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mushroom doll

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Posted : Mar 11, 2004 18:53
Or in this case, where u PARTY!

Lately i've notices something that bothers me, and after the past weekend it just became intolerable!
All have happend in a nice club, which name i'll keep to myself, but it sure is true for most places...

We all love to party, and have a good time, to free oneself from daily troubles, but it seems as though some ppl forget about minimal manners and become realy selfish....
I dont enjoy dancing around in a dump, and i'm sure not a lot of ppl do, so why not look after all the shit u scatter around....?
I'm not asking to throw away ur cigarette in an ashtray when in a party, but i would appreciate if u wont choose to throw glass bottles on the floor.... u know what, even stepping on plastic ones is annoying
And of course, all those who try, but just can't get it right, to put ur empty bottles on the speakers, is not such a smart thing to do they bounce off of them, if u haven't noticed, or have no idea in basic physics There are plenty of place to put it aside without messing around....
As in every party, everyone has to visit the toilet Well, i guess doing that is a big mistake... For some reason ALL the toilet in every club seem to compete between them for the amount of litter in them... it's like an evil dwarf goes around there and pulls all the t.p. in the world!!! And by the way, all of those who have problems aimming at the toilet bowl, i suggest to see a doctor about it, it's not so nice standing in urine...
My next location was the lounge area, too bad i didnt found one clean spot to sit in... If ur friend is feeling bad/ill i dont think it's the right location to look after him... U can take him outside, or even to the bathroom, but why do u have to let him vomit all over the couch?! It was realy bad to find out that about 75 percent of the seats in the chill area were wet... Haven't u been educated to economize water?!
Why do ppl have to be so messy?! Do u act the same way when ur at home?!?
I sure do hope that in outdoor parties the organizers make sure to clean up the location after they leave, cause if they pollute mother nature this way as well, then i guess we'll have no place to go to eventually...



          When the fuck r u gonna get sick, of that lousy TECHNOSHIT?!
Wanna have Chuk Palahniuk's kids...
Cyber Punk
IsraTrance Team

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Posted : Mar 11, 2004 19:03
Forget clubs, move to the nature !           -=Lead System Designer=-
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Mar 11, 2004 19:12
clubs or nature it doesnt matter. generally humans have the tendency to destroy everywhere they go. if it isnt for the people who work in the gatherings that take place in nature, that have the job of cleaning the areas, the main stage areas would just be full of garbage after a couple of days. people must learn to clean their garbage up. responsibility people. it isnt that hard.           `Bottomless wonders spring from simple rules, which are repeated without end` Mandelbrot
IsraTrance Team

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Posted : Mar 11, 2004 19:20
yep...we seem like parasites...we like it, we use it and when it´s destroid we abandon it...shame on us...and it was a good point by mushroom not always think in that...but from now on...protect nature or where i am...           ...
Colin OOOD
OOOD/Voice of Cod

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Posted : Mar 11, 2004 19:25
When I was last in India I was walking home down a hill near Dharamasala after a party that had taken place that night. By the side of the path there were some empty water bottles that someone had thrown down, and I picked them up so that I could put them somewhere more appropriate when I got back to the village. As I picked them up, a group of people saw me and started laughing and pointing, and asked me what I was doing. When I said I was collecting a bit of litter they insulted me and walked away laughing.

Very sad to see, especially as these people came from a country where the trance ethic is supposed to be strong.           Mastering - ::
OOOD 5th album 'You Think You Are' - :: ::
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IsraTrance Team

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Posted : Mar 11, 2004 19:32
a part of the problem is that some party goers are on drugs... drugs that make you careless about your surroundings. drugs that push you into extreme uncontrollable physical states (diherra, vomiting). Abatwa is right, as a whole humans have this destructive nature, its a fact. as an organizer, i try to think about all the possible things that may happen at an event and try to minimize them before they happen or deal with them while they happen, rather then watch them happen and shrug my shoulders.
also, i do this and i know others do it as well: cleanup during the party! every once in a while walk around with a huge garbage bag and collect things that people throw, leave, spill... its a great way to minimize the work after the event and it also shows others that you care. as a result i've had people come up to me at the middle of the party and ask to help we are not all bad, you just cant expect people to do anything... that's my rule of thumb - if u want it done, do it yourself.

israelis (i am one too) have a tendency to care less as a whole about cleanup. i have seen it from beaches to nature reservations to public parks... this has nothing to do with a party - this is already the culture and education of our way of life.
i think if you want to change the way people act at parties, you must start working on this from kindergarten...
then again, there are several problem that all stem from the same issue... disregard to anything but the self - the manners, the driving, the informality of everything, etc...
but i dont want to go offtopic
          "On the other hand, you have different fingers."
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Mar 11, 2004 19:40
Damn good point Lady's sad to see how many people still have their head up their asses and think that the rest of the world should be as dirty as where their head is....let's hope this global conscious shift comes real soon 'cause it sounds like we really need it...respect for this post and putting urself on the line....and really think that the problem is solved going from clubs to nature or you realize that would only make things worse with people with a shitty attitude like many have in general? Anyway...good point made here by Lady Mushroom and hope more people use their senses in the future...after all we're all one and damaging mother Earth is damaging ourselfes....(at least u egocentered folks out there should stop it for that reason only allready !!!) or does nobody see that anymore           Mind Funk Records
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IsraTrance Team

Started Topics :  279
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Posted : Mar 11, 2004 19:46
Yes, I'm always talking about this: parties should be clean. But for this to happen, people must be educated, taking care of their own trash and organizers should place enough trash cans (among other things).

