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Dub Step at Psytrance Parties And Festivals What is the Connection?


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Posted : May 18, 2010 18:45

Johnny Foreplay

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Posted : May 22, 2010 00:30

On 2010-05-14 19:04, Ascension wrote:
Dubstep djs boring? You should see some of the ones around the midwest, like this guy:

Thanks for spreading the love, Kevin

I have a lot to say regarding this topic but now is not the time for me to collect my thoughts. This board seems to cherish intellectual discussion and that's gonna take some mental prepping for me to get involved with. I'd rather not start off on the wrong foot and what no by coming off like an arrogant dick. Good discussion though you guys, much better than what I'm used to from other EDM boards
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : May 22, 2010 00:55

Johnny Foreplay wrote:

This board seems to cherish intellectual discussion

nah. Just spit it out all garbled and pikey-like. This pretend-intellectual thing is for politicians. and lawyers.

In other words...We like it when you speak dirty
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : May 22, 2010 06:42

You don't wan the uncensored version. Us Minnesotans are anything but nice, when it comes to the interwebs.

Check it out... 
Johnny Foreplay

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Posted : May 22, 2010 22:51

On 2010-05-22 06:42, hardkornate wrote:

You don't wan the uncensored version. Us Minnesotans are anything but nice, when it comes to the interwebs.

Check it out...

Partially because we've got such diversity in our music and everyone wants their own piece of the pie. I'm all about unifying all of it under one roof though. I don't think it makes much sense to have genre specific events. In my opinion we should all be working together simply because we all seek to express ideas through textured soundscapes instead of doing it traditionally with spoken language.
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : May 23, 2010 03:01
but what textures....what frequencies......what ennnnergies           Wake walking through your sleep dream

Esoteric Generation (Arkansas)/Beatnik Production(AR)/ Three Way Mirrors (West Coast)

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Posted : May 23, 2010 06:50
haha very interesting topic...            WARNING: The Reality Master General has determined that Mr. Vomit may significantly alter your reality. Usage of the knowledge provided by Mr. Vomit may be perceived as dangerous and subversive by those in authority.
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : May 23, 2010 21:47
A lot of psytrance and a lot of dubstep strike me as timbre-oriented, the former in everything but the bass and percussion and the latter in the bass.

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Posted : May 25, 2010 04:58
after seeing bird of prey the other night I can definitely say that the right kind of dubstep can fit in with the same vibe as psy.

he pretty much nailed psystep.           --Once In a Blue Hour: Groovy Psychedelic/Twilight
--Archetypes(Progressive/South American morning)

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Posted : May 25, 2010 06:02


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Posted : May 27, 2010 06:03
Dubstep helps with my IBS.
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : May 27, 2010 22:20
I think something to consider is that dubstep is the MOST popular form of electronic music right now anywhere. My local (non-psy) DJ party scene has been invaded by (bad) dubstep and you can't go out to a party without hearing hours of screeching LFO'd "bass" lines. It's popular with the jamband kids as well.

So the bottom line is that in the US in 2010, most people who are hearing electronic music at parties are hearing dubstep, and when they think electronic music, they think dubstep. Therefore, is it any surprise it's going to show up at trance parties?
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : May 27, 2010 22:54
i met a jazz freak who hated electronic music the other day....turns out, she just hated dubstep

Haltya did wonders for her           Wake walking through your sleep dream

Esoteric Generation (Arkansas)/Beatnik Production(AR)/ Three Way Mirrors (West Coast)

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Posted : May 28, 2010 07:56
personally I just think its who's playing it. some people like hard banging nasty shit, and some people like melody. I personally like melody and sound scapes, and I've found dubstep that incorporates it and I've noticed alot more "psydubstep" kind of sounds coming out which I think is great.

I would shy away from writing any genre off as terrible or bad. there are ALWAYS artists in ANY genre that go way over board or are just terrible, but making your entire judgement of that genre off them is pretty damn narrow minded. theres alot of dubstep out there, and alot of it is mainstream appeal garbage, but there are some gems.

I mean hell, you have to dig through alot of full on garbage to find the goods anymore, but I still try to dig through it because its so rewarding when you find that one killer album amongst the formulaic garbage. (end rant)

I'm not the biggest dub stepper in the world, but I recently tried the half dub step half psy party (it was a great show but they didnt integrate ALL that well) I think dubstep is nice for the night tunes on a second stage and then transition into more melodic psydub/psydm/whatever morning music. there are even some good dubstep morning acts emerging in my opinion, but I'm busy preparing my set to play after Mimosa at wakarusa in a week so I may be slightly biased.

you can hate it all you want, but its taking off. so I think finding some common ground wouldnt hurt. there are alot of psy producers that are dabbling in dubstep, so I think that means the quality standards and psychedelic creativity in the genre should be leaping forward

my 2 cents           .:.vaxination.:.
esoteric generation/beatnik productions
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : May 29, 2010 09:42
well said Vaxination           
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