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¿Do you want minimal in the psytrance main floors?


Started Topics :  3
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Posted : Oct 13, 2010 16:50

On 2010-10-13 16:47, syntesis wrote:

On 2010-10-13 12:18, disco hooligans wrote:
I think we shouldn't play anything on the main floor.

Minimal is minimal and is ruining people's trip

darkpsy is not dark and it certainly ain't for whipersnappers and divinity-striken, retarted old fools, that had one drop too many.

goa? that shit is old and has that old shite kick... get with the programme.

new school goa? it ain't as good as the old school goa, which has that shite kick.

full on? enough copy cat/pop trance music, it died with Cosma (RIP).

Prog? that's house music you cocaine loving, homosexual!

...them "hi-tech/twilight" tunes are cheesy as shit, although people pretend the're not, and there are more breaks in the music, than there is an actual groove. yeah nice one mate, you're really good with the sequencer, trying dancing to your music some time....fucking geek.

suomisaundi? it should be contained withing the scnadinavian borders. its better that way, them scandos are weird anyway.

peace out.

darkpsy? YES, some is psychedelic

goa? YES, is psychedelic

new school goa? YES, is psychedelic

fullon? YES, is psychedelic

progressive? YES, some is psychedelic

hi-tech? YES, some is psychedelic

suomi? YES, is psychedelic


I´m gonna copy-paste from one of my posts of boom reviews some of my thoughs about why I think WE SHOULD KEEP THE MINIMAL IN THE ALTERNATIVES AREAS:

(...) Also I want to say that I LIKE ALL THIS NEW STYLES OF PROGRESSIVE, in fact, besides my main project of making psychedelic I have an alternative project involved with the electro (also some house-minimal) sounds in the trance scene. It´s true that I like this "neo-trance", but we don´t have to confuse some concepts: WHY PSYTRANCE WAS BORN AND WHY MINIMAL, HOUSE, TECHNO WERE BORN. The first one was born with a clear goal: to dissolve our ego DANCING WITH SYNTHETIC&ACID SOUNDS (and maybe with psychedelic substances), making a feeling of community and "oneness" with the others dancers, making the experience a path of self knowing and growing, LIKE A AYAHUASCA CEREMONY, being the dj like the shaman, thats the point why it´s called PSYCHEDELIC. Also the psytrance has a hedonistic reason to be, we get pleasure while dancing on it. Dancing progress-minimal also you get this pleasant feelings, but the MINIMAL was not born with the psychedelic spirit, it was born at techno-clubs, so it has a CLUB SPIRIT (the club music goal is to enjoy the music by itself, get pleasure with the sounds and be happy dancing with other people. Thats lovely too!!!). Again I have to say that I enjoy the club music as well, but It´s not a shamanic experience, your ego is still here in this world, you don´t get "the other world, beyond the concepts". So, my point is: this new "neo-trance" is a club music, not a shamanic music (it´s MINIMAL-TRANCE BUT NOT PSYCHEDELIC). Why I did thousands of kilometers to Boom? To get in trance with thousands of people, having this massive-shamanic experience. Dance minimal with hundreds of people I can do it in my little city all weekends (...)
Martian Arts

Started Topics :  187
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Posted : Oct 13, 2010 17:54
You do realise that psy-trance is a subgenre of techno music, right synthesis?
First, there was acid house music, then everything else.
And again, everything is subjective...
The only two genres I believe are psychedelic (outta the ones I meantioned) are Goa and Prog (Ticon-We Are The Mammoth Hunters-era, Paps, POTS, SBK, Planet BEN, Yumade, new Sensient...that kind of prog).

Where does one draw the line of what is psychedelic and what is not?

My last proper organised festival (musically speaking), was Sola Luna 2002 (the first Sola Luna 2001 was much better musically), as it had the trance stage and the prog stage (obviously there was a chill out stage as well). At the trance stage there was no bollocks fast and furious music during the night, neither was there any bollocks clicky and plonky music during the day. The flow was consistent, everybody loved their lives and if you wanted to listen to prog? no probs just head down the prog stage for non-stop prog music.

So what is wrong today and there is no flow?
People/promoters, insisting on putting music that although it has distanced it self from psychedelic trance, it is forced down our throats at psychedelic dancefloors, that includes bleepy minimal techno as much as darkpsy, suomi, what have you...

