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Dr. Steven M. Greer, MD - Disclosure Project

IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  20
Posts :  420
Posted : Jan 31, 2011 00:46:55
I saw this mportant Press Conference / Disclosure Project nearly 2 years ago, but something tells me that many of you may not have seen it yet. Watch it if you want, ignore it if you don’t, I really could care less, as long as I do the right thing by making it available to those of you who have not heard of it but are interested in learning about the topic.

Dr. Steven M. Greer, MD - Disclosure Project:

Recent Interview with Dr. Steven Greer:

Best wishes,


Spreading Psytrance and Love in the Midwest USA

9/11 Challenge: Explain the Evidence

Inactive User

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Posted : Jan 31, 2011 15:30

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Posted : Jan 31, 2011 23:47
Can you sum it up in like 10 sentences? I don't have the free 2 hours to hear pseudo scientific mumbo jumbo.           Everyone in the world is doing something without me
Inactive User

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Posts :  4444
Posted : Feb 1, 2011 14:37
ufo disclosure campaign , u may want to look up some other loonies .. alex collier , bob dean , david wilcock etc .. its interesting stuff but dont believe it all , lol

so theres like 67(or something) levels of power above obama now , and the illuminati controlol it all , and they already got ufo free energy tech that can rid the world of poverty in 4 months flat , but the stock market will crash , like goto zero , not even regular bear market , zero .. money becomes invalid *yay* , and you never get that iphone 5 , wait thats probably out in a few months , make that iphone 7 , coz next yeargh is 2012


Started Topics :  313
Posts :  8648
Posted : Feb 1, 2011 15:56
Fuck the iPhone. I got Android           Everyone in the world is doing something without me
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  20
Posts :  420
Posted : Feb 14, 2011 05:04
something tells me that those of you talking shit about Dr. Greer have not actually watched the press conference I posted in the first post, which is the Disclosure Project's National Press Club press conference that was censored by countless mainstream / corporate media outlets.

it's quite amazing to think that over 50+ retired high-ranking military and intelligence officers decided to come together and tell their important stories all at once, in a public setting, so that none of them could be singled out by their superiors.

it's an amazing time to be alive, as countless truths are becoming more and more clear each day.

Boom to our collective future on this planet,

Spreading Psytrance and Love in the Midwest USA

9/11 Challenge: Explain the Evidence


Started Topics :  313
Posts :  8648
Posted : Feb 14, 2011 08:29
Here's a truth bro:
Nobody gives a shit.
Here's a funny video:

          Everyone in the world is doing something without me
IsraTrance Senior Member

Started Topics :  241
Posts :  2848
Posted : Mar 4, 2011 15:54

          When death comes to your doorstep, make sure you are alive
Trance Forum » » Forum  Links - Dr. Steven M. Greer, MD - Disclosure Project
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