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Do you know what is a real live show ?

Cardinals Cartel
Black Machine

Started Topics :  191
Posts :  3097
Posted : Dec 16, 2009 18:52:01

I think working with Live programs as Ableton and those at "Live" act at a party its only an 50% (Or less) of an real live show , Puting an sample here and there or playing 1 live mello pad for 5-6 seconds this is not live , Im realy sorry .

For me Live its when the computers and machines are in the second place , For help , As support , And the artist are taking the first in the front with live tools with his own hands as live should be .

This is Live :

Live Show its when Its Live Show (Not so hard to understand) As its heard Live Show .

So next time dont be wrong . Dont let this deceive you . Not this kind of "Live" or that . Live it what you see as Live .

All the best friends

Martian Arts

Started Topics :  187
Posts :  5292
Posted : Dec 16, 2009 18:53
thread number 54875938745934 about live sets in trance music. use the search.  
Cardinals Cartel
Black Machine

Started Topics :  191
Posts :  3097
Posted : Dec 16, 2009 19:05

Disco Hooligans .. Can feel this topic touch your heart . What the problem with the truth ?

Wating for an real professional thought from you about ..

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Dec 16, 2009 19:15
So unless you're playing an instrument it's not live?

Is me triggering loops selected from 12 or so different channels to form a track not live because I'm only using my computer and midi controller?

IMO anything beyond just pressing play is live. Some people can do a lot (like cosmosis), but a lot of it depends on how they structure their music too. Some music sounds good in one live version and not in another. Why go completely live like that and ruin the sound of your music? Just to please some purists? Get real.

Artists should do "something" to make their set live, but not so much that it interferes with their music (some artists overuse glitch for instance). - Midwest based psytrance group
Martian Arts

Started Topics :  187
Posts :  5292
Posted : Dec 16, 2009 19:17
I think that with the advent of computers, the term "live" in trance, has become very shady. You don't need to bring all your synths and samplers on stage, you don't need a 32+ channel mixer to plug all your synths, samplers and hard disk recorders, you don't need to run around on stage in order to tweak all them synths...etc, etc.

Today the term "live" in psy-trance is a euphemism, to say the least.

I'll tell you what though, promoters have a hand in this in some cases. Say for example, I suggested to put the term, decks and FX (cause, in most cases, that's what it really is at the end of the day) with a different arrangement mix I made in my studio for that gig, depending on the slot, the promoter will have none of it. S/he wants to promote their night and make it as fancy as possible, even if it involves lying on the flyer and put the word, LIVE.
I have seen many massive names effectively doing the decks and FX thing, but that don't stop them from being huge.

In all honesty it does not bother me, because I know first hand what goes in the scene. As far as trance is concerned, I don't care about DJ sets, or Live as long as the music is good. I guess I've been "conditioned" to what has been going on in the scene all these years.
I don't care about "how" I am going to get into that special place in my mind where I am one with the universe and all that bollocks, I just wanna get there.
Obviously more power to the people that put an actual effort into their live sets and if they are good at it, they will gain more respect, but mainly from anal producers on internet forums, not the majority of the party people.

Anyhow, I better stop if we want to get any more gigs

P.S. For the record, The Disco Hooligans do a full live set, there are two of us and we play the whole set, beatboxing, with mics and all... making it 100% live, adapting to every slot and mood. We are really good at it

Martian Arts

Started Topics :  187
Posts :  5292
Posted : Dec 16, 2009 19:37
No offense to anyone by the way, I just call 'em like I see 'em.  
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Dec 16, 2009 19:46

On 2009-12-16 19:37, disco hooligans wrote:
No offense to anyone by the way, I just call 'em like I see 'em.