Promoters used to know what a good psychedelic line up is, but some where along the way, they decided to it simply because they put their mates to play, irrespective of the style? is it because they'd rather put artists that only asked to have their tickets payed? Is it simply new, promoters that haven't been to a proper psychedelic trance party/festival?
Fuck knows, but some where along the way, artists, DJs, dancers, listeners, people in general, wanted to segragate and distance them selves from each other, inside the psy-trance scene, instead of seeking "oneness".
I mean look at this thread, there are so many people that are passionate about NOT wanting something, and striving to keep something that they feel is so alien to the psychedelic dancefloor, because at the end of the day, it does fuck up your trip when someone decides to shuv some thing that has nothing to do with trance music, yet because some small collective of forum users, or an old washed up geezer looking for an easy buck, or some on-line trance CD shop that posts write ups of preposterous claims in order to sell CDs, have branded as "the evolution of psy-trance".

I am one of them people, cause it does suck royal cock to have your groove ruined when you're tripping...people in old parties in Goa, used to throw rocks to DJs if they played shite music.
Hero #1
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Oct 13, 2010 18:00

On 2010-10-13 17:54, disco hooligans wrote:
people in old parties in Goa, used to throw rocks to DJs if they played shite music.

Pics or STFU

Were you ever in any such party ?
Maine Coon
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Oct 13, 2010 18:03
That was a good one, DH!
(I was referring to your earlier break-down of all the genres as unsuited for the main stage)
We’ll just play “The sounds of silence” by Simon & Garfunkel as a party warm-up and then turn everything off. That’s for the PLUR people. For those with darker nature, the warm-up will be Depeche Mode’s “Enjoy the silence”.

Syntesis, as one of my favorite TV villains said: “Every joke contains a bit of a joke”. Where is Pavel with his “Serious Business” pictures of constipated Japanese guys when we need him most?!

Dogon, all power to you! Suomi is the only genre that should be played on the main stage, as it is the least formulaic and the most psychedelic. It’s also the only truly outdoor genre (especially when peppered once in a while with good forest darkpsy). Everything else belongs in clubs (Goth, gay or yuppie – you can figure out yourself what goes where). And before anybody decides to bite my head off, I refer you again to my favorite TV villain [insert Pavel’s “Serous Business” pic here].

Started Topics :  3
Posts :  55
Posted : Oct 13, 2010 18:21

On 2010-10-13 17:54, disco hooligans wrote:
You do realise that psy-trance is a subgenre of techno music, right synthesis?
First, there was acid house music, then everything else.

Yes, and the acid-house from the disco, the disco from the soul, the soul from the gospel and so on till the first primitives tam tams. My point is WHY goa&psy was born and WHY minimal was born. Came on, I hope you can feel THE DIFERENT MOOD in psy parties and minimal parties, if not, please, come to the south of Spain where psytrance is still a underground scene (I make 200 to 600 kilometers to get the psy parties) and you will see...

Where does one draw the line of what is psychedelic and what is not?

hmmm... what a dificult answer to explain with words (also my poor english)... some kind of synthetic-resonant-acid-twisted sounds?
Martian Arts

Started Topics :  187
Posts :  5292
Posted : Oct 13, 2010 18:23

On 2010-10-13 18:00, Hero #1 wrote:

On 2010-10-13 17:54, disco hooligans wrote:
people in old parties in Goa, used to throw rocks to DJs if they played shite music.

Pics or STFU

Were you ever in any such party ?

Jordan (the other half of DH), has.

I am not condoning such action, simply getting DJs that are on a massive ego trip, off the decks by spilling some sort of alcohol on them, is much more polite

Just saying that as much as this is simply "dance music" some people take their trips very seriously and can't handle a "king of his own castle-DJ".

Put it this way, Alien Jesus would have collected more stones than Mary Magdalene back then...true Queens Of The Stone Age, I tells ya  
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  65
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Posted : Oct 13, 2010 18:25
we need better music on the main floors, period.           "The dedication to repetition — the search for nirvana in a single held tone or an endlessly cycling rhythm — is one of electronic music's noblest gestures."
Martian Arts

Started Topics :  187
Posts :  5292
Posted : Oct 13, 2010 18:30

On 2010-10-13 18:21, syntesis wrote:

On 2010-10-13 17:54, disco hooligans wrote:
You do realise that psy-trance is a subgenre of techno music, right synthesis?
First, there was acid house music, then everything else.

