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Doubt about Remix

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Started Topics :  1
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Posted : Jun 14, 2016 05:39:31

Hello, I'm from Brazil, I am studying music production a few months, doing research, watching tutorials and etc ... And I'm trying to make a remix of a track Progressive Psytrance, and I am full of doubts and difficulties in the pack remix comes only synths and some percussions and the intro, if I have to create a new tune? where I put the melody? where I put a pad? a lead? I have much doubt about it if the arrangement ... I need help to get those questions, who can help me, thank you!

I am using a translator, sorry if you leave something wrong in the text!

Started Topics :  40
Posts :  1151
Posted : Jun 15, 2016 15:44
Hi there! Bem vindo Welcome to the wonderful world of music production, where all your dreams come true

> if I have to create .. where I put .. I have much doubt about ..
This is the beginning of your journey. You are in the driver seat - you are the shot caller. There is no right and wrong (and every time someone tells you something is right or wrong about music production, there's always a way to prove them otherwise); it's up to you to figure out your own way and lay the tune down as you please, as you think it should be done.

> ... I need help to get those questions, who can help me, thank you!
We're all here to help But, we need some more exact questions, it's hard to reply to broad ones.

> in the pack remix comes only synths and some percussions and the intro
Sometimes when people release a remix pack, they will only include a few elements they used to make the track - this makes sure that even if you end up with an exact copy, it will always be different because you have to make the other sounds yourself
You can always use the original tune (I did this in my Russian Cats song - there was no remix pack available so I started processing the tune and rearranging and adding my own on top).

Sometimes you can get the whole song and all it's elements in a remix pack - like in Queen "Don't stop me now", they simply released all the stems individually, so you can remix, rearrange, put in/take out, or do what ever you want.

So think of what you want to actually do before starting to mess with the tune (if you want a kick+bass, how is this k+b you want; look up tutorials; try to lay it down), get it done asap without loosing hours on minute details, and help us help you by posting an example of what you achieved already and what you want/wanted to do with it           Super Banana Sauce
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  46
Posts :  204
Posted : Jul 5, 2016 16:09
I have experimented with a few ways but the best method for me is importing a nice psytrance track from say Nano records into your DAW and google the BPM of the track. Then put your DAW on the same BPM, create blank midi clips(kick,bass,HH,OH,snare,melody, etc) whatever you hear in the tune as you listen to it and insert the midi clip under each hit of the specific sound.

The thing is you are not going to copy anything, not a similar bass or melody notes or Nothing..
You merely create a blank template of a psytrance track. This clearly shows you where the next sound comes in etc etc.

It really helped me to learn different types of arrangements and how frequent sounds should be added. Also how long the beat goes on until the break.

          " We are together in this matter you and I, closer to death, yes, closer than i'd like. How do you feel? - There can be no division in our actions, or everything is lost. What affects you affects me. "
Trance Forum » » Forum  Production & Music Making - Doubt about Remix
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