Let's dance for a clean world!
Respect!           .
...Be gentle with the earth...
...Dance like nobody's watching...
...I don't mind not going to Heaven, as long as they've got Coffee in Hell...
mushroom doll

Started Topics :  6
Posts :  101
Posted : Mar 11, 2004 19:53

On 2004-03-11 19:25, Colin OOOD wrote:
...By the side of the path there were some empty water bottles that someone had thrown down, and I picked them up so that I could put them somewhere more appropriate when I got back to the village. As I picked them up, a group of people saw me and started laughing and pointing, and asked me what I was doing. When I said I was collecting a bit of litter they insulted me and walked away laughing...

Wishing to see more ppl act the same way... To that all that can i say is, what comes around, goes around!

A big thumbs up to u!!!!

i dont think it's the drug factor, i'm not gonna put myself on the line here, but lets just say that i think it's really hard to get to the point where u r so high that u can't even see as far as ur own hands.... It's a lack of responsibility that most ppl have...

I sure do hope that this post will influence those who haven't payed much attention to it before...

Shawnodese- u make me wanna change my nick to Lady Mushroom

          When the fuck r u gonna get sick, of that lousy TECHNOSHIT?!
Wanna have Chuk Palahniuk's kids...
IsraTrance Full Member
Started Topics :  60
Posts :  1745
Posted : Mar 11, 2004 20:05

On 2004-03-11 19:03, Cyber Punk wrote:
Forget clubs, move to the nature !

Reminds me of my old thread...

(which actually started in the old forum )

Can't add a thing other then - keep our world and clubs clean

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IsraTrance Team

Started Topics :  506
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Posted : Mar 11, 2004 20:13

On 2004-03-11 19:53, mushroom doll wrote:
i dont think it's the drug factor, i'm not gonna put myself on the line here, but lets just say that i think it's really hard to get to the point where u r so high that u can't even see as far as ur own hands.... It's a lack of responsibility that most ppl have...

Mushroom Lady, that's what im saying... that the drugs make you less responsible, and if you are part of a not so caring culture, its amplified exponentially in these situations.           "On the other hand, you have different fingers."
IsraTrance Team

Started Topics :  73
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Posted : Mar 11, 2004 21:04
I say that when one side of a equation gets stressed, the other side of the equation tends to move towards the area that will minimize the stress. Henceforth, I say let's not complain and just let things naturaly return to its equilibrium (whatever that might be) because it's the ratio where everyone will be able to coexist in harmony and it is a natural and ongoing process. I no longer complain about shit, either I get used to it OR, if it bothers me, I do something about it... and Indeed i've found an equilibrium - the cost of oportunity is not dealing with trashy trash, it is however learning how to deal with trashy people. Furthermore, this is not a trancy topic - this is a global problem which is leading us into evolution. WAKE UP m8s...

one day I was in an untouched island in Brazil and I found a beer can that came all the way from korea and this was realllly cool... nature's equilibrium or progress? i say progress because w/o that there would never be trancy musik, which I love more than many living things!

dont throw stones at me... I choose evolution and can back up my position! fuck it... and fuck them

(sorry for the f-word, aff)           cna't find it
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  43
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Posted : Mar 12, 2004 00:02
I'm glad to say that in our small club we had garbage bags and they did their job, people threw their trash in them and not on the for glass bottles people usually place them near the wall and every once in a while someone who works on the bar comes with a crate and picks them all up since they can be reused, however the situation in other more mainstream clubs is just as mushroom doll this was our little piece of heaven           DJ Dovla | Interchill Records, Flow Records
FluoSamsara (Oxygen)
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  84
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Posted : Mar 12, 2004 01:57
Organizers can also help by putting a lot of plastic bins just about everywhere...

In some organizers in Portugal have always lots of plastic bins with fluorescent posters asking to put garbage and stuff like that, and these parties have a totally diferent polution level compared to other ones that don't do that.

You can't really expect ppl on drugs to leave the dancefloor in search of a bin, its just not gonna happen

Good Mood Parties in portugal offer a beer/drink for every cup of cigarete rests, and 2 for a bin of collected garbage, that also helps a lot

But I've been to parties where there was no bin at all, you really have no option but to put it in some corner (or like many ppl just throw to the floor)

Some simple posters around the party asking to respect and take care of the nature and asking to use bins, I think can do wonders...I know...ppl should do it without being reminded...but unfortunatelly thats the way it is
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