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¿Do you want minimal in the psytrance main floors?

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Oct 8, 2010 02:16
there is a place for everything,i dont feel like bashing other genre`s even if i dont like it,about minimal it is not something i usually listen to,actually i dont listen to it at all,perhaps i should check out some stuff there,i feel open minded about most things when it comes to music,at least when it is about electronic music,hehe.

But on the main floor at my personal taste,why not start with some prog or "standard" style psytrance ,then twilight at the night and goa at the early morning.I like many stages also so one can choose.

If some party organizer want to have minimal,i would not have anything against that intention regardless to what i think myself of the music.If i dont want to participate i dont participate in the "disco ritual".

Although i would not like the idea that psytrance gatherings becoming to much mainstream and less psychedelic,but on bigger events there should be " a cup of tea" that everyone can enjoy,in other words,different stages and styles.

However what usually gets me going is intense,psychedelic and driving music ,whatever genre it is.
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Oct 8, 2010 05:52
The new techno style rocks! There is a very strong psychedelic undercurrent flowing through electronic dance music these days. Not sure what the problem is except that different people have different taste!
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Oct 8, 2010 06:09
I ll say a definite NO on minimal tech on main dance floor at psy trance party!

By the way the picture of the "Retarded" person with down syndrome is offensive, are you freaking hitler you can learn so much from a person like that!

Maine Coon
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Oct 8, 2010 06:50
I learnt to play pool (that's billiards, if you're a snob) from a guy with Down syndrome. He beat me at it every time too.

Anyway, isn't the whole point of a festival to showcase the wide range of things - psychedelic music, for example? Sometimes it doesn't hurt to include some related genres, like whatever you call those blips and clicks. Maybe not on the main floor, but it's only an advantage if there is a place where one can go and check it out.

A party is a different issue, because it's a more intimate gathering and people come there expecting a certain experience, not necessarily exploring what's new out there in the world of music. In my own party (which takes place in my mp3 player) there is no minimal techno. But I wouldn't run around with petitions to ban it from everywhere. Don't like it - don't listen to it, but leave everybody else alone.
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Oct 8, 2010 06:58
Lets stop with labeling parties: trance party, techno party, house party...

For the sake of god lets have a good collective hug and dance to anything that has soul           "The dedication to repetition — the search for nirvana in a single held tone or an endlessly cycling rhythm — is one of electronic music's noblest gestures."
Maine Coon
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Oct 8, 2010 07:16
You close one can of warms and immediately open another one.

Now we're going to have another discussion on whether blips and clicks have a soul.

My solution is much simpler: dance to the music you like, don't dance to the music you don't like. Go watch fireflies or listen to crickets instead. Or better yet, check on your child, which "uncle VOMIT" has been watching for the past 3 hours.

Aren't people tired of pompous declarations about how everything and everybody "should" be?
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Oct 8, 2010 07:22

Aren't people tired of pompous declarations about how everything and everybody "should" be?

Its quite common in this scene, and any scene that has avery underground past.

Many want the scene, genre to be "pure" and dont want evolution or change, they see it as degradation.

SO many people have a very totalitarian view of this. I had once I must admit so I supposse just time can cure it.           "The dedication to repetition — the search for nirvana in a single held tone or an endlessly cycling rhythm — is one of electronic music's noblest gestures."
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Oct 8, 2010 09:55
coon - theres one very important matter you are missing here - im pretty sure everyone will agree with me that the flow of a party/festival (or more like the journey/state of consciousness you get to during the trancedance, or even just the vibe/energy you are getting at the dancefloor) is much more important than exploring every possible sound - i mean, exploration and experimentation are good, but as long as they are connected and best if the connection is seamless...

and like syntesis and others mentioned before, to have this flow just simply cut by a type of music that does not interleave with what has been played before (you can have a different story as you play different music, but make a transition!) just destroys the vibe and for some people on some substances it goes way worse than just that...

btw syntesis - i was referring only to the picture and the context it was posted - not to you

Started Topics :  3
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Posted : Oct 8, 2010 10:08

I know, i was referring to dogon, the guy who insert the tasteless picture, I know you are being very respectfull expresing your opinions, and because that and your words, I sended a message to the moderators to delete my other post. If you are polute in your life, you will get wathever you want, with insults like some people use to argue, you will get what you give... thats a karmic law...
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Oct 8, 2010 10:37
I'd like to listen on psy festivals this sound and not the crappy clubbly techno/tech house dubfire style sound that Iboga records and Tribal Vision provide....I like this kind of trippy cosmic techno instead of kick n bass progressive trance of Blue Tunes and Spintwist... On alternative stages during the night time and on main stages after the midday :

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Oct 8, 2010 11:43
very nice ,but what is the problem for going to a techno festival for it and to a psytrance festival for psytrance .I really don't get it.
In every music you will find something decent no doubt.
But if you as a visitor plan to go to/for a psytrance party and you land somewhere labeled as psytrance but without or even with something else -probably it is your last time you went there or maybe the very last.
Never forget that orgs- if you have a connection to psytrance and not just for the money of course.
In the third floor after the second corner the nice sounds it is ok for the chilled out butterflys but keep psy with trance and best with a proper acid spice in and around the music on the mainfloor.