Yes, and the acid-house from the disco, the disco from the soul, the soul from the gospel and so on till the first primitives tam tams. My point is WHY goa&psy was born and WHY minimal was born. Came on, I hope you can feel THE DIFERENT MOOD in psy parties and minimal parties, if not, please, come to the south of Spain where psytrance is still a underground scene (I make 200 to 600 kilometers to get the psy parties) and you will see...

Yes there is a different mood, as different as it is when full on is playing, prog that is basically clicky techno music, darkpsy, hi-tech, suomi...etc.
See what I mean?


On 2010-10-13 18:21, syntesis wrote:

Where does one draw the line of what is psychedelic and what is not?

hmmm... what a dificult answer to explain with words (also my poor english)... some kind of synthetic-resonant-acid-twisted sounds?

Like the synthetic-resonant-acid-twisted 303s on this tune maybe?

I hope you understand what I am trying to say.

Peace out.


Started Topics :  3
Posts :  55
Posted : Oct 13, 2010 18:37

Like the synthetic-resonant-acid-twisted 303s on this tune maybe?

!!!!ALMOST!!!! It just need maybe the most important thing: THE BASE. With flour, tomato, chees, olives and mushrooms you can make pizza or you can make couscous, both are the same ingredients, but ARE NOT THE SAME, different colours, different taste, different smell, and the most important, DIFFERENT CULTURE, italian culture is different than moroccan culture...
Colin OOOD
OOOD/Voice of Cod

Started Topics :  95
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Posted : Oct 13, 2010 18:42
Both just as nutritious as each other though.           Mastering - ::
OOOD 5th album 'You Think You Are' - :: ::
Contact for bookings/mastering -
Martian Arts

Started Topics :  187
Posts :  5292
Posted : Oct 13, 2010 18:44

On 2010-10-13 18:37, syntesis wrote:

Like the synthetic-resonant-acid-twisted 303s on this tune maybe?

!!!!ALMOST!!!! It just need maybe the most important thing: THE BASE. With flour, tomato, chees, olives and mushrooms you can make pizza or you can make couscous, both are the same ingredients, but ARE NOT THE SAME, different colours, different taste, different smell, and the most important, DIFFERENT CULTURE, italian culture is different to moroccan culture...

So, by your analogy, who is to say which one actually tastes better? Who has a better taste? The person that likes pizza, or the person that likes Couscous?
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Oct 13, 2010 18:56

On 2010-10-13 12:05, Dogon wrote:
just curious, how about Suomi on the main floor!

I have not been to any festivals where Suomi was ever played, so not sure, how it works for Suomi, mainstage or 'getthefuckouttotheforestyoumonkeys' floor

enlighten me please.

PS: I am playing a Suomi set on the main stage at a festival next month in India.

I play suomi on the main stage and it works just fine! Especially when the suomi lovers come out of the woodworks and do their funny dancing and the girls groove to the cool disco sounds. Have fun Dogon!


Started Topics :  3
Posts :  55
Posted : Oct 13, 2010 18:57

So, by your analogy, who is to say which one actually tastes better? Who has a better taste? The person that likes pizza, or the person that likes Couscous?

Please, I hope no one think that I think my taste is better than the other, always I RESPECT TOTALLY the minimal culture, just I´m saying to don´t mix in the same dance floor... I believe above all that all cultures have to learn about the others, anyway, if I´m moroccan muslim, please, don´t force to me to go to a cristian church, muslim and christians must to respect and learn each other, but they have differents way to see the religion. Please, don´t force to me to dance minimal in psytrance dance floors, I will do in its corresponding area...
Martian Arts

Started Topics :  187
Posts :  5292
Posted : Oct 13, 2010 18:59

On 2010-10-13 18:57, syntesis wrote:

So, by your analogy, who is to say which one actually tastes better? Who has a better taste? The person that likes pizza, or the person that likes Couscous?

Please, I hope no one think that I think my taste is better than the other, always I RESPECT TOTALLY the minimal culture, just I´m saying to don´t mix in the same dance floor... I believe above all that all cultures have to learn about the others, anyway, if I´m moroccan muslim, please, don´t force to me to go to a cristian church, muslim and christians must to respect and learn each other, but they have differents way to see the religion. Please, don´t force to me to dance minimal in psytrance dance floors, I will do in its corresponding area...

Should one be forced to dance to full-on/darkpsy/suomi, in the main trance stage then?
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  58
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Posted : Oct 13, 2010 19:04
i think yes! you just can't please everybody

so you could just force them with a machine gun

Wierd shit happens :)
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