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Does religion still have a place in this scene?

Beat Agency
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : May 21, 2010 12:44

On 2010-05-21 12:20, kazuku wrote:
The symbols as they are used in psychedlic/trance culture dont point to any religions in particular, they point to the experience which undelies all religions at their very core. An experience, not a teaching, some thing words and symbols cannot describe. The experience that all is one, exverything and that the force that holds everything together is love.
Maybe I am naive, but I still believe it is this energy that has surrounded and driven the psytrance/goa scene from the start....sure today everything is diluted, but I still feel the real underground psychedelic spirit is alive, just have to search.
Imho this psychedlic spirit is what set this scene apart from the purely hedonistic club culture.
I never saw religious symbols as a threat... mostly they are widely accepted symbols that have been around for ages, like Ohm/Om/Aum... the symbols arnt trying to convert anyone, they are just representations of expereinces in a psychedelic state of mind, and afterall this is what trance dance leads to....

Here it totally disagree. No matter what religious symbols you use it's still religious symbols with a religion behind with a set of rules and moral ethic codes and narrow minded double standards (IMO) I do not agree with. So no thanks to those symbols at parties as they does exactly what I wrote in my above other post. They force an religion upon me. And by the way there are tons of other visuals you can use. Many way more psychedelic and cleaned from any political or religious believes

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : May 21, 2010 12:48
I want to hear what trance tracks you call psychedelic, and would share with others who share your sentiments about religious artifacts at parties, and are audiophiles (hope you know what I mean there)
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : May 21, 2010 12:54
Maybe if you complain to the people who design blotter art the effect will manifest itself over the long run..
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : May 21, 2010 13:00
Good retort yo
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : May 21, 2010 13:01
I want DETOX to share too. Same question:

"I want to hear what trance tracks you call psychedelic, and would share with others who share your sentiments about religious artifacts at parties, and are audiophiles (hope you know what I mean there) "
Beat Agency
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : May 21, 2010 13:06

On 2010-05-21 12:48, rich wrote:
I want to hear what trance tracks you call psychedelic, and would share with others who share your sentiments about religious artifacts at parties, and are audiophiles (hope you know what I mean there)

I think you are drifting off-topic now

It's not about what's psychedelic or not it's about religious symbols in parties 
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : May 21, 2010 13:14

On 2010-05-21 13:06, Beat Agency wrote:

I think you are drifting off-topic now

It's not about what's psychedelic or not it's about religious symbols in parties

That's where you are mistaken. There are many who see a connection between psychedelics and religion, however they want to formulate it ~ Bonfires, buddahs, celtic crosses, space ships with a yoga alien floating in a glow...

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Posted : May 21, 2010 14:01

i don't care.. don't mind symbols ..
christian cross is not my favourite one though... right side up.. (just hate reliogion

Since i'm not at all educated in Indian beliefs or symbols.. but like some of the art.. . i agree that the stuff kinds of fits with psychedelic since (from what i know..) it seems a very free spirited religion... some of looks very cheesy and lame though..

i'm not satanic but i like the cross upside down better.. why.. i don't know why, just looks better to me.. Swastika has some ultra-nasty history ofcourse..
but i like it.. from the old meaning. good design.

I would still go see the Grapes of Wrath if they played at a catholic party.. fluorescent crosses everywhere, people dressed in black-light beards and ceremonial robes with fractal prints.. would still go.. (although christians would never invite G.O.W. )

just think it's silly.. religion.. but it's a personal thing.. My faith lies in Psychedelic..

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : May 21, 2010 14:07
We are having some really cool istratrance forums members here. So glad. and Pavel is here, and DETOX is still posting his film recommendations (all sound really good and I want to watch them all but can't), It's a good time to be on isratrance these days, that's why I'm on. And because I feel like I'm getting close...

and Shahar is here too lately. oldest friend I have since finding this music, pretty sure.
Maine Coon
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : May 21, 2010 19:35
Rich, I think you are onto something here – comparing (conflating, rather ) music and spirituality. A deep, moving track is like a divine revelation. And the same analogy goes for polished plastic tunes and precise but empty rituals.

