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Dub Step at Psytrance Parties And Festivals What is the Connection?


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Posted : May 14, 2010 17:06

On 2010-05-14 04:38, willsanquil wrote:
I'm not entirely closed off to the possibility of there being good dubstep out there, but it just seems like music for people who like to do too much E.

Whenever someone who is a fan of EDM genre A doesn't like EDM genre B they automatically say it's only for people who do too much E. Please stop that, it's just demeaning and obviously false.

Dubstep and glitch-hop I think are increasingly psychedelic genres of music, much more so I think than the preponderance of what I think of as repetitive dark psy sweeping the US currently.

Also love that track omega, and most of your tracks I've seen around.

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Posted : May 14, 2010 18:55
Ya man! You da man when it comes to good DUBstep Chris.
Plus your sets are always a treat to watch no matter what style your play'in. CO is lucky to have you here.
I have to say though that in my experience most dj who do this style are boring. Same with the dance floors.
Bobing Zombies...
Thats cool I guess they are in the wobble womb hahahaha.

I love me some Narly Wobble bass lines, and I can totaly get "there" with dubstep but it has to be good and well it takes some real digging to get past the eh tracks and find those rockers.

I like to see the two styles together, just wish the people could get along as good as the music does.           \\\"Invoking the inner dancing buddha with future frequencies from beyond\\\" ~GyPsy
D-A-R-K Rec, Anomalistic Rec.
Cerebral Theater
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : May 14, 2010 19:04
Dubstep djs boring? You should see some of the ones around the midwest, like this guy:

 - Midwest based psytrance group
Hero #1
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : May 14, 2010 20:00
yea, i agree

dubstep gives me an earache and i dont understand the invasion.

imagine having a dubstep festival and psy trance high jacking the event .

the steppers would be pissed
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : May 14, 2010 20:10
Here's some good creative dubstep that, unfortunately, you'll rarely hear at parties

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : May 14, 2010 20:15
Me personally have nothing against Dubstep as music some of it is great stuff and some of it is total sh@#$@t like.

What I have a problem with is why the second stage is dominated with dubstep lately, instead of say ambient which is agreed, the more traditional way of doing things. You can dance the same to ambient and Dubstep but I rarely see any lately.

Also if you putting Dubstep in the line up why not Psy Breakbeats?
I am sure a lot of people would scream and shout why are those Breakbeaters are here? (some people would not so don't go screaming at me that I am generalizing)

But really I tend to agree that BM has a lot to do with it, although can't grasp the reason for it because frankly BM has not a lot to do with Psytrance.

I tend to agree that the reason for it is because the Dubstep scene is big and there is a good chance to bring in some extra people. If that helps to the organizers to break even I am all up for it.

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : May 14, 2010 20:18
We have a psybreaks dj and no dubstep at sacred earth this year  - Midwest based psytrance group
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : May 14, 2010 20:30

On 2010-05-14 20:15, psyman wrote:
BM has not a lot to do with Psytrance.

True in the present... not quite as true in the past.

Edit: damn, forgot about this track!

IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : May 14, 2010 20:52

On 2010-05-14 17:06, klafka wrote:
Dubstep and glitch-hop I think are increasingly psychedelic genres of music,

Dubstep is definitely psychedelic, but I dunno about /increasingly/... way too much commercial stuff coming out recently.
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : May 14, 2010 21:02
if it were to get people through the door than why not electro house that would bring more people through the doors than dubstep. It's "BASS" music it fits, it's dope and hard and you can't ignore it. Now, shit is shit and there's no way around that so maybe it's just on who is being booked. If you only gave it two min than you didn't give it justice. my two cents but second stage should be a blend of psybreaks,ambient,dub,dubstep,glitch trip twisted shit because it all works as long as it's good and mind bending. I think most of us go to Psy parties looking to go "somewhere else" so just do it right and let's blast off

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Posted : May 14, 2010 21:11
Dubstep isn't remotely new but I suppose it's new to the psy community as the psy community tends to be pretty acute in its interest and acceptance of any other form of auditory input? Maybe my imagination, but that's the vibe I've always gotten ('hardcore' trancers tend to remind me of those people that are incapable of having an orgasm without masturbating in their particular way).

Regardless, here's the connection I see:

Psy is audio experimentation meant to blow your mind.

Dubstep is audio experimentation meant to blow your mind.

Seems pretty simple to me.

I have no preference as I wouldn't rate either as a personal favorite genre anyway. But I can definitely appreciate the boundaries in sonic possibilities that dubstep has explored. Psy could use an infusion of anything to keep it fresh IMO.

I don't particularly mind the crossover that's happening in the outdoor party scene, but I'm oldschool like that and actually believe in unity. Dubstep has exploded into mainstream in the past few years so I get that a lot of people just want to lash back at the 'trendy' growth. That's cool, but don't miss the trees for the forest. There is interesting dubstep to be enjoyed out there that (IMO) isn't worth missing just to be the cool guy that naysays the entire genre on account of it's recent popularity.

**EDIT: I'm the original dubstep hater by the way. But it's all a big joke cause I'm an old school dnb/jungle head so we just got a kick out of giving the stepper kids a hard time back in the day (all in fun).

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Posts :  61
Posted : May 14, 2010 22:12

On 2010-05-14 16:36, mist wrote:

Point number two - Omega's "Hypnotoad" track is the lick. Ya'll should check it out. While doing so, please reference point number one....

IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : May 14, 2010 22:18

On 2010-05-14 21:02, Chemistry wrote:
if it were to get people through the door than why not electro house that would bring more people through the doors than dubstep.

Dubstep brings a somewhat better crowd than electro house. Electro house is completely mainstream, dubstep isn't completely mainstream quite yet (although rapidly getting there)

Started Topics :  8
Posts :  384
Posted : May 14, 2010 22:21

On 2010-05-14 22:12, Omega wrote:

On 2010-05-14 16:36, mist wrote:

Point number two - Omega's "Hypnotoad" track is the lick. Ya'll should check it out. While doing so, please reference point number one....


Ya, love your stuff also. I like what you're doing and it makes me happy that people in the psy community are producing dubstep and exploring where fusion can take us. Keep it up!

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Posts :  61
Posted : May 14, 2010 22:22
and thanks Nate!

I do agree that there's a lot of horrendously boring, bad dubstep and dubstep DJs out there - but certainly the same could safely be said of any style of music.

oh, and Kevin, that video of Jack (Gabber Jihad/Johnny Foreplay) makes me so happy!!! that guy is such a funny, cool person
Trance Forum » » Forum  North America - Dub Step at Psytrance Parties And Festivals What is the Connection?
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