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Drunk Pharaoh - Grab a Beer (for over 18 only!)

Lost Buddha
Lost Buddha

Started Topics :  36
Posts :  76
Posted : Jun 23, 2011 18:04:03
Hello folks .
I'm back again and this time it's a next installement of the Goa sound.
Some people heard this already but oh well who cares!
Drunk Pharaoh comes up with the Grab a Beer EP and why is it so special? It's about beer!
You might think 'yeahhhh beeer...' cmon kid don't tell me you drink milk?!
There's more to beer than you might think and most of all , it's a GREAT TOOL! C'mon Goa Gil save us from that baba tool crap , no way im changin ur diapers.
So let's get started , get your beer and blast this stuff all over the place , already included are Asterixes , Obelixes , Cleopatras , Magic Potions everywhere , batteries , babes , boobs (loads) , beards , pirates , ships , starships , aliens , dolls , pharaoh's , moses , abrahams , pyramids , shiva portals and the best weapon : Da BURP!
Now let's dance and enjoy life the way it should be , don't forget beer in one hand babe on the other! yooooooooooooooooooooooo
Best to y'all from ... me.

PS: Not all Goa-Trance has to be taken seriously... oops Freshly Cut Tomatoesssss!
Remember : Drink Responsibly.

Yeah and it's a free round , that's 2 free drinks now don't get cocky.
Number one hit of the year 20XXX , that 3 X !
Let all the others have their useless tools , Goa got the beer and with just the beer we're all winners.

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Trance Forum » » Forum  Free Music & Netlabels - Drunk Pharaoh - Grab a Beer (for over 18 only!)
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