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Do you know

IsraTrance Junior Member
Started Topics :  27
Posts :  45
Posted : Apr 21, 2014 14:53:53

Im working in Fruity Loops and right know i'm working on my skills, so im just messing arround, searcing for something I like and so on.

this track still needs a lot attention but right now im curious to know more about making pads, and should I use some kind of an analyzser when I move on the EQ'ing my sounds?

So should I use analyzser when i EQ?
Do you know some sweets tips about pads, how to tweak and how to make them

Do you know witch way I should go to create moving sounds in sylenth1?

So many questions.. But try to listen to the track and feel free to comment and give critism.

oh and one more thing. When mixing my kick is about -8db and the bass is -10db

My other sounds are below that, and when I mix I keep it that way, but should it allways be like that? (keeping the kick loudest)


Started Topics :  40
Posts :  1151
Posted : Apr 21, 2014 20:58


On 2014-04-21 14:53:53, Rework wrote:
this track still needs a lot attention but right now im curious to know more about making pads,

Better consult the Production & Music Making Forum - and ask these broad-type questions there You'll get a lot more answers!


On 2014-04-21 14:53:53, Rework wrote:
should I use some kind of an analyzser when I move on the EQ'ing my sounds?

So should I use analyzser when i EQ?

Well, yes and no. Mainly no, but always yes. Basically, when you EQ you must analyse with your ears! That's what it's all about, how it sounds, not what some VST or led or needle tells you. But, the visual indicators can aid in helping you acknowledge where you are and maybe even "calibrate you senses".
The most common example is visual indicators in a car - if you try driving by always looking at the GPS, speedometer and RPM, you'll crash. Bam!
When driving you learn to interpret what you're seeing, hearing, feeling - and translate it into information; it takes time to learn, but it's easy to achieve
However, every now and then you're senses are off - you just got out of a highway going 140Km/h, then you get off in a road going 50 Km/h - it's seems soo slow, but only because your reference level was destabilized for so long it became "normal". But, a simple glance at the speedometer put's you in place.

Same for visual analyzers: You EQ with your brain and ears not with indicators, but your brain can get small suggestions elsewhere.

On 2014-04-21 14:53:53, Rework wrote:
Do you know some sweets tips about pads, how to tweak and how to make them

Usually you obtain more stuff by cutting frequencies out - but the exact frequencies depend on the specific sound - so we need a specific example.

Delay-type effects can bring in a lot of floatness into the tune, and so can general send channels with a single delay for every instrument to sit in the back.

My recommendations is you read this
A lot of your questions might get answered

On 2014-04-21 14:53:53, Rework wrote:
Do you know witch way I should go to create moving sounds in sylenth1?

As in any synth, anything moving requires either automation or modulation on any parameters you like to get the desired effect you wan't.
Automation is recording - or using a mouse to draw - automation lines, defining the position (value) of the parameter during the track time.
Modulation is achieved by mapping automatic units like envelopes or LFO, that respond to certain events (or can be free-flowing ) and moves the value of the parameter from 0-amount% (max 100%) of the value you defined.

The most common modulation / automation in basically every sound is volume and frequency cutoff. But feel free in automating everything, then everything a but more, into oblivion! Please, I really want you to do that!


On 2014-04-21 14:53:53, Rework wrote:
oh and one more thing. When mixing my kick is about -8db and the bass is -10db

My other sounds are below that, and when I mix I keep it that way, but should it allways be like that? (keeping the kick loudest)

In music, nothing should always be anything - do it the way you like, and it'll be good.
But, if you want such an analytic approach you could check out similar tuens from the tracks you like and see if in the waveform the kick is always the maximum peak - and also, what happens when you have a crash with your kick Imagine, experiment, analyze, repeat.


On 2014-04-21 14:53:53, Rework wrote:
So many questions.. But try to listen to the track and feel free to comment and give critism.

Sorry I didn't give you much info about the track.

The K&B is a bit muffled, and it seems like there's a compressor / limiter on the master of your tune messing up the dynamics..

But it has some nice ideas mashed into it - make more and keep it up! over time and experience you'll only get better and better, show us the next one
          Super Banana Sauce
Trance Forum » » Forum  The Workshop - Do you know
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