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do you often feel sad on the dancefloor?

Inactive User

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Posted : Jan 18, 2011 00:23:22
Boom Babas om

do you often feel sad when on the dancefloor? Sometimes when i dance to music, goa for example or dark forest deep psychotrance, i feel sad. I think about rain and i see people crying. To stop this i think about goa.

Thnx! Boom! Keep them coming bro!

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jan 18, 2011 00:30
Yes when i'm tripping and think about the world nowadays and how we just dance and get high while everything else goes straight to hell and there is nothing to do about it as we humans seem to be the only thing wrong in the world.
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jan 18, 2011 00:56
Pretty sure there's plenty we can do about it, the sad thing is that most people don't do anything about it (and assume there isn't anything they can do). Humans have their heads up their asses for the most part, which is why we won't survive for long. Other species have this whole staying alive thing figured out way better than we do (although being a microbe probably isn't as fun as being a human). - Midwest based psytrance group
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jan 18, 2011 01:01
I do as much as i can man, i try to have some dignity but the real big problems, war, pollution, hunger, illness, unbalance... there is nothing to solve the whole thing.

I do try to be that change i want to see in the world.

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Posted : Jan 18, 2011 07:54
          Everyone in the world is doing something without me
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jan 18, 2011 09:36

On 2011-01-18 07:54, Pavel wrote:

ahahahaha xD awesome Pic!!

well...i do, but it's because somebody it's playing shite music(+ Trainwrekin') and im bored as hell, while other people it's dancing happy and Screaming of Joy when Trainwreks Happn... that Really Makes me SAD...           DJ of Sourcecode
A&R from Horns and Hoofs Entertainment
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jan 19, 2011 05:22

On 2011-01-18 00:56, Ascension wrote:
Pretty sure there's plenty we can do about it, the sad thing is that most people don't do anything about it (and assume there isn't anything they can do). Humans have their heads up their asses for the most part, which is why we won't survive for long. Other species have this whole staying alive thing figured out way better than we do (although being a microbe probably isn't as fun as being a human).

To be fair, mankind has had to battle nature, and furthermore itself (wars, etc.) in order to stay alive, and reach the point we're at now. Many sub groups of people have been hunted down, much as other animals have been, and there always seems to be some trace left at the end; despite great loss. Meanwhile, look at all the havoc mankind is causing in nature; and driving many more animals to extinction faster. If animals were anywhere as perseverant, or as good at "staying alive" as humans, we would have armies of endangered species attacking our cities. While I'm not saying what mankind has done to nature is by any means good. I think our ability to trample everything in our path, even when our survival is NOT on the line, is a testament that humans definitely have living figured out. Now, whether this will last forever... we don't know. 
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jan 19, 2011 07:09

On 2011-01-19 05:22, kahn wrote:

On 2011-01-18 00:56, Ascension wrote:
Pretty sure there's plenty we can do about it, the sad thing is that most people don't do anything about it (and assume there isn't anything they can do). Humans have their heads up their asses for the most part, which is why we won't survive for long. Other species have this whole staying alive thing figured out way better than we do (although being a microbe probably isn't as fun as being a human).

To be fair, mankind has had to battle nature, and furthermore itself (wars, etc.) in order to stay alive, and reach the point we're at now. Many sub groups of people have been hunted down, much as other animals have been, and there always seems to be some trace left at the end; despite great loss. Meanwhile, look at all the havoc mankind is causing in nature; and driving many more animals to extinction faster. If animals were anywhere as perseverant, or as good at "staying alive" as humans, we would have armies of endangered species attacking our cities. While I'm not saying what mankind has done to nature is by any means good. I think our ability to trample everything in our path, even when our survival is NOT on the line, is a testament that humans definitely have living figured out. Now, whether this will last forever... we don't know.

I think it's obvious that we don't have living figured out because the species that have been living on this planet for millions of years have found ways to adapt to their surroundings, whereas humans adapt our surroundings to suit ourselves. This is why we won't survive as a species and why something like an ice age or any other cataclysmic event will surely wipe us out (if we don't do it ourselves first). Species that live on this planet surely won't fight us back directly, but the planet itself definitely will (and is).

