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Dub Step at Psytrance Parties And Festivals What is the Connection?


Started Topics :  36
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Posted : May 29, 2010 15:56
I love it..and prefer it at our events..period lol.            WARNING: The Reality Master General has determined that Mr. Vomit may significantly alter your reality. Usage of the knowledge provided by Mr. Vomit may be perceived as dangerous and subversive by those in authority.
Hero #1
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : May 29, 2010 16:21


wobble makes lost my psy stomp period

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Posted : May 29, 2010 19:15

On 2010-05-28 07:56, vaxination wrote:
there are alot of psy producers that are dabbling in dubstep, so I think that means the quality standards and psychedelic creativity in the genre should be leaping forward

what, you mean dubstep is also going to start sounding like gabber? 

Started Topics :  2
Posts :  262
Posted : May 29, 2010 19:42

On 2010-05-29 19:15, nod wrote:

On 2010-05-28 07:56, vaxination wrote:
there are alot of psy producers that are dabbling in dubstep, so I think that means the quality standards and psychedelic creativity in the genre should be leaping forward

what, you mean dubstep is also going to start sounding like gabber?

we could be so lucky ; ]           .:.vaxination.:.
esoteric generation/beatnik productions
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : May 29, 2010 19:42

On 2010-05-29 19:15, nod wrote:

On 2010-05-28 07:56, vaxination wrote:
there are alot of psy producers that are dabbling in dubstep, so I think that means the quality standards and psychedelic creativity in the genre should be leaping forward

what, you mean dubstep is also going to start sounding like gabber?

Just wait till they come out with dub-style. 3/4 brostep, most likely to originate from Holland. 

Started Topics :  2
Posts :  262
Posted : May 29, 2010 20:12
yea brostep will really lead the revolution

I nominate pretty lights to start the trend.. they are already almost there, and definately look the part.

dubstep with cheesy disco funk hooks and lots of led panels and glowsticks.. YEA!
esoteric generation/beatnik productions

Started Topics :  3
Posts :  270
Posted : May 29, 2010 20:12

On 2010-05-29 19:42, hardkornate wrote:

Just wait till they come out with dub-style. 3/4 brostep, most likely to originate from Holland.

as long as they can do the gabber dance!

most dutch dubstep that i've heard is actually more on the garage/techno side of the spectrum...2562, martyn, etc. 

Started Topics :  2
Posts :  262
Posted : May 29, 2010 20:16
maybe the techno viking will return as prophesied

I hear hes returned from the hobbit protection journey
esoteric generation/beatnik productions

Started Topics :  2
Posts :  262
Posted : May 29, 2010 20:17

On 2010-05-29 20:12, nod wrote:

On 2010-05-29 19:42, hardkornate wrote:

Just wait till they come out with dub-style. 3/4 brostep, most likely to originate from Holland.

as long as they can do the gabber dance!

most dutch dubstep that i've heard is actually more on the garage/techno side of the spectrum...2562, martyn, etc.

I always wondered how they made gabber fun over there.. this looks vastly entertaining           .:.vaxination.:.
esoteric generation/beatnik productions
IsraTrance Junior Member
Started Topics :  32
Posts :  376
Posted : May 29, 2010 21:03

On 2010-05-29 20:17, vaxination wrote:

On 2010-05-29 20:12, nod wrote:

On 2010-05-29 19:42, hardkornate wrote:

Just wait till they come out with dub-style. 3/4 brostep, most likely to originate from Holland.

as long as they can do the gabber dance!

most dutch dubstep that i've heard is actually more on the garage/techno side of the spectrum...2562, martyn, etc.

I always wondered how they made gabber fun over there.. this looks vastly entertaining

All the dances I've seen that were inspired by hardcore are pretty epic. Don't frget the shuffle...

lady seals

Started Topics :  5
Posts :  76
Posted : May 30, 2010 04:38
I am glad that this discussion was started as I've been witnessing dubstep rise in popularity in: 1) my jamband friends 2) psytrance friends 3) raver friends.

