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IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Mar 12, 2004 14:02

On 2004-03-11 19:46, full_on wrote:
Yes, I'm always talking about this: parties should be clean.

unfortunately expecting people to look after their surroundings at a party is about as futile as expecting them to look after their surroundings generally.,12374,1153530,00.html justy something i came across recently, and no one really gives a shit to do anything for the better. it seems like an inevitable reality: mushroom doll, u've noticed an underlying example that merely illustrates the whole...

Started Topics :  108
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Posted : Aug 9, 2004 12:03

On 2004-03-11 20:13, Surrender wrote:

On 2004-03-11 19:53, mushroom doll wrote:
i dont think it's the drug factor, i'm not gonna put myself on the line here, but lets just say that i think it's really hard to get to the point where u r so high that u can't even see as far as ur own hands.... It's a lack of responsibility that most ppl have...

Mushroom Lady, that's what im saying... that the drugs make you less responsible, and if you are part of a not so caring culture, its amplified exponentially in these situations.

i think the drugs is one of the most important factors in this case. I opened a thread about it (it was locked again...unf) after I came back from one disgusting festival and there i have seen some neat examples of what gadi wrote over there. It's not about reaching the point where you cannot see your own hands anymore, its about reaching the point where you do not care about anything then your own shpongled brain anymore, "the point where you only want to go home and sleep". And people loose their "spirituality" and responsibility at this point which is connected to drugs more than to anything else. peace out
          Anakoluth A Pebble in Your Eardrum's Shoe since 2001!
Sun Control Species

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Posted : Aug 9, 2004 14:21
yes this problem really shits me
[sorry lol]

i find this a disgusting phenomenon with self proclaimed enlightened numbskulls!

It not only happens in Clubs, but outdoor parties also, big AND small. People walk 3 metres off the dancefloor to take a crap. WHATS WRONG HERE?!
Flies like faecies and they are prepared to fly for it, they then crawl over your face and your food, YUK!!

If you need to take a crap in a three day festival, and you are smart enough to not want to use the loo's provided, you have plenty of time to walk two kilometres into nature [preferably when ur least fav dj is on ], dig a hole with a stick, and bury what u leave behind. the trees dont mind this at all [if you eat good food not mcDonalds] and u leave NO trace of your passing. This is FINE! and u can think of your least fav dj while crapping


Its a smelly subject, but its one that has to be fixed

theres a saying in Australia

'the real heroes are the shit pit diggers'

          the FATLINE is ending

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Posted : Aug 16, 2004 11:13
For me - it's really simple, its a N-A-T-U-R-E party... the same way goes if you happen to see some wild life there your not going to shoot it down and make a BBQ, you just dont leave noting after you when you go home,it's just a part of the vibe for me - good ol' CLEAN nature


Started Topics :  1
Posts :  99
Posted : Aug 16, 2004 20:36
is nice go to outdoor party... yehh!!
but is also a risk 4 nature...
here .... is a serious! big problem the trash in the partys... u will not believe it!! serious...


Nature .......
It's called life
Yab Yum

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Posted : Aug 17, 2004 01:04
i agree that this is a major problem in our scene and it seems to be extremely wide spread... and this is sad!
BUT i played in a small party in the woods this week end , and in the morning most of the people still dancing, were also picking up rubbish on the floor as they danced. it all happened naturally. a few started and it created a critical mass and in no time the place was spotless! and i have to say that looking out on a dance floor in the woods , the sun coming through the trees, people smiling and NO rubbish on the floor was a beautiful site - one i have not witnessed often enough! one i hope we ll all see more often in the future!

          Build a man a fire, and he'll be warm for a day. Set a man on fire, and he'll be warm for the rest of his life.
Terry Pratchett
Inactive User

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Posted : May 21, 2011 08:46
shit on the dancefloor ? :S
Horrordelic Records

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Posted : May 21, 2011 11:00
They key is to start picking abit yourself, people will see this and other will also start helping.. its just a group thing, lets get this going !!!

But yeah people should be better, but i understand at night its sometimes hard to throw everything in the cans..            3o~ kriz aka krize 3o~ ....Horrordelic Records....
- Think for yourself -
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : May 21, 2011 12:11
I was at a festival where the organiser asked everyone to help clean up over the P.A. In the meantime the Dj looped the intro for like 15 minutes - no beats

When everyone realised they woud be stuck in a loop for as long as it takes, the dancefloor was emptied of bottles and other crap in no time. With a collective effort clean up is not a problem and does alot for the vibes. It makes me sad to see supposedly aware and sensitive peope destroying the atmosphere with reckless littering.

Like others have mentioned, the best is to set a good example and hope others do the same.

Or else the Dj might strike and put everyone in an endless intro loop...

Horrordelic Records

Started Topics :  25
Posts :  1247
Posted : May 21, 2011 12:24
Where was this ? I would not force anyone into doing it, I dont think I would like it myself. its better when you do it by choice.. But people was happy with that way ?            3o~ kriz aka krize 3o~ ....Horrordelic Records....
- Think for yourself -
Colin OOOD
OOOD/Voice of Cod

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Posted : May 21, 2011 18:00
Face it, there are no good and valid reasons to leave trash at a party and not to clear up. Most/many people prefer not to think about that because it interferes with the serious business of having a good time. Whatever it takes to remind people of their responsibilities towards the trash they leave is a good idea. I would also disagree that the organiser/DJ forced anyone to do anything in the example above.          Mastering - ::
OOOD 5th album 'You Think You Are' - :: ::
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IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : May 21, 2011 18:08

On 2004-03-11 19:25, Colin OOOD wrote:
When I was last in India I was walking home down a hill near Dharamasala after a party that had taken place that night. By the side of the path there were some empty water bottles that someone had thrown down, and I picked them up so that I could put them somewhere more appropriate when I got back to the village. As I picked them up, a group of people saw me and started laughing and pointing, and asked me what I was doing. When I said I was collecting a bit of litter they insulted me and walked away laughing.

Very sad to see, especially as these people came from a country where the trance ethic is supposed to be strong.

One of the main reasons why we stopped organizing outdoor parties out here. Reason in India is the assumption of the crowd that someone else will pick up their garbage for them, especially when they've paid to get in.
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : May 21, 2011 21:26

On 2011-05-21 12:24, kriz wrote:
Where was this ? I would not force anyone into doing it, I dont think I would like it myself. its better when you do it by choice.. But people was happy with that way ?

It was more "prompting" than forcing. Naturally you cant make anyone do anything against their will. If you have broken bottles and other crap on the floor I think its reasonable to give people a nudge in the right direction. No one was forced to do anything, but the partying is alot safer and pleasant in a clean and hazard free environment and I think enough people realized this.
No major issue, a bit of collective effort in the calm before the storm. Better for everyone.
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  49
Posts :  478
Posted : May 21, 2011 21:46
there's no reason to litter ever. pack out your own damn trash.
we had a forest renegade and a group of around 30 punk-y dubstep-y kids showed up, got wasted on some research chemical, demanded we play some borgore and then bugged out, fucked for like 3 hours, drank all our beer and left. which of course attracted the cops.

next day, the site was trashed. took us 3 hours to just clean the poor place up and try to fluff up the forest alittle. those kids musta brought 10 cases of beer and left all the cans there.

not to mention the fucking glowsticks and glowstick wrappers.
we don't encourage glowsticks at our parties anymore cause of that :/
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  13
Posts :  315
Posted : May 21, 2011 22:07
I saw many times on the parties that there was no trash bags AT ALL!!

and this is organisers fuck!
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