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IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : May 22, 2011 02:14

On 2004-03-12 14:02, psilocybe wrote:
<!-- incode Quote Start --><TABLE BORDER=0 ALIGN=CENTER WIDTH=85%><TR><TD><font size=-1>Quote:</font><HR></TD></TR><TR><TD><FONT SIZE=-1><BLOCKQUOTE>
On 2004-03-11 19:46, full_on wrote:
Yes, I'm always talking about this: parties should be clean.

</BLOCKQUOTE></FONT></TD></TR><TR><TD><HR></TD></TR></TABLE><!-- incode Quote End -->

unfortunately expecting people to look after their surroundings at a party is about as futile as expecting them to look after their surroundings generally.,12374,1153530,00.html justy something i came across recently, and no one really gives a shit to do anything for the better. it seems like an inevitable reality: mushroom doll, u've noticed an underlying example that merely illustrates the whole...

Totally agree. Are you in Cape Town? It's getting worse each season. 
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : May 22, 2011 02:20

On 2011-05-21 18:00, Colin OOOD wrote:
Face it, there are no good and valid reasons to leave trash at a party and not to clear up. Most/many people prefer not to think about that because it interferes with the serious business of having a good time. Whatever it takes to remind people of their responsibilities towards the trash they leave is a good idea. I would also disagree that the organiser/DJ forced anyone to do anything in the example above.

At the queue into Vortex over Easter the car in front of me rolls down their passenger window and some teenager girl starts throwing empty beer bottles out. The guy in front gets out of his car (and he was older, definitely a veteran)and says "No one's going to laugh at you if you throw them into a bin, you know." - awkward silence for a moment or two before she sheepishly gets out and collects her trash. 
Faxi Nadu / Elmooht

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Posted : May 22, 2011 21:48
90% of parties is all about people getting drug-wasted. ideas and ideals of nature and plur and all that seem to be just another way to promote something or make money these days.

The Way Back
Axis Mundi
Axis Mundi

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Posted : May 22, 2011 22:18
Reading this thread inspires one of those rare moments where I'm glad I live in America, able to attend parties here where the general mentality is still to give a shit about the party environment and clean up your mess afterwards.

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Posted : May 23, 2011 01:58
People on psychedelics are like children and organisers need to be prepared for careless behaviour. I know that cleaning up the place after the party isn't a fun thing to do but what you can do?

I saw a sign on Ozora that stated: "are you a part of cleaning team? Or are you here to just fuck yourself up?" Dancefloors aren't too big and it doesn't take too much effort to clean it up with a friend or two. So instead of finger-pointing and curses, just get to work. That's what I do.

Some of us are idealists about this music and want to expand it's influence but when it becomes popular then we can only expect AVERAGE behaviour. It elevates our spirit but most people are not sensitive enough or clever enough to get some points. It's a shame but I think it's the reason why hippie movement of the 60s has collapsed. When something gets massive or popular expect decay.

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Posted : May 24, 2011 11:03
We always try to do regular cleanups during our parties. That way things are kept at a manageable level. Once we're making the rounds with the trashbags, many people usually help out a bit, even if it's just grabbing a bottle or two in their vicinity.

That being said, many people here in Denmark are pigs in this regard. It's not just limited to the psy scene though, people here just seem to throw their shit where they please with the assumption that someone else will take care of it.

Luckily we get some nice and caring people at our parties, so the cleanup usually takes care of itself in the morning  | | |
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : May 24, 2011 20:28
One of the easiest/best ways to deal with this that I rarely ever see is some effort on the promoter/organizer's part to make sure there are waste disposal areas.

It's not that freakin hard to tie a recycling and a regular garbage bag to some trees or in some waste bins

Another thing to do is to make people aware that those things are available. For instance, when you do check in at the gate make sure everyone is aware that the garbage/recycling options exist and to agree to the policy of pack in pack out

Sure, no matter what you do there will always be shitty people who pollute and get fucked up...but some infrastructure and information goes a long way.

If there arent any garbage bags or anything around you can be damn sure people won't care and will drop shit wherever they please.            If you want to make an apple pie from must first invent the universe

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Posted : May 24, 2011 21:28
we practice LEAVE NO TRACE, pack in pack out....

i've been seeing lots of videos of parties in other countries and there is just SO MUCH TRASH, it's pathetic honestly...but then ppl say "oh there's people they hire to do this after the party" if you did it during, there wouldn't be such a MESS.