The thing is, though, you can’t always judge what happened in a person’s mind or soul by what you see or hear from him. That plastic shit music you so hate could have waken the author up in the middle of the night and changed his life. Or maybe not, but still – it could be akin to a rigorous exercise on his way to true enlightenment. We don’t know. It does not always mean that he is a talentless fraud.

I still insist that the main criterion here is authenticity. Genuine – good. Fake – bad. “Truth stands out clear from Error” – what does that mean? Or how about Jesus talking about the wheat and the chaff? It all means the same thing to me: stop, take a breath and listen to your heart – whatever is good and genuine will stand out and whatever is fake and bullshit will peal off. Some people need to go to a Catholic mass or a Muslim khutbah to get in the right state of mind, others need to lie in shivasana for half an hour, yet somebody else needs to dance for a couple of hours. It’s all just different paths to the same destination. As long as you do it for yourself and not to fit in – it’s all good, IMO. Same with music production, of course.

Your talk about inspired tunes and empty “good production” actually reminded me of a religious story.

One day Imam Ali was sitting in a mosque, when he saw a man walk in, do his prayers and leave. Ali caught the guy and asked him to stay. Apparently, he did his movements during the prayer too fast for Ali’s taste. So, Ali showed him how it should be done – with a proper rhythm and reverence. Then he asked the guy to repeat his prayers the proper way. The guy tried – still too clumsy for the Imam’s taste. So, Ali made him repeat many times, until he got it right. In the end he was very pleased. He congratulated the man and told him that now his prayers were perfect. To which the man replied: “No, my first prayer was far better than my last one!” Ali was taken aback by this reply and wondered why the man thought this way. The man answered: “Because I did my first prayer for God and my last prayer – for you”.
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : May 21, 2010 19:48
Thank you Maine Coon, I'm going to share that story with my family (all musicians, artists, writers). Good stuff.

And yes, of course, everyone is on their own journey. That's why I leave the cheesy stuff alone and don't diss people who are into it, anymore. To them, it might be an enlightening experience and I have no right or use in judging them.
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : May 25, 2010 19:53
religion is the cause of a non consuming psychedelic plants society, it is an envy to the gods of nature, so full of revenge and hate 
Inactive User

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Posted : May 26, 2010 02:49

"One day Imam Ali was sitting in a mosque, when he saw a man walk in, do his prayers and leave. Ali caught the guy and asked him to stay. Apparently, he did his movements during the prayer too fast for Ali’s taste. So, Ali showed him how it should be done – with a proper rhythm and reverence. Then he asked the guy to repeat his prayers the proper way. The guy tried – still too clumsy for the Imam’s taste. So, Ali made him repeat many times, until he got it right. In the end he was very pleased. He congratulated the man and told him that now his prayers were perfect. To which the man replied: “No, my first prayer was far better than my last one!” Ali was taken aback by this reply and wondered why the man thought this way. The man answered: “Because I did my first prayer for God and my last prayer – for you”.

And that story pretty much wraps it up for me. You did it again coon, awesome story dude thanks for sharing!
But let me say that you guys should really join my religion,it is the truth, we are called Pastafarians! and we believe in the flying spaghetti monster...he's really cool and he's got meatballs for eyes

But no seriously I think it does belong because I still got that oldschool ideal of psy partys being for everyone of any kind , I remember seeing punks with Mohawks dancing in trance , people from the hood who were metal heads , went to a couple of partys and totally changed fullon to the scene and so... yeah that and anything else belongs so that we can share and if you do turn a couple of heads and make them apreciate more the spiritual side of life like those satanic metal heads guys from my hood then isn't that a positive and meaningful accomplishment that extends from "just" a party
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : May 28, 2010 10:18
Anything with sould and heart has a place in this scene.

          "The dedication to repetition — the search for nirvana in a single held tone or an endlessly cycling rhythm — is one of electronic music's noblest gestures."
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  13
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Posted : May 28, 2010 11:31
no religion.           <<<<<<<<SECREAT SHIVA CLUB>>>>>>>>
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