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Does religion still have a place in this scene?

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : May 4, 2010 07:53
The universe is a chocolate donut, and god is the center           "The dedication to repetition — the search for nirvana in a single held tone or an endlessly cycling rhythm — is one of electronic music's noblest gestures."

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Posted : May 4, 2010 10:09

On 2010-05-04 07:53, Login wrote:
The universe is a chocolate donut, and god is the center

Heretic, everyone knows it's a jam donut, but whether it is strawberry or raspberry I couldn't possibly say.

2,000,000+ views and counting.
Maine Coon
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : May 4, 2010 14:48
Indeed. Donuts are filled in mysterious ways.

And by the way, maybe God is not even in the donut. Maybe It's actually coffee... Or may be It's the one eating the donut...
Axis Mundi
Axis Mundi

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Posted : May 4, 2010 22:49
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : May 4, 2010 23:05
wow. reading some of the post here really makes me sad.

I think its safe to say the decline in religion in the psy scene has triggered the decline in psytrance in general.
It used to be an escape from the club/edm simple mind mentality.
After reading this thread its seems its becoming the same.

Im losing faith in all music it seems!

The fact that so many people only see God through the lens of an organized religion is BEYOND sad.

I have to say Big Ups to Glowing Flame for always staying true!

GOD Bless!           
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : May 5, 2010 00:55

On 2010-05-04 23:05, kameleonpangea36 wrote:
wow. reading some of the post here really makes me sad.

I think its safe to say the decline in religion in the psy scene has triggered the decline in psytrance in general.
It used to be an escape from the club/edm simple mind mentality.
After reading this thread its seems its becoming the same.

Im losing faith in all music it seems!

The fact that so many people only see God through the lens of an organized religion is BEYOND sad.

I have to say Big Ups to Glowing Flame for always staying true!

GOD Bless!


Yeah , i agree with you.The spiritual aspect is what drawn me into this and what makes me still interested,besides that i like the music. Something that was very present in goa has been changed,not lost ,but there has been things going on which has nothing to do with what it was from the beginning and what it shall be and what is the real core of this. Which is getting connected with lifeforce,get in a trance state,have a ritual,get very deep inside,explore the psyche etc.

What i dislike the most is plastic full on without soul and acts using vocal samples all the time and trying to be MTV like and those who does so called dark psy and try to copy black and death metal,listening to this is not more psychedelic then watching a horror movie or listen to some death metal.In other words it is not psychedelic.

Luckily there is some artist boxed as full on,dark psy etc who does truly psychedelic music.

The only thing one can think is good with this is that it attracts more people,but if it attracts wrong people then it is only bad.Which obviously is the case here.

If you put in the word spirituality instead of religion you see the case in what is going on.This music is all about spirituality ,this is the core essence of it.And it needs it.

I also think it is sad to see what some people think about this.If you dislike spirituality please go and listen to some death metal,rap,r,n,b instead.

Beat Agency
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : May 5, 2010 01:41
On 2010-05-05 00:55, Fometrius wrote:

If you dislike spirituality please go and listen to some death metal,rap,r,n,b instead.

You are such an open-minded person

I am one of the artists who has been in this scene since 1994 and I NEVER got into the music because of Spirituality or Shiva Boom Shankar cliches etc (no ofense but it's all a fashion thing).

I got into the scene and music because of THE MUSIC and the open-minded people at that time. You - speaking in general terms - would see people dance in business-suits and nobody looked wrong at anyone compared today where you all wear uniforms (hippies, fluro etc.) The attitude was that everybody was welcome on the dance-floor no matter religious, political believes or sexuality etc.

With your attitude you do not strike me as a person I would like to party together with.

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : May 5, 2010 01:56
On 2010-05-05 01:41, Beat Agency wrote:

On 2010-05-05 00:55, Fometrius wrote:

If you dislike spirituality please go and listen to some death metal,rap,r,n,b instead.

You are such an open-minded person

I am one of the artists who has been in this scene since 1994 and I NEVER got into the music because of Spirituality or Shiva Boom Shankar cliches etc (no ofense but it's all a fashion thing).

I got into the scene and music because of THE MUSIC and the open-minded people at that time. You - speaking in general terms - would see people dance in business-suits and nobody looked wrong at anyone compared today where you all wear uniforms (hippies, fluro etc.) The attitude was that everybody was welcome on the dance-floor no matter religious, political believes or sexuality etc.

With your attitude you do not strike me as a person I would like to party together with.

The spiritual aspect in psytrance is not fashion it is there because when listening to this music the listener can get a inner experience and become more aware of the spiritual aspect of life and being in contact with the inner self and feel connected with everything and everyone else.

If some people uses some words,images or phrases it may be fasion like, but that has nothing to do with the core of it.The core of it is that this music offers a possibility to participate in a ritual just like in the old times and we all know the purposes with those rituals.And to offer the listener a possibility to get the same experience by just listening and feel connection with lifeforce.