I played a party with psykovsky open air last year, and they BURN ALL THE tRASH afterward..made me sick.            WARNING: The Reality Master General has determined that Mr. Vomit may significantly alter your reality. Usage of the knowledge provided by Mr. Vomit may be perceived as dangerous and subversive by those in authority.
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : May 24, 2011 23:34

On 2011-05-24 21:28, cinderVOMIT wrote:
we practice LEAVE NO TRACE, pack in pack out....

i've been seeing lots of videos of parties in other countries and there is just SO MUCH TRASH, it's pathetic honestly...but then ppl say "oh there's people they hire to do this after the party" if you did it during, there wouldn't be such a MESS.

I played a party with psykovsky open air last year, and they BURN ALL THE tRASH afterward..made me sick.

Dont they burn trash everywhere? Also you cant recycle things too many times.

Plastics should be reduced by more than 50% and people should take care of their own trash, in fact it should be illegal to litter all over the world. But what to do, governments are fucking up this world in so many ways so the message is clear, we can all just fuck it up, Yeah great leaders of the world.

If you see someone litter, make it clear to them that its their own, and mother nature or anyone else should not take care of it.

At party everybody should get their own litterbags and there should be a waste-station in where the local municipality is involved in taking care of it.

Lets hope and work for a better world with a lot of good changes

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Posts :  84
Posted : May 25, 2011 01:20
The problem is that "preaching" is not welcomed anywhere. People who don't give a fuck are those that just don't give a fuck. Talking about "Mother Earth" even to a acidified head won't do if he isn't considering those things already. Some people come to psytrance because they FEEL those things. Others are coming for a wicked party. What we can do? NOTHING. People just don't care. It's that simple. I got frustrated over and over again but now I just don't demand anything from any stranger. I only "preach" those that are close friends. Otherwise, we only seem to be jerks and we are perceived as such.

"Those who know, don't speak."

I understand all this frustration but it only pollutes our heart. It's their karma, it's their sin.

"Please, help us clean up this place!" will motivate good-willing heart. "Clean up or fuck yourself" is just not good vibes. I'm writing this because of what I've seen on Ozora 2007.

My mind is with you on this one but... hey, just look around and notice in what world we are living.
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : May 25, 2011 01:56
The best way to deal with this is to have HUGE garbage cans, visible, big enough that they cant be filled and in good quantities.

Also, make rounds of cleaning every two or three hours, if you keep the party clean people doesnt throw their shit left and right.

          "The dedication to repetition — the search for nirvana in a single held tone or an endlessly cycling rhythm — is one of electronic music's noblest gestures."
dave arc-i
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : May 25, 2011 07:39
Leaving rubbish behind is nothing new. Archaeologists would be fucked without it.
More to the point though IF somebody can carry a full case of beer to a party surely it is easier to take home once the beer has been emptied as it now weighs far less or am I just using my common sense? 
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : May 25, 2011 17:22
heheh, it's funny that all the fella's in the southwest area (me, axis, cindervomit) are like "rar! we leave no trace! rar!"

and other guys are like, ah it's a drug thing, leave it to the promoter, people are to stupid to know any better

is the scene outside america really like that? should i be happy to be in america for something?

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Posted : May 27, 2011 02:21
It's not that it's an US things. It's that smaller scene has more sensitive and more positive people. When scene becomes larger...

Look, if psytrance scene gets big in US, you will face similar problems. It's like I've said: big scene = average sensitivity. It's like people of higher sensitivity think that it's the average but in reality it's a much lower vibration frequency, that means more destructive, more egoistic, more arrogant.

But maybe education can get through some minds. Maybe it's a good thing to teach people how to behave, but PLEASE keep it civil. I don't want to see another "fuck yourself" sign showing frustration. It's unnecessary, really. Politeness is far more effective.

Well... it would be great if we could build a scene that would convert all "averages" into Earth-loving, open-minded, life-cherishing, positive freaks. But outside the party they rarely receive such input.

I'm with you guys but drop this frustration because it does nothing good, really. If I get frustrated every party I organise, then I'll find different hobby, like intense yoga sessions
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : May 27, 2011 21:15
^ hehehe, already there friend. since i stopped going out and my little part of NC decided that they were to lazy to contribute to what i was tryin to do, i just started producing more and doing yoga and exercising alot.

i'm much happier these days
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