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Do you know what is a real live show ?

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Dec 17, 2009 15:34

everyone should have one
Martian Arts

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Posted : Dec 17, 2009 16:16

On 2009-12-17 15:34, PoM wrote:

everyone should have one

Everyone should be rich as well.  
Martian Arts

Started Topics :  187
Posts :  5292
Posted : Dec 17, 2009 17:09

On 2009-12-17 11:53, Xolvexs wrote:
everyone complains about Lip Syncing yet they will attend concerts...this is no are like that only...some fake some original...yes you want to complain about it..but thats not going to change...being lazy is not a crime.

Agreed about things not changing (not anytime soon anyway), which is kinda sad if you really think about it.
And yes, being lazy is not a crime, but when it comes to being lazy on doing the thing they supposedly like the most in life, it says something about them, and that ain't good.
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Dec 17, 2009 21:31

On 2009-12-17 14:20, ocelot wrote:
i will skin and eat the next person that tries to tell me what "real live" is
and i will not spare the horsradish or lemon juice or salt either

*puts some horse raddish between the toes, rolls around in a tasty curry sauce, sprinkles here and there a little bit of sea salt*

...bite me!
          "no one ever sweats on a plug-in" -moby
Inactive User

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Posted : Dec 18, 2009 01:54
I always assumed a live gig was mostly seeing the person(s) on stage live instead of listening to their cd at home?

what they actually do on the stage is up to them... and if they fail to fulfil their contractual obligations with the promoter then it's between them... and if there was no contractual agreement no one can complain.

          I hate you, you hate me, we are all so hap hap happy!

Started Topics :  6
Posts :  165
Posted : Dec 18, 2009 04:37
I think in psytrance genre the Life show as such is not a point or not important at all.
It is a good show when it is not manipulated - in psytrance scene.
Good life show is from Infected Mushroom hehe
Also having some knobs turning is not that dramaticaly awesome-incredible.
Doesn't impressed me too much.
When musicians are not only producers or bystanders but play a kind of instrument like didgeridoo or conga etc which is here something next to unique - this is what I call a good life show.

Otherwise it is almost the same if dj or "life act" for me atleast.
But then I always prefered the creators than the selectors.

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Posted : Dec 28, 2009 19:02
hej hej... My first post...

just want to share my opinion.

I think that playing fully live it would be like a symphony orchestra. Impossible to play bassline, Drums, leads 1, 2, 3 ,4,... special effect, fill in's, vocals,... You would need many arms (and leggs )

I have seen some live, like a band, 3 or 5 people. I hope people realize that always (even in the videos of this topic) their is a drum machine playing. Even with drummer! They are not fully live! They use their headphones for metronome in the first place. (midi conection, the heart is the drummachine) ...I like guitar, but guitar is guitar... sometimes I think it's good for a song in a set... but not a whole set with bass guitar and guitar. Cause the harmonic content of the sound itself from the snary instruments will always be the same sounds...

Only people who make this kind of music know the complexicity of the making itself. Example: reversing sounds, filter breaks, very fast sliced sounds, playing fast melodics or 32nd or 64st percussion kick rolls or whatevere else like 30 tweaked knob movements per track or more... it's preprogrammed. It's because of electronics we can push further then what a human can do...

I remember one day a girl came to me and said... ''what are those guys doing with their labtop? They call it live??? He is not doing shit. While a DJ is.''

My answer: A DJ is like a collector of songs, pieces of art.Like a painting. All these guys do is look for paintings (songs). When collected they just put the best in a galary and in a particular order according the expression of the colors and story of that piece of art... The artist comes along with his labtop where the only blueprints are of the (again) pieces of art. He is looking to the people and thinks. ''hey, I am only going to push the button fellows. But it took me months and years to be one of the few that really understand sound itself. And now I created my own story. My own piece of art. I want you to close your eyes and fly with me. Just fly, mine music.

People are forgetting the real brains who put that master piece together. And about live? Nobody can make a sculpture in 8 min... So I will always keep in mind that those artists know things we do not know! They are artists. Playing a melody or tweaking knobs so people can see that you are doing something are just a small part of the process of creation... So it is not important! You better go talk to the artist afther he finished his story and tell him how you feel. Cause thats where TRANCE is about, not? Meditation and expierience on music, sonic vibes?

Live Psy is more like listening to their cd blueprint. And besides that... No DJ is ever going to run his whole cd... Cause the set of those pieces of art is still his too...
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  127
Posts :  1644
Posted : Dec 28, 2009 20:00

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