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¿Do you want minimal in the psytrance main floors?

Maine Coon
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Oct 12, 2010 19:57

On 2010-10-12 17:53, mk47 wrote:
hows bout 12:00 noon thru midnite grown up techno , rest 12 hours for the pretentious dark and kiddy fullon ? or other way around ? still ..

Too vague!
Didn’t you know there is a Universal Astrological Genre Chart that spells out all the specifics?
Pretentious dark can be played only at 2-4 a.m. And kiddy full on can be played only at 12-2 a.m. and at 5-7 a.m.
And don’t you try to change that – or everybody’s chakras will explode at once. Earth’s magnetic field will reverse once again. New England snobs will start speaking Ebonix and Dubya will join the Peace Corps. Not to mention what all of this will do to the poor rainforest.


On 2010-10-12 17:55, mk47 wrote:
and if you listen very hard...

…you’ll hear percussions and formant filters sing: “Duvdev is Lord”, right?

You were right – there is only so much one can take before his inner troll bursts out with vengeance.
Inactive User

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Posted : Oct 12, 2010 20:34
Inactive User

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Posted : Oct 12, 2010 20:36
Inactive User

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Posted : Oct 12, 2010 20:38
12:00 noon - midnite ... minimal main floor
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Oct 12, 2010 22:05
What about famous psytrance artists now producing minimal techno playing on the main stage?

Martian Arts

Started Topics :  187
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Posted : Oct 13, 2010 11:50

On 2010-10-12 22:05, rich wrote:
What about famous psytrance artists now producing minimal techno playing on the main stage?

GMS, hell no.
James Monro, hell yes!  

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Posted : Oct 13, 2010 12:01
prometheus turns a little bit this way, me likes though.
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Oct 13, 2010 12:05
just curious, how about Suomi on the main floor!

I have not been to any festivals where Suomi was ever played, so not sure, how it works for Suomi, mainstage or 'getthefuckouttotheforestyoumonkeys' floor

enlighten me please.

PS: I am playing a Suomi set on the main stage at a festival next month in India.

          We were born naked & grow up to become wicked.
Martian Arts

Started Topics :  187
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Posted : Oct 13, 2010 12:18
I think we shouldn't play anything on the main floor.

Minimal is minimal and is ruining people's trip

darkpsy is not dark and it certainly ain't for whipersnappers and divinity-striken, retarted old fools, that had one drop too many.

goa? that shit is old and has that old shite kick... get with the programme.

new school goa? it ain't as good as the old school goa, which has that shite kick.

full on? enough copy cat/pop trance music, it died with Cosma (RIP).

Prog? that's house music you cocaine loving, homosexual!

...them "hi-tech/twilight" tunes are cheesy as shit, although people pretend the're not, and there are more breaks in the music, than there is an actual groove. yeah nice one mate, you're really good with the sequencer, trying dancing to your music some time....fucking geek.

suomisaundi? it should be contained withing the scnadinavian borders. its better that way, them scandos are weird anyway.

peace out.

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Oct 13, 2010 12:51
you mean NO VISA for suomisaundi!!!

discrimination!!!           We were born naked & grow up to become wicked.
Remy [POF]
Principles Of Flight

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Posted : Oct 13, 2010 12:58

On 2010-10-13 12:18, disco hooligans wrote:
I think we shouldn't play anything on the main floor.

Minimal is minimal and is ruining people's trip

darkpsy is not dark and it certainly ain't for whipersnappers and divinity-striken, retarted old fools, that had one drop too many.

goa? that shit is old and has that old shite kick... get with the programme.

new school goa? it ain't as good as the old school goa, which has that shite kick.

full on? enough copy cat/pop trance music, it died with Cosma (RIP).

Prog? that's house music you cocaine loving, homosexual!

...them "hi-tech/twilight" tunes are cheesy as shit, although people pretend the're not, and there are more breaks in the music, than there is an actual groove. yeah nice one mate, you're really good with the sequencer, trying dancing to your music some time....fucking geek.

suomisaundi? it should be contained withing the scnadinavian borders. its better that way, them scandos are weird anyway.

peace out.

I so agree with this! We shouldn't play anything!           On 2011-03-08 23:13, moki wrote:
listening only to free music is like having the free possibility to satisfy yourself with thousends of different free sexual acts.
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Oct 13, 2010 16:24
we got some already and it was working really well,listen to tracks like yumade time stress , these guys were making todays minimal techno already 10 years ago
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Oct 13, 2010 16:32
actually Boom 2008 had texas faggot and it was pretty good... this years boom had haltya and it was fucking CRAZY... so yes good suomi works
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Oct 13, 2010 16:41

On 2010-10-13 16:32, goaren wrote:
actually Boom 2008 had texas faggot and it was pretty good... this years boom had haltya and it was fucking CRAZY... so yes good suomi works

thanks for the information.

gives me some hope!           We were born naked & grow up to become wicked.

Started Topics :  3
Posts :  55
Posted : Oct 13, 2010 16:47

On 2010-10-13 12:18, disco hooligans wrote:
I think we shouldn't play anything on the main floor.

Minimal is minimal and is ruining people's trip

darkpsy is not dark and it certainly ain't for whipersnappers and divinity-striken, retarted old fools, that had one drop too many.

goa? that shit is old and has that old shite kick... get with the programme.

new school goa? it ain't as good as the old school goa, which has that shite kick.

full on? enough copy cat/pop trance music, it died with Cosma (RIP).

Prog? that's house music you cocaine loving, homosexual!

...them "hi-tech/twilight" tunes are cheesy as shit, although people pretend the're not, and there are more breaks in the music, than there is an actual groove. yeah nice one mate, you're really good with the sequencer, trying dancing to your music some time....fucking geek.

suomisaundi? it should be contained withing the scnadinavian borders. its better that way, them scandos are weird anyway.

peace out.

darkpsy? YES, some is psychedelic

goa? YES, is psychedelic

new school goa? YES, is psychedelic

fullon? YES, is psychedelic

progressive? YES, some is psychedelic

hi-tech? YES, some is psychedelic

suomi? YES, is psychedelic

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