The worst part of this all is that the majority of our species simply doesn't grasp this concept and it might already be too late to change things. We can't say for sure either way, but we've definitely altered this planet in a very unnatural way. Nature and our planet only recognize balance and guess who's gonna win when Earth wants to restore the balance . - Midwest based psytrance group
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jan 19, 2011 08:05
so all of the previous mega extinctions that have happened in the ancient past were just instances where the Earth got royally pissed at its inhabitants?

If we fuck the planet over, as in heat it to extremes and deplete it of its resources that we need to survive, then we will kill ourselves off.

The planet will be fine, and in couple hundred million years there will be no trace of us left and there will be untold amounts of other organisms instead.

And at no point during this process is it necessary to invoke an entity known as Earth with feelings or cares about what its denizens do with their time            If you want to make an apple pie from must first invent the universe
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jan 19, 2011 08:21
Right, that wasn't what I was trying to say. This is coming from the point of view of an engineer who has studied a good amount about the climate. Previous events like an ice age weren't brought on by the inhabitants of the planet, they are cycles of the planet. My point was that human intervention has played a role in altering this natural process (and imo will play a large role in our extinction as a species- unless something else gets us first like a meteor or gamma rays or aliens with laser beams that we can only kill by playing blue grass music).

This is due to us changing our surroundings to meet our own needs. We burn fossil fuels to generate energy rather than using natural forces such as the wind and sun. The fuels release carbon into the atmosphere which alters the natural carbon cycles of the Earth which then in turn effects a number of things on the planet (weather, migration patterns, etc). I didn't intend to personify the Earth as a pissed off woman who will eventually bitch slap us for fucking up her shit.

Basilisk can fill in a lot more specifics on this stuff if he chooses to post here . - Midwest based psytrance group
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jan 19, 2011 10:53
emo psy is the next big thing.           "The dedication to repetition — the search for nirvana in a single held tone or an endlessly cycling rhythm — is one of electronic music's noblest gestures."
Scrambled Headz
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jan 19, 2011 11:01

On 2011-01-19 10:53, Login wrote:
emo psy is the next big thing.

haha !!
theres a lot of weird topics going on lately...           : Panaiz *25 Motorbrain :
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Jan 19, 2011 12:09

On 2011-01-18 00:56, Ascension wrote:
which is why we won't survive for long.

wow you can tell the future? someone call the newspapers!
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Jan 19, 2011 12:11

On 2011-01-19 07:09, Ascension wrote:
...the species that have been living on this planet for millions of years have found ways to adapt to their surroundings, whereas humans adapt our surroundings to suit ourselves...

Other species certainly adapt their surroundings to suit themselves. See: the beaver, the ant...

I think it's highly probable that an event is coming which will cause the death of MANY humans, but not so probable that something will cause the death of ALL humans

Ice ages don't just happen suddenly. Climate change takes years and years and years to occur and it won't be hard for mankind to adapt in that time. It might result in painful struggle, war, and lots of death, but I have little doubt that the human species will come out stronger in the end.

The only truly scarce things on earth are energy and space. Anything else can be created using a combination of those two--we just have to figure out how.
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jan 19, 2011 13:00
So you think about these things on the dancefloor guys? That is truly very sad

I my self try to battle the speakers and dance with the music, if the dj is good i will have a very good time smiling to my self and thinking life is good and try and just live in the moment! Of course life can be sad at a dancefloor, but feelings come and goes and dancing is really joyful and trance is really about clearing everything so its possible to reach a higher cleaner state of mind where you feel relaxed and totally one with everything... or maybe thats some hippie crap, still a nice thought and i see it work when i just DANCE, and big secrete for me is to close my eyes! everything else is just distracting and i can move my body to the sounds and just focus on getting electrified

And i had countless moments when the whole dancefloor is smiling and sharing a great vibe! wouldnt want it any other way
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