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Oct 8, 2010 11:47
there is some nice minimal .
as long as it is not minimal house its alright.
some have realy nice psychedelic acid sound 
Wierd shit happens :)
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Oct 8, 2010 12:18

On 2010-10-08 05:52, Basilisk wrote:
The new techno style rocks! There is a very strong psychedelic undercurrent flowing through electronic dance music these days. Not sure what the problem is except that different people have different taste!

Very true...but it was not this that mainly played in the afternoons!!!! Making a line-up for a big psychedelic event is tricky and if you want to have all sorts of genres playing there you need to be very sensible to the organization of the line-up.

Still i cannot relate the majority of the sounds in the afternoon with a psy-trance gathering!!! It was club music and many times easy/cheesy club music.

I dont think techno ends there as the above examples show


Started Topics :  140
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Posted : Oct 8, 2010 12:28
Complicated but can be still achieved.

Lets get to the point. First and foremost its a PSYTRANCE festival. So how would it be appropriate when most of the music is minimal tech? I like minimal tech, and for most of it, its the most ideal thing in an indoor/club enviroment.

Ideally, its more appropriate when there is an alternative stage which is prevalent in festivals. But then again somebody pointed out with regards to the collective vibe of dance being segregated. That's an important point to note too. So what do we do then?

Being a genre which is considered more 'open-minded' it is still possible infuse both. First of all its not ABSOLUTELY necessary to play minimal at a psytrance fest! We have enough artists and styles to cater at any given point of time. However this is seen as a trend to attract more people to the fests. Not a bad ploy because to some of those crowds, this thing could be one of their best experiences in life. The outdoor enviroment with such color and unique vibe. And what's wrong to infuse some new energies to the scene? It has to evolve one way or the other.

What i would say, is keep the music 90% psytrance. Progressive, morning, night-time, twilight, suomi and all of that. Keep very few minimal/techno/crossover acts but QUALITY acts whose music is appreciated by different crowds.

For that do some research. Talk to and get an opinion from party people, as to who they wouldnt mind hearing outside the psytrance circle in a fest.
Keep such acts during late afternoons or just after sunset when people need a breather or want to gear up for the more serious stuff. This way you could balance the whole fest, by bringing the best of both worlds and people would definitely like it and are not likely to complain, thus also giving others to have an oppurtunity to listen to something new. It works both ways, people who listen to psy can get a taste of something new and vice-versa.

There are plenty of psytrance acts and so many talented people who are worthy of performing. But most of the time the lineups are pretty much the same year after year. Why is there a need to fill that gap by putting in techno/minimal/ house acts??? Give people an experience that they'll never forget so that when they come back they know thats exactly what they are gonna get!

Lastly, (i might get bashed for saying this but i guess i have to get across my view), try to keep the high bpm ers (160+ imo), away from the main stage area. Dont get me wrong! It's not because the music is bad (well most of it is, but there are still quite a few who r really banging!) ... but its because such music is not really conducive to a big festival outdoor sound. For it to work, you need a bit more smaller concentrated area for the energies to remain intact.

And it will be nice to see things go back to the real source. The real psytrance experience... Starting from downtempo, going to night-time night-time psytrance to twilight to full power morning trance and then moving to day-time progressive. It's not a nice thing to see with so many fests these days catering to just one style of music.

So here is my take on the whole thing which i think could work really well for the fests :

1. Dance Stage (90% psy and other stuff)
2. Chill Stage (chillout,downtempo...for relaxation)
3. Experimental Stage
(need not be big, but it could prove to be a bit interesting. High-bpm music, abstract dubstep, glitchy electronica or anything experimental people would like to check out that could surprise them)


Started Topics :  1
Posts :  418
Posted : Oct 8, 2010 13:43

On 2010-10-07 23:09, A.Rosengren wrote:
You just argued

you probably mean that he's retarded. quite smart of you.

some say that someone's music is kinda like his real words and thoughts and vice versa.
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