Dub Step at Psytrance Parties And Festivals What is the Connection?
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Posted : May 15, 2010 22:39
"but for me the 4x4 trance vibration has mutated into a wild world of free for all energy transferal of multi beat patterns.
Don't forget there are many Tribes that work in different wayz."
ya a place where you are free to explore the thoughtless dance experience in ways your body is not trained to work with... its awkward but so was dancing to trance for like a couple years for me. its like exploring different audio geography. you may have your home region but when you go on vacation do you get home sick the whole time or do you enjoy the vacation as much as the return home also reminding you why home is so nice. Dont be a musical hermit go traveling through other thought possibilities. and through the forced awkward movement of your body in new ways new thought processes will bud. new feelings will emerge and you will be a more diverse and understanding creature. booooooooooooooooooommmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : May 16, 2010 02:46
Well said, chuck 10/10
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : May 16, 2010 02:48
for those of you attending Gemini, there will be on Saturday night a offering of some of the better dubstep to be found state side...
As to why not just run chill out on a opposing stage, as is the traditional norm...
I think chill is great during off peak hours of a event, but during peak night hours midnight-5am, a danceable alternative should be offered to what tends to often be the heaviest trance music of the night.
Contrary to what most people feel on this board, a good 50% plus of event goers, are not into 155bpm + music. Why should there only musical alternative during those hours be limited to something not dance oriented?
The crowds and mindset between to the genre are somewhat alike, and both trancers and a lot of dubsteppers have the off the grid, D.I.Y. mentality as opposed to your typical club kid thats into house or electro.
That being said, 80% of dubstep annoys me...., and there is a certain tree-thugger aspect that does come with a part of the larger scene in that genre.
It is a musical style that does fit in at a trance party, but the acts representing it need to be handpicked very carefully to function in the trance world.
and for shits and giggles...
New T-shirt im coming up with to piss people off
"Dubstep, simple music for simple minds"
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IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : May 16, 2010 03:17
i've been browsing some VERY psychedelic, techy, brilliant "dubstep" music...its very much a case of the given fact that 95 percent of any genre is going to be mediocre music....but that should not be taken as a "standard" in the music
check out some hyperdub records....nightmares on wax makes some "dubstep".... burial is a really good dubstep artist
and some of these artists would work simply SPLENDIDLY AS a chillout set....not "clubby" at all, and basically no "wobble"
think about it....how can a genre that seeks, in some cases, to mimic the effects of old school "dub" programming with a good dancey beat be ALL bad
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Esoteric Generation (Arkansas)/Beatnik Production(AR)/ Three Way Mirrors (West Coast)
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : May 16, 2010 03:59
I personally don't think that 'chillout' stages aren't danceable - I love dancing to slower stuff..like shulman/bluetech/androcell/entheogenic type dub/downtempo
chillout doesn't have to be just undanceable whale noises and drone-scapes
I'd love to be proved wrong about dubstep being shit - please post some of that psychedelic brilliant stuff. I'm always open to good music regardless if I think the meta-genre it falls under is crap
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Posted : May 16, 2010 04:14
On 2010-05-15 21:48, Medisin wrote:
for me the 4x4 trance vibration has mutated into a wild world of free for all energy transferal of multi beat patterns.
Don't forget there are many Tribes that work in different wayz.
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : May 16, 2010 04:15
On 2010-05-16 03:59, willsanquil wrote:
I personally don't think that 'chillout' stages aren't danceable - I love dancing to slower stuff..like shulman/bluetech/androcell/entheogenic type dub/downtempo
Can't agree more.
I CANNOT Dance to Dubstep, I tried trust me. I can dance anything Tango Included but The Dub stuff cannot, even Breakbeat is easier.
Thanks for the Music posts some of it is very good stuff.
Great discussion here by the way no negativity and a lot of good opinions. I am glad those discussions are still alive on this forum, I got sick of just party postings.
On a little different note, some good Ambient music posts will be more then welcomed here as well.
I will start.
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Posted : May 16, 2010 04:25
The first time I heard dubstep was in 2007 and it was at Symbiosis. My favorite DJ that night was this guy Danny Corn. It was the most insanely beautiful heavy awesome set. It was him and an old guy with dancers on stage. They were improvising because the old guy would set up a sequence on his laptop and would then send it to Danny who would mix it on his laptop, it was crazy... There are other forms of dubstep that I like but they are nothing like this. I have searched through a lot of Danny Corn's sets and they are not even similar to that night. Sadly, I have yet to hear anything like it from that genre again.
I would love to be pointed in the right direction to find some great new dubstep as well.
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : May 16, 2010 04:26
I don't think my posts are emo cries - they are simply my observations and thoughts about the music that I experienced at the last festival I went to, and the music that has been posted in this thread sofar that has been referred to as dubstep. Most of it I dislike a lot, and certainly wouldn't like it to be at a psy festival if I had the choice.
I would be glad to eat my words if someone would post something good - I judge music not by what I think the genre means, but whether or not I like it.
BTW, just because something has changed and evolved, that does not in any way shape or form mean that it is good - for example, I feel that a lot of 'dark' psy that is out there is an unhealthy mutant evolution of psytrance that strays away from psychadelic intentions and principles...however this is just my opinion.
But please, feel free to build up your arguments with more lolcats or demotivational posters, or some other retarded internet meme instead of having an intelligent discussion If you want to make an apple pie from scratch...you must first invent the universe
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Posted : May 16, 2010 04:33
There should be none of that this is an honest thread that has brought out some really needed discussion,
Like, where is the good dubstep at? Where can I find the mix he did that night? lol and why is it that to me dubstep has become like mutilated rap with huge fat people singin' about their lost swagga ?
but seriously I do not see a need for any argument in this thread only discussion either.
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Posted : May 16, 2010 04:38
holysh**!!! lol Its a small piece of it. but this has to be toward the end of the set because its almost daylight out.
NM this is 2009 I think damn I wish they had their schedule together this year I missed alot of good acts because of that. I didn't even know he was there that time.
damn sorry for the double post I just realized.
It also sounds nothing like 2007.
I like it more than most dubstep I've heard lately though.
this is pretty cool just found it.
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Posted : May 16, 2010 04:58
Waaaaaahhhhh, some of the music they play at parties is different than some of the music that i listen to at home, so i'm gonna go cry about it on the internet waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
gaian mind 2008 is one of the great chill-step mixes ever in my humble opinion, but any of them will teach you a thing or three about dubstep. And all the tracklistings are there, so you can track down the artists who appeal to you.
this guy is amaaaaazing. original music from colorado!
I also recommend the Electronic Explorations podcast if you wanna know about the cutting edge of trippy electronic music that isn't just from our closed-minded tiny little psytrance scene.
I personally can't stand full-on. I think it's retarded simplistic monkey music for coke heads. But guess what? when they play it at parties, i just go back to my car and have a beer and a cigarette and make some food. What i don't do is go home and jump on the internet and cry about it.
The same goes for bullshit half-assed shpongle-lite chill like shulman and entheogenic. I can't STAND that music. So what do i do? go home and write better downtempo. try and make things better.