The word religion is just a word,we want to break the matrix ,understand what is behind the form ,understand what life is and get in contact with the root of everything, often called god and understand it as much as possible and feel it.

Beat Agency
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : May 5, 2010 02:10
@ Fometrius

That's your opinion not mine and many other peoples opinion.

I really dislike when people try to tell me how their way is the right way. That's why I dont buy in to he whole spiritual fashion trend. You want everybody else to "tune" into your way but there are 1000 ways. Not one

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : May 5, 2010 02:13

On 2010-05-05 02:10, Beat Agency wrote:
@ Fometrius

That's your opinion not mine and many other peoples opinion.

I really dislike when people try to tell me how their way is the right way. That's why I dont buy in to he whole spiritual fashion trend. You want everybody else to "tune" into your way but there are 1000 ways. Not one

So you dont want to break the matrix ,understand what is behind the form ,understand what life is and get in contact with the root of everything,often called god and understand it as much as possible and feel it? Because that is what spirituality tries to do and therefore i view it as very needed.
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : May 5, 2010 02:24
Probably some misunderstand this topic,religion are a very big word.Off course there is many religions who is full of bull shit and only consists of cultural and timebound values.Yeah,but all religions have one thing in common,they try to understand and feel and channel the root of existence and i cant see how that can be wrong.
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : May 5, 2010 02:31

On 2010-05-05 02:10, Beat Agency wrote:
@ Fometrius

I really dislike when people try to tell me how their way is the right way.

This is my views about what i think about this subject ,dont take it personal.
Maine Coon
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : May 5, 2010 02:37

On 2010-05-05 00:55, Fometrius wrote:

What i dislike the most is plastic full on without soul and acts using vocal samples all the time and trying to be MTV like and those who does so called dark psy and try to copy black and death metal,listening to this is not more psychedelic then watching a horror movie or listen to some death metal.In other words it is not psychedelic. you. To somebody else it may be.
There is plenty of good black metal out there. I enjoy it once in awhile (the instrumental part – until they start “singing”). The same with darkpsy. Either you have not heard good tracks or you just have an idiosyncrasy – maybe it’s just not meant to be. Kinda like the relationship between me and moldy French cheese. And yet, there are millions of people who enjoy that stinky stuff. See where I am heading?


If you put in the word spirituality instead of religion you see the case in what is going on. This music is all about spirituality, this is the core essence of it. And it needs it.

I think Buddha Monkey was talking about religions (Oriental religions in particular), not spirituality in general. I doubt he’d have a problem with a Sun Wheel, for example. Or maybe he would – now that it’s kidnapped by the Neopagan folks.

Anyway, I agree with you on this particular point. It’s called “psychedelic trance”. Saying that it’s completely unrelated to spirituality is like saying that butter has nothing to do with fat. But then again – I am sure there are people who just listen to it and enjoy the way it sounds, with no spiritual implications whatsoever. Who are we to tell them they are wrong?

Like I said many times (this time I won’t wave the flag ): First Amendment all the way. As long as a person does not puke all over me on a dance floor, I don’t care if he is getting enlightened from this music or not. I’d hope that he does – but I wouldn’t kick him out or blast gangsta rap in his ears if he does not. The latter is exactly what you are doing here:

I also think it is sad to see what some people think about this. If you dislike spirituality please go and listen to some death metal, rap, rnb instead.



The attitude was that everybody was welcome on the dance-floor no matter religious, political believes or sexuality etc.

Well said, Beat Agency.
So, what changed now?
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : May 5, 2010 02:55
On 2010-05-05 02:37, Maine Coon wrote:

On 2010-05-05 00:55, Fometrius wrote:

What i dislike the most is plastic full on without soul and acts using vocal samples all the time and trying to be MTV like and those who does so called dark psy and try to copy black and death metal,listening to this is not more psychedelic then watching a horror movie or listen to some death metal.In other words it is not psychedelic.


The same with darkpsy. Either you have not heard good tracks or you just have an idiosyncrasy

I said that there are some producers who are called dark psy that are very psychedelic,just look at Atriohm for an example. But there is also many acts who is not.Who is just like death metal etc and uses that vibe.What i dont see as psychedelic on the other hand is when people uses screams,downpitched laughters,samples of pain and suffering,only vibes of despair,hatred etc

Tell me in which way horror movies and death metal are psychedelic,do you think the death metal scene is psychedelic?
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : May 5, 2010 03:01

Anyway, I agree with you on this particular point. It’s called “psychedelic trance”. Saying that it’s completely unrelated to spirituality is like saying that butter has nothing to do with fat. But then again – I am sure there are people who just listen to it and enjoy the way it sounds, with no spiritual implications whatsoever. Who are we to tell them they are wrong?

Of course you can listen to psy without having any spiritual meaning to it or view it as spiritual at all,i have never said that you cant.What i on the other hand have said is that i view spirituality as a needed ingrediens in the soup that makes psytrance.
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