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Does religion still have a place in this scene?

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Apr 29, 2010 16:33

On 2010-04-29 09:46, shahar wrote:
For me everything has a place, as long as it's done with respect and understanding for others.

+ 1

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Apr 29, 2010 16:37
It's a individual personal - a spiritual life or a religious life - .
If you need it you won't forget it no matter where you are.
There is no need to ask anybody if it is right or wrong or if it does fit here etc imo.
In general I'd say the psytrance "society" is more a spiritual one than a religious one,at least the ones I met in my life.
And the other half would love to be recognized as someone very spirtual maybe.Not sure of course.

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Apr 29, 2010 19:01
yah def agree that the scene is more "spiritual" than religious. There is a lot of Hindu / Buddhist imagery but I dont see the parties as being religious in nature. A lot of the Hindu / Buddhist imagery you see is more like symbolism for abstract ideas rather than religious images per se
Maine Coon
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Apr 29, 2010 20:15
Wasn't it exactly the same with the “flower children”? Many of them were into Hinduism or Buddhism too. And many of them had a pretty superficial understanding of it too.

Regardless... My answer to your question is more yes than no.

I had many religious discussions with plenty of Hindus. And it seems to me that there are as many branches of Hinduism as there are Hindus. Everybody worships whatever/whoever they want in their own way. Aside from a general (not absolute) rule not to worship Brahma, it's the kind of religious freedom the West can only dream of.

The symbols, the stories, the festivals are there just as a reminder of different aspects of life. I don't think too many people believe that touching a statue of Saraswati will magically make you smarter. But it's there to remind you of the importance of reason and education. So, if an album of "night" trance has a picture of Kali on it - there is nothing wrong with it.

I am not a Hindu. But I have a little statue of Ganesh on my desk. Why? It’s a reminder to not bitch about your life too much. A symbol of hope and optimism. I mean, think about it: the guy got his head cut off by his own father, barely escaped death, ended up with a head of an elephant – and still he smiles all the time and has a mouse (quite an anti-elephant creature)as his companion. After considering this – can you still bitch about that toast you burnt this morning?

I think symbols are cool. My personal theory is that there is one religion and 6 billion interpretations (and that includes atheism). Whatever symbolism works better with your particular brand of this Universal Religion – it’s your business. Somebody looks at a picture of Lakshmi and dances to Goa. Somebody else looks at a picture of Sabrina and dances to – well, Sabrina

Whatever works for you is fine with me. The First Amendment all the way, baby!!
Martian Arts

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Posted : Apr 29, 2010 20:18
The only religious experiences I have had in my life, hit me when I was listening to psy-trance.  
Beat Agency
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Apr 29, 2010 21:11
Does religion still have a place in this scene?

It never had a place. Religion is a personal choice and should stay at home behind the walls of the religious homes. 

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Posted : Apr 29, 2010 21:47
i don't think when images of shiva, ganesh, buddha etc are hung up at psy trance parties it has anything to do with the religions those images represent, they just look cool as fuck under UV light, and they also hark back to the roots of Goa as well i suppose
Demoniac Insomniac

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Posted : Apr 29, 2010 21:50
For me it has, i've become deeply spiritual person tnx to the psy trance scene, so my ideas for music and compiling and stuff are just a reflection of what i become.
So someone wan't to worshipp shiva thru this music, someone is making it just for fun, someone makes it for the money, some for getting bookings and travel around world, someone dont care for the music as far the drugs are here (this is most of the time)...

So why do you wan't to change something or someone, or evolve???
everything evolves,the music the world, even the religions.
why shouldnt religion be involved in this scene?
since god is everywhere around us, is not in the psy trance music?

i see that some users in this forums makes a big separation, this is wrong, this is right, this yes this no.
everyone has his own path, and first of all there should be respect for the others!

          VA - Spiritual Science out now!
Beat Agency
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Apr 29, 2010 21:51

On 2010-04-29 21:47, psyfidelity wrote:
i don't think when images of shiva, ganesh, buddha etc are hung up at psy trance parties it has anything to do with the religions those images represent, they just look cool as fuck under UV light, and they also hark back to the roots of Goa as well i suppose

I rather see true psychedelic deco!
Here in Denmark we never really got into the whole Indian backdrop trend. Luckily we had very creative deco teams who came up with mind-blowing psychedelic concepts. 
Inactive User

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Posted : Apr 30, 2010 11:37

On 2010-04-29 21:11, Beat Agency wrote:

Religion is a personal choice and should stay at home behind the walls of the religious homes.

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Apr 30, 2010 11:56
indeed...or at least it should stay behind some certain walls of protections . i mean a spiritual protection - protection by the elders, who have more wisdom and experience, protection by the traditions, even a protections by a ritual and by ceremonies. a temple within the party. i just thin that it is dangerous to just define the trance culture religious - 80 percent of the scene will start throughing stones at you if you do, it is a fact.

with one word - i believe it should be kept mystical and hidden. this attitude " come to our party and you will have a religious boost" is not appropriate in my opinion. but who am i to say:). done it too, and i just saw that lots of people who come will never ever be open for a religious experience, so they just better not come.

to me religion brought me to trance 15 and more years ago and trance boosted my religious experience. it has always been one thing to me. but i dont think that people like me are welcome in the scene of nowadays. well not in germany anyway.

besides, religious experience in the tradition always has some authorities that have more wisdom, knowledge and experience than others. who are they in the scene? the djs? dont make me laugh please.

the trance scene tried to make an open source religion. so did the psychedelic movement of the 60ies too actually. i take a god from there and a goddess from there, a nice spritual practise from here and absolutely no discipline from there. what we got is a big mess. hedonism in religious clothes.

at the end of the day, i stoped going to trance because i see no sense in seeing my psychedelica religion killed. i need to take another identitz if i wanna go to a trance event... if they stop putting a religous touch to a couple of hallucinogenic visions, that belong to science and neurology than to religion, then they will do a great thing.

howewer - i havent seen a religious trance events since ages, at least not outside of the underground. have you????.

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Posted : Apr 30, 2010 12:29
Darshan..... what an amazing experience, and I am not talking about the DJ......

But to be honest, who really wants to share their mind/soul/collective consciousness with all the fuckwits that go to parties thesedays, pretending to be "psychedelic", whilst drinking beer, taking ampethamine derivatives, making sexist comments and jokes, and behaving like humanity at its worst....

I know I certainly don't want to...

2,000,000+ views and counting.
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Apr 30, 2010 22:56
For me, displaying images of religious figures is more a symbol of the openness that this scene represents. We should all be accepting of each others beliefs and maintain a tolerant attitude towards them. Displaying or allowing the display doesn't need constitute a direct belief in what that religion represents. I think it would be more disrespectful to discourage or disallow people to display these things.

All of this is coming from an atheist.  - Midwest based psytrance group
Axis Mundi
Axis Mundi

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Posted : May 1, 2010 03:02
Religion does have a place in psytrance. For example, I remember this cool zen master dude cooking burgers at one trance party who offered to make me one with everything.

Nice guy!

Started Topics :  312
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Posted : May 1, 2010 03:06

          Everyone in the world is doing something without me
Trance Forum » » Forum  Trance - Does religion still have a place in this scene?
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