Personally, I am exactly like Will, there. I show no disrespect and am open-minded to acquire tastes in music. I just don't like it (dubstep). I might one day. Actually, it took me quite a while to acquire a taste for psytrance herself. Now, folks, I love DUB. Mm.

Boy, 9 pages took a while to read/ skim. However, like I said, I got some good insight as I've been curious about the topic. There were some good points made in this discussion. Thank you.

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Posted : May 30, 2010 21:13
Hello... Huh? is this thing on? testing testing... I'm sorry, I've only read this page, not much time to read all 9 pages... Interesting that i came here on page 9, last time i had something not to say... i used the pages in refection towards chakras, active mediation, Dimensions of the mind wif the 13 tones per channel, Circuits of Consciousness, hidden variables at Quantum levels, social structures, punk rock, 2012 blah blah blah to support my language gap in communication as if I'm from Earth... Now it's different, it's page 9, this is where i start.. WTF is 9? oh yeah, i remember... Vedic Mathematics dealing wifs Pattern Recognition... fux yeah, hell no... Zero need to bore youens wifs my empty brain nor do i dare challenge the Global Brain to weaken myself into withered nothingness

What's the connection? This is a question I've asked myself many year ago's while working border patrol to support efforts wif Command Central's wellness centers protection plans towards illegal immigration. So we could do our research in private without the nuisance of mainstream ideas to stop our underground fun. Who were these illegal's I asked... They said House music, Drum-n-Bass, Hip Hop, Reggae, Techno and Jam band's... Fuck yeah, hell yeah... Then I said, but have they not glorified themselves into dubbzy wubbzy stepp, which is something you approve of? Wow!!! That job became available real quick, i walked out requesting more anal probes and an advancement in pay to be able to afford many colon hydro-therapies to wash the shit out they been feeding me. I didn't get fired if you wondering... They C.A.N.T. fire me, they need me around, I know their secrets...

How do you like your bacon? Limp or hard? Or rather you have fakin bakin, tempeh style, without the murder or none of it because it emulates eating meat?

REALLY? no, seriously... I'm joking, I make no sense, me is super mental, too far left field... Fux!!! Maybe out of the ball park like off topic and shitz... butt's me has noticed the American Underground Movement hasn't done zero since 2007, for this very reason, not "connecting the god damn dots". Oops, sorry Al Jourgensen for not getting your permission to use your words. Maybe their trying something new... wrong thread...perhaps i should stop joking? Evoking laughter may violate other peoples personal space who don't find humor wif lizzard nut's splattered across their wind shields...

Me's is only try'ins to provide youens another benefit to increase blood flow to the heart and lungs...I'm just kidding, no.. Really...My gang, a different pack of rats u'wens taint met but they already in your heads, been there since u'ins was born... My gang will get you, oops, sorry Jim Morrison for not getting your permission to use your words... wait... wasn't it the Doors who said it? Or was i going in through the out door, Fux!!! sorry Led Zeppelin for not getting your permission to use your material...

Really, I'm just some freak joy who stopped evolving but your gang will get you.. They wishes to change this chemical imbalance wif dub step and step back, sit down, get sponged and cross stitch, lounge, sip drinks, really chill like fall asleep... No, I'm just joking, I'm not so much into the step myself... It's a better alternative to always having Psybient at events, way too many flowers growing in that garden of sound, hey, I'm a darkie, what can't i say? What's the alternative to dubbzy wubbzy, slambient? I enjoy the dub step that i hear once in a while running at about 150 - 160 bpm, there has been a homework assignment given out to all dub step producer to make more 150 - 160 bpm dubbzy. Now that really puts the step in my dubbz...The current dub step that i hear, frankly, i can dance to in my sleep while resting to trance dance some more... Please keep in mind my wires got crossed a long times ago, me thinks 240bpm is chill out... hell yeah, fux yeah!!!

