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Does reflect the whole scene?

Martian Arts

Started Topics :  187
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Posted : Apr 19, 2010 11:43

On 2010-04-19 03:02, Maine Coon wrote:

On 2010-04-19 02:25, Darius wrote:
On isratrance, everybody is talking about dark music, and stuff like "full on is dead"... but on the parties dance floors, 90 % of the music is full on and progressive ! So...what's the conclusion ???

That IsraTrance is ahead of the curve?

Nope, its more like the usual users that post on here, should get out more.

Isratrance does not reflect what is going on in the scene.  
Solid Snake

Started Topics :  266
Posts :  4138
Posted : Apr 19, 2010 12:19
From many many many many many etc etc etc years of spending time here as a regular user and a moderator I can say for certain that this place reflects only a small little piece of what the 'scene' has to offer. As in any case you get what you make of it, I remember such topics from way back where discussions where going for this new style called 'Full-On'. People were ranting and raving and flaming this and that, this model of conversation was later adopted by people like me to be aimed at the so called 'dark' scene.

Mainly because I see no point in that type of music, but I still respect other people who listens to it. We are all free to like and dislike whatever we want. On the topic though, Isratrance forum is never slow to jump on the caravan of hate, we have so many users that provide good info and have a lot of experiences from working with labels/artists/promoters/fans and can shake off a few good posts now and then to enlighten. This rarely happens nowadays though.

We discussed it not long ago among moderators and supermods what to do, a very wise man put it down like this 'we can't compete with facebook', now that is correct we can't but we can still keep our community to those who actually come here and gives something back.

This forum does not provide a truthful image of the 'scene' in any way in my humble opinion. I have had the pleasure of being around in different continents and countries and seen how it works there. The so called 'dark scene' has no space in the ether of trance music when it comes to generally speaking. It is as psytrance once was a small society within a bigger genre, yet Isratrance forum's is filled with topics regarding this issue. Now why is that?

Am I the only one not enjoying 170bpm machine gun music? My heart beats at 4/4 128bpm~~.

Sorry I drifted somewhere, don't know if I am even related to the topic anymore...


Solid Snake

Started Topics :  266
Posts :  4138
Posted : Apr 19, 2010 12:31
Ohh and the short answer. No!

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Apr 19, 2010 14:27
forums are good for wanna be artists, thay are building careers
thay are well known forum superstars           _____________________
Dennis the menace
DevilsDennis Sparris McHilton

Started Topics :  128
Posts :  2899
Posted : Apr 19, 2010 14:36

On 2010-04-19 12:19, A.Rosengren wrote:My heart beats at 4/4 128bpm~~.

Du har blivit gammal o tappat flåset
Maine Coon
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posts :  1659
Posted : Apr 19, 2010 15:05

On 2010-04-19 03:25, Basilisk wrote:
One clear and undeniable example: look at the male to female ratio around here. Now consider the parties you go to. Enough said.

But this is again about consumers vs. producers, isn’t it?
If you look at the sex ratio among psy trance producers – wouldn’t it be closer to what you see on the Forum than to what you see on the floor? Besides, every married (or otherwise seriously involved) man is likely to bring his significant other to a party. There is no such requirement for posting in the Forum.

So, since the overall opinion is that IsraTrance does not represent The Scene in general – here is a modified question:

do you think it fairly represents active producers of psy trance? Or at least producers plus wannabes?

Maine Coon
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posts :  1659
Posted : Apr 19, 2010 15:23

On 2010-04-19 11:43, disco hooligans wrote:
Isratrance does not reflect what is going on in the scene.

That’s really too bad. I know absolutely nothing about The Scene at large, except what I read here about it. And I do like what I see on IsraTrance – so, I was hoping that reality was just as cool.

I am not sure I noticed that “Isratrance forum is never slow to jump on the caravan of hate”. I see quite the opposite: I have not seen a forum with as much positive vibe as this one. Here I have not seen a critique to descend into a flame war or a newbie to be smoked out just for asking a “stupid” question. Even insults are interesting here: I will never forget the rant about “chipmunks on amphetamines tiptoeing through tulips and trying to be scary”

So, anyway, what is this “Scene”?
Festivals? Clubs? Speakers in people’s cars?
Could it be that a party in Toronto is just as biased of an example as discussions on this Forum?

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Apr 19, 2010 16:09
No, but it's really really funny when people think this is the case.  - Midwest based psytrance group

Started Topics :  23
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Posted : Apr 19, 2010 16:40
Quite obviously not.

Thank gOd.

2,000,000+ views and counting.
IsraTrance Team

Started Topics :  269
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Posted : Apr 19, 2010 16:58
yes indeed isratrance not reflects the whole scene.

but it surely represents a lot more than people think.           ...

Started Topics :  7
Posts :  338
Posted : Apr 19, 2010 19:09
+i think that most forms of thinking in scene are represented here!
Fat Data

Started Topics :  154
Posts :  3918
Posted : Apr 19, 2010 20:23

On 2010-04-19 03:41, Wizack Twizack wrote:
its always the same _30_ guys writing in all the forums


and i had the impression that all of the posters are pavels multiple personalities...

pavel is the scene end of story...

( awaiting the restraining order )

IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  38
Posts :  1931
Posted : Apr 19, 2010 21:39
i think that isratrance certainly influences the scene. even a lot. and whoever believes it doesn't, is probably talking about another scene....

if it reflects the scene? i believe there is nothing that can reflect the psychedelic universe anyway. but is a good model of the scen for anyone interested to investigate these realms. especially because it connects lots of artistic minds into one fractal.

and btw the best thing about isratrance is that it will never even slightly be like facebook. smaller fractals are always more beautiful
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  27
Posts :  911
Posted : Apr 19, 2010 22:31
Definitely does not represent the whole scene. The scene is much too diverse for it to be genuinely reflected here. However I think a majority of labels and artists are represented here. And I do feel a lot of good discussions take place here (as well as a lot of useless ones ) I feel as if atleast a few people from every scene on the planet are here on Isra and therefore it makes networking quite useful. Specially when you go to new places and want to connect to the scene there. Have met some great friends thru Isratrance so for me it has been a great connection to the scene.

IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  27
Posts :  869
Posted : Apr 20, 2010 01:22
I believe it is a small representation of a vast global scene....whether it represents the scene accurately or not is kind of hard to tell without being involved in every scene in every coutry around the world, or without doing some serious research on the subject..

look at all the major artists in the world....most of them are not on here...there is no deedrah, GMS, infected, may have people from their "crew" checking on things, but there aren't really involved in the site...

So, no I don't believe it gives you an exact snapshot of the scene.

but who cares, we all like each other for most part and love talking about it probably represents those people best...           assumption is the mother of all fuckups.
Trance Forum » » Forum  Trance - Does reflect the whole scene?
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