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¿Do you want minimal in the psytrance main floors?

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Oct 8, 2010 15:35

On 2010-10-08 02:05, syntesis wrote:

and now thanks to dogon I´m retarded and idiotic

be always happy...

read my post again please

be always happy..... !?           We were born naked & grow up to become wicked.
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Oct 8, 2010 16:39
I think the reason this happens is because people get tired of psytrance music but still love psytrance people, psytrance deco, psytrance vibe...

So they throw "psytrance" festivals with whatever music they feel like. I notice this happen a lot...

recently went to a festival in California with two stages. The "main" stage played mostly psytrance and was full of ridiculously fucked up kids. All of the adults were on the side stage which was playing progressive, minimal and a little bit of breaks/dubstep.

It was this day through most of saturday night.

Once sun rose, the kids were passed out from exhaustion, and the adults slowly migrated to the mainstage. Coincidentally, the music also got a lot better at this point.
Beat Agency
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Oct 8, 2010 17:40
I got the final solution.

Demand that the organizers (who ask for your money telling you their festivals are psytrance festivals) actually book artists who play psytrance on the mainstage. If they dont then boycott those organizers.

If you like me prefer tech house and techno do as I do. Go to real tech house and techno parties and not some pseudo psy-techno festival 
Maine Coon
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Oct 8, 2010 20:02
I understand what you said about the flow. But that’s more about placement (in time and space) of DJ sets than about the kind of music they play. It’s a job of an organizer, who is really a “meta-DJ”. Just like DJs who don’t match tracks well will produce a train wreck, so will organizers who don’t match sets. But, unlike DJs, organizers work in two dimensions: if things don’t fit together on one stage they may fit together with different sets on another stage. I understand, it would be stupid to queue a 130 BPM set of beeps and clicks after a set of 160 BPM night full on, but it still may fit somewhere else – on a different floor and/or at a different time slot. Maybe I just misunderstand how festivals work – somehow I imagine there are more than 2-3 stages there. In either case, they take place for more than one day – so, even if you are confined to 2-3 stages, there is room in time for fitting things together better, right?

Of course, if you’re shackled by a rigid formula, that tells you sunset time should be Goa, 2-4 a.m. has to be darkpsy and 6-8 a.m. has to be morning full on etc. – there is not much wiggle room left there. But that’s a self-imposed restriction! I often listen to morning full on right before falling asleep or play darkspy while walking in a park in the middle of the day. Sometimes I eat salad for breakfast and cereal for lunch. Nobody dies from things like this. What is this fascist idea people cling to about what music has to be played at what time? But that’s an entirely different topic, I guess…
Maine Coon
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Oct 8, 2010 20:07
Anyway, I still think a festival is different from a party and should be about diversity and experimentation and about making producers and fans of different genres feel that they belong to the same large family. It’s not about playing particular tracks Tasos_NOtrea demands to hear, is it?

Imagine a person who goes to a State fair and starts complaining that he didn’t like the way those champion pigs smelled. Well, that’s just stupid! Those pigs were just one of the things people brought there to showcase. Don’t like them – go see the pottery exhibit. If you’re not into the whole “local pride” thing – go enjoy that free concert by Alice Cooper of Ziggy Marley. That’s the beauty of having huge fairgrounds with a million things scattered around them, isn’t it? If nothing tickles your fancy at all – you may still bump into an old friend and catch up with him over an overpriced hotdog and a cup of donkey-piss beer. Your experience is what you make out of it – because fair organizers provided you with thousands of options. Isn’t this how a big festival should be too?

When you go to a big scientific conference, there will be plenty of people there presenting stuff you’re not even remotely interested in. There will be separate floors for different branches of the science you’re in. There will be keynote talks with some Nobel laureates or the Surgeon General or what have you, that everybody will want to hear. But mostly it’s going to be about people checking out what’s new in their favorite fields, what other fields and interests are out there and what are the trends. It’s also about catching up with old friends and collaborators, maybe bouncing some ideas off of each other over a cup of coffee or a glass of wine. Nobody there complains that there are too many posters and talks unrelated to his favorite topic. Because if you want everything to be about your topic – you go to a 6-hour symposium, not to a 4-day conference. And if you want to hear only about one particular aspect – you go to a seminar or a journal club. Don’t you think the same differences would apply to Boom, Sacred Earth and a party in somebody’s back yard?
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Oct 9, 2010 11:43
coon what you are saying here is mostly true and im all pro experimentation and seeing/hearing other things - hell thats the most special thing about festivals - but i can give you one good example of how the experimentation was perfectly woven - and my example would be boom 2008 - at that time i didnt really like progessive/suomi/jazzy stuff not to mention minimal, but at the main stage the progressive acts fitted perfectly to the ones before them allowing me to stay at the main stage and enjoy sounds i wasnt really in to - because the transitions were perfect and have put me in a mindset that i could see what its all about and even enjoy it... REALLY enjoy it

moreover, the groovy beach stage was where it went more experimental and i visited there from time to time either when the main stage was too much or the music there was not to my taste, or when i went wandering around and when i could connect, i stayed there and enjoyed it alot.

bottom line is (for me atleast) - continue experimenting - but keep the flow of your main stage - there is room for practically everything and every taste (as long as it is psychedelic!)