Anyways, no more rant, let's breakout the balancing stick... Tuladandasana is a very easy posture but really hard to achieve its full benefits at first.. it gives you a mini heart attack, which is something you have earned...

Don't get me wrong if you are, i enjoy dub step at the parties i support, i would even book this sound.

Why allow only dubbz into our world? Are we special? Outside our little bitty box of what we call trance is dubbzy.. Mr. Dubb, the six timing whore, count them, (1)House music, (2)Drum-n-Bass, (3)Hip Hop, (4)Reggae, (5)Techno and (6)Jamband's... Since i like numbers, lets count us as (7)seven, it brings things into my safe zone for mixing out of here... really, I'm only seriously fooling around wasting my time and ur'ins for even reading this nonsense.

Bacon is a bit salty, that's why i dip it in chocolate

So we invite the dubb steppers in our box at massive levels, why not? It's already here...Its just now getting notice by some of us... We don't invite the root 6 immigrants but we do within dubbz, the ones who don't like psytrance... you know the ones I'm talking about, they don't even like electronic music but they like the dubbzie wubbies or they just don't like psytrance... Are we ready for change America? Our little private fun times is gonna be filled wif non believers in our little trance dance... Oh that's right, we enjoy seeing new people getting turned on to what we do.. What do we do? In the other six groups eyes, they think we keep them out because we're elitist jerks or crazy... why don't we just cut out all the bullshit drama and invite (1)House music, (2)Drum-n-Bass, (3)Hip Hop, (4)Reggae, (5)Techno and (6)Jam band's along wif (7)dub step... include us into this equation making (8)psytrance...Don't even let me get started on the crazy 8's...I'll drop my cookies.

Pranayama Breathing also make a connection... it's a correction in how we breathe... Helps show the difference between the soul and ego.. Energy.. all we need is love, oops, sorry for sounding like the Beatles...

Let's turn the world on to what we do, not let them change what we found...

The Snake eats its own tail

Instead of saying I'm sorry to the artist whose words i used, i will quote this next record because I'm about to get gangster :

"You think you know me, Nigga, you don't know me" - 50 Cent

Now press play, lets get our dubbz on...

***The above rant is nothing but a thoughtless rant, pay it no mind***

There is a connection with dub step, it houses ideas our founding fathers didn't didn't want us to share the dance wif, we have evolved since then. Welcome them here as if it's their home wif open arms. Personally as my entertainment, i do not and will not ever play the current mainstreams sounds of Dub Step as a dj. As a commercial sure, i have no plans too but i shouldn't close off that idea just yet since it will get to a better sound as it keeps evolving. Remember!!! What most call chill out music really freaks me out, i have to dance 3 times as hard to feel free, wears me out... I know exactly how them peeps feel who say my shit is too fast and can't dance to it but i'm differnt, me can dance to anything... no seriously, I'm kidding

Now if you will excuse me as i exit here to go back to life and enjoy the fireworks that it offers

"If You Always Think What You've Always Thought, You Will Always Feel What You've Always Felt"
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  22
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Posted : May 30, 2010 22:22

^^ Who read that entire post? honest....

I made it about three-quarters of the way (...through the first paragraph)
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : May 31, 2010 01:17
I got halfway personally. Unfortunately for me.            If you want to make an apple pie from must first invent the universe
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : May 31, 2010 03:15
keep "dubstep dj's" off the decks at a psytrance event, PLEASE! i think that sound is alright, but it just seems like what drunk british kids listen to in pubs and clubs.....or on the way to pubs and clubs.

get real psychedelic djs (NOT "trance djs") to handle the side stages at a trance fest. you'll still hear some dubstep influece, but not 2 straight hours of the brown note

Trance Forum » » Forum  North America - Dub Step at Psytrance Parties And Festivals What is the Connection?
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