim, Shackleton bordering into minimal, techno and dubtechno. Wouldn't call it strictly dubstep though.
+1 !
Shed, Shackleton.. This is the dubstep I love..Deep & massive.. but yes, the complete opposite to Skrillex & cie.
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Posted : Feb 14, 2012 22:40
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Feb 14, 2012 23:31
On 2012-02-14 20:46, Silicon sound wrote:
On 2012-02-14 12:49, pr0fane wrote:
The only stuff I've really liked has been some tracks from Monolake/T++, 2562, Applebim, Shackleton bordering into minimal, techno and dubtechno. Wouldn't call it strictly dubstep though.
+1 !
Shed, Shackleton.. This is the dubstep I love..Deep & massive.. but yes, the complete opposite to Skrillex & cie.
Apparently, whatever it is Skrillex is doing is considered "bro-step" now, and not dub-step (at least that is what i read somewhere). Which would make that IM song in the video above bro-step. Or retarded bro-step with a bad israeli accent...
I think it all went wrong when the classic dubstep sound that started the genre was cross-bred with Electro-House a la Deadmau5 and Wolfgang Gartner and they started to wobble the mids, and not the bass freqencies. And the result is bro-step.
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IsraTrance Senior Member
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Posted : Feb 14, 2012 23:54
I think its really good actually.Sometimes it gets to much but sometimes psy does to like when u something so unoriginal.Psy is a personal experience no matter when u listen to it i feel like while dubstep can only be enjoyed by parties.
The Greatest Sophistication is figuring out how not to be sophisticated
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Posted : Feb 15, 2012 00:31
I've stopped hating music I don't "get". I don't really get most dubstep. The wobble is a bit too boring. But there's some dubstep I can dig but it's mostly the dubby stuff. Dubstep doesn't belong on the dancefloor. It's just not dancable music.
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Posted : Feb 15, 2012 02:43
I enjoy it
Everyone in the world is doing something without me
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Posted : Feb 15, 2012 06:04
well, here we go again qith the same problem, its not the music in fact, there are awesome dubstep or music who ppl call dubstep besause it seems (because ppl loves to put subgenre) the problem is that is becoming mainstream and now ignorant people without identity are turning into "dubstep" and says dubstep its the real deal and other music sucks, the same passed with progressive, minimal, tech house etc, its the same stupid human behavior and what is the result of that stupid behavior? trash like skrilex.
"The world is how you see it"
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Feb 15, 2012 17:49
On 2012-02-15 06:04, lord_bhairava wrote:
well, here we go again qith the same problem, its not the music in fact, there are awesome dubstep or music who ppl call dubstep besause it seems (because ppl loves to put subgenre) the problem is that is becoming mainstream and now ignorant people without identity are turning into "dubstep" and says dubstep its the real deal and other music sucks, the same passed with progressive, minimal, tech house etc, its the same stupid human behavior and what is the result of that stupid behavior? trash like skrilex.
the other genres you named only became popular within the electronic dance music scene.
It's a totally diferent story if it goes really mainstream, at you know Grammy's and MTV.
"The dedication to repetition — the search for nirvana in a single held tone or an endlessly cycling rhythm — is one of electronic music's noblest gestures."
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Posted : Feb 15, 2012 18:01
I enjoy bro step as well. It's stupid, not very sophisticated but it has that energy and silliness I really enjoy
Everyone in the world is doing something without me
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Posted : Feb 15, 2012 20:32
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Posted : Feb 15, 2012 23:33
I'm not a fan of Dubstep..I come from a Happy Hardcore background, so I'm used to having bad taste =P but
Every dubstep track seems to revolve around big wobbly bassy drops...I'm not really a fan of those to begin with so I don't enjoy it. The more dubby stuff I would probably enjoy a lot more but I'm not interested enough to dig for it.