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Posted : Oct 9, 2010 20:38
Riktam & Bansi on main stage would be o.k. with me:

Maine Coon
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Oct 9, 2010 21:55

On 2010-10-09 11:43, goaren wrote:

bottom line is (for me atleast) - continue experimenting - but keep the flow of your main stage - there is room for practically everything and every taste (as long as it is psychedelic!)


This really is the bottom line of this whole discussion, IMO - the formula most people here were searching for.
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Oct 9, 2010 22:37

On 2010-10-08 02:05, syntesis wrote:

On 2010-10-07 22:20, Dogon wrote:

On 2010-10-07 22:11, goaren wrote:
offtopic, but... what an idiotic picture... absolutely tasteless


but some situations are idiotic too....

when I wrote in my back in Boom "Minimal is not psy. Don´t fu-BEEEP- my drop" I didn´t know I was to get so many insults in internet:

narrow minded
bad vibes producer
taliban trancer
negative energy spreader

more insults that I don´t reminder

and now thanks to dogon I´m retarded and idiotic

now, after all this insults, I believe more than ever in what I do, trying to be the nicest and polute I can explaining my believes because I DON´T WANT TO BE LIKE THIS PEOPLE...

luckily I work like teacher in high school and I bear all the days with teenagers who the insults are they arguments, and I know that they are good persons anyway...

be always happy...

i think i saw u.....

dudes, yeap.. dont mix trance with minimal.. it gets weird sometimes..... not saying that neither genre is bad or good... but just keep them off each other....

its like dark... some ppl say dark should allways be in alternate stage...           I want a spare brain.... or 2.
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Oct 9, 2010 22:42
The wall of Genreism is falling.

No more cold wars over genres           "The dedication to repetition — the search for nirvana in a single held tone or an endlessly cycling rhythm — is one of electronic music's noblest gestures."
IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Oct 10, 2010 00:54

On 2010-10-06 10:08, syntesis wrote:

bro tandav is possible to any music if u put ur mind to it ..

ok friend, but we don´t have to confuse, is true that we can find the spiritually in all kind of forms in the live (including the minimal dancing) beeing happy and loving the others, but IS NOT THE SAME THAN THE PSYCHEDELIC TRANCE (not the music style but the mind state), this kind of trance is different, is the perfect mix beetwen SYNTHETIC&ACID SOUNDS and the psychedelic substances, is something different...

Naah, there's no difference.
2 years ago at Ozora I went to my tent, while my Lsd was still working and I listened to some minimal on my Ipod, just to take the test and see if it would be 'Psychedelic' at all.
And I can say it was just as Psychedelic as the Progressive which was being played at the mainstage at that moment.
It had that same Psychedelic swaying vibe to it.
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Oct 10, 2010 05:15

On 2010-10-10 00:54, Djones wrote:

On 2010-10-06 10:08, syntesis wrote:

bro tandav is possible to any music if u put ur mind to it ..

ok friend, but we don´t have to confuse, is true that we can find the spiritually in all kind of forms in the live (including the minimal dancing) beeing happy and loving the others, but IS NOT THE SAME THAN THE PSYCHEDELIC TRANCE (not the music style but the mind state), this kind of trance is different, is the perfect mix beetwen SYNTHETIC&ACID SOUNDS and the psychedelic substances, is something different...

Naah, there's no difference.
2 years ago at Ozora I went to my tent, while my Lsd was still working and I listened to some minimal on my Ipod, just to take the test and see if it would be 'Psychedelic' at all.
And I can say it was just as Psychedelic as the Progressive which was being played at the mainstage at that moment.
It had that same Psychedelic swaying vibe to it.

u were on acid.... everything get psychedelic lol           I want a spare brain.... or 2.

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Posted : Oct 11, 2010 18:05
...umm no thank you, not in a psytrance main floor.
Inactive User

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Posted : Oct 12, 2010 17:53
hows bout 12:00 noon thru midnite grown up techno , rest 12 hours for the pretentious dark and kiddy fullon ? or other way around ? still ..
Inactive User

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Posted : Oct 12, 2010 17:55
and if you listen very hard...
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