If anyone gets offended by anything you said, they're an idiot. - Midwest based psytrance group
Wizack Twizack
Wizack Twizack

Started Topics :  239
Posts :  3486
Posted : Dec 16, 2009 20:10
If your only one making the music, and the only thing you own is a laptop and a midicontroller to bring with you for gigs, i guess that'll be enough.
Its amazing how much one can do with todays technology. I dont understand on every decent party why there is a nordlead on the scene. Like anyone actually use it (Except Erez Eizen) but pretending. Thats old.

bOm...           For Contact & Bookings:
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hyper drive

Started Topics :  2
Posts :  48
Posted : Dec 16, 2009 21:35

On 2009-12-16 20:10, Wizack Twizack wrote:
If your only one making the music, and the only thing you own is a laptop and a midicontroller to bring with you for gigs, i guess that'll be enough.
Its amazing how much one can do with todays technology. I dont understand on every decent party why there is a nordlead on the scene. Like anyone actually use it (Except Erez Eizen) but pretending. Thats old.



IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  193
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Posted : Dec 16, 2009 21:43
Disco Hooligans said it all in 2 posts!!
Specially the 2nd one.
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Dec 16, 2009 21:45

hehe, i was thinking about this stuff because of the menog thread and now i can spill it all out in this thread
ok. an astounding number of people don't really seem to care if it's a dj or live set as long as the music is acceptable. but i bet that atleast some of the same people are not willing to pay f.e. 5 euro more if it's promoted JUST as a dj set and not as a live set. hence it still bears a meaning what the promoter prints on the flyer. it's a silent agreement between artist and promoter to sugar up the performance and it really seems to bother a very small percentage of the party people.

but for those who are interested in the so called hair-splitting of terms i'd suggest the following:

this is something you see very rarely in the electronic music scene since you need musicians who actually can play live an instrument. and yes, musicianS because it would get a bit boring with just one guy (i saw a one man solo once with didge, percussion + efx and it was cool for about 15mins). a band costs a lot to promoters (plane tickets and hotel for several people + all the intruments etc) so very few acts in this scene can even dream about playing live abroad. you have to be already a big name to get even the chance to do it.

lap-top live:
this is what many electronic musicians do. they activate loops, tweak some parameters and maybe play some stuff on the keyboard or pads. it's not 100% live and that's fully understandable but why should one advertise it as a live set? the term lap-top live on the other hand gives a good description of what it's all about.

lap-top set:
this begins to be very close to a dj-set but the difference is that the man/woman behind the lap-top has also written all the tracks he/she's playing. more hand waving and beer drinking than a lap-top live but can include some live mixing and tweaking aswell.

ok. we all know what that is.

it wouldn't be that hard to use these 4 terms to describe what's going to happen on the stage and it would also be respectful to the crowd.

these were my mentally challenged 2 cents on the topic
          "no one ever sweats on a plug-in" -moby

Started Topics :  20
Posts :  252
Posted : Dec 16, 2009 21:49

On 2009-12-16 20:10, Wizack Twizack wrote:
If your only one making the music, and the only thing you own is a laptop and a midicontroller to bring with you for gigs, i guess that'll be enough.

exactly. i work on stage with a laptop (with ableton), a mackie c4 pro and a nanokontrol,
it's completely enough for a full live, everything is under (midi)control. even no time for playing with a synth.           New album 'ONE INCH PUNCH' is out on Random Records
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  170
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Posted : Dec 16, 2009 21:51
laptop live and laptop set are too long to fit on a flier

 - Midwest based psytrance group
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  63
Posts :  1477
Posted : Dec 16, 2009 21:59

On 2009-12-16 21:51, Ascension wrote:
laptop live and laptop set are too long to fit on a flier

pff.. you're on the side of the empire           "no one ever sweats on a plug-in" -moby
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  170
Posts :  3642
Posted : Dec 16, 2009 22:01

On 2009-12-16 21:59, Outolintu wrote:

On 2009-12-16 21:51, Ascension wrote:
laptop live and laptop set are too long to fit on a flier

pff.. you're on the side of the empire

Space is precious on a flier!  - Midwest based psytrance group
Trance Forum » » Forum  Trance - Do you know what is a real live show ?

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