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Do you have an actual religious belief? - Just BOX it.

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Posted : Apr 1, 2009 08:10

On 2009-03-30 08:11, Buddha Monkey wrote:
I actually have alway doubted that this so called "divine" god would be so lame-o that it needs to make an entire universe to fight and worship over it's just for his ego

Maybe this world or galaxy or universe or whatever was created in it's spare time as a hobby, like a fish bowl, and it has forgotten about creating us and now we are left to our own devices and in another trillion years it will remember creating this and look back and go, thank goodness I never got involvled in that mess!

This is the quote, no maybe mate.

I'm just throwing out random thoughts for discussion.. never have claimed ot know or beleive in anything other than a good fuck and good food is about the only things I worship           I hate you, you hate me, we are all so hap hap happy!
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Apr 1, 2009 09:02
I doubt that maybe u dont know whats good food 

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Posted : Apr 1, 2009 11:12
I undoubtedly doubt that you have no doubts about doubtful food. Ok I have no idea what that's supposed to mean and I'm starving.. please mr food god (x-rayz, bless me with your divine judgement and reveal to me the meaning of good food.          In search of the perfect psyktrans.
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Apr 1, 2009 11:48
behold, I give u karma free food

sorry, it would take too much time for me to wrote all this and its already written in a blog so I hope u dont mind.. And now since its 11 o clock, its perfect time for me to get some mercy.. Karma free food for all!

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Posted : Apr 1, 2009 13:25
Nice, You should also make sure to emphasize the benefit of being a vegetarian from an environmental perspective:

"A 2006 United Nations report found that the meat industry produces more greenhouse gases than all the SUVs, cars, trucks, planes, and ships in the world combined."
          In search of the perfect psyktrans.
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Apr 1, 2009 14:25
yeah thats true, but its not important if ur vegeterian or not, if u are ur still eating food full of bad karma.. Killing plants is not as much sin as killing a cow, or goat but it is sinful activity.. So u gotta offer food to god and eat the remnants of it, than u eat karma free food.. The thing is that u cannot offer meat to god so cause of that u can say vegetarianism is good..

And if u ask me, united nations make that fact up just to blame cows doing the pollution so they can protect their precious SUVs..

What I seen few days ago, stupid fat americans are blaming milk and butter to be cause of their huge mass, can u believe that? I mean eating pure fat from pig is ok but we should kill all cows cause theyre are giving us milk, thats what they think.. How sick is that? Well I hope situation upthere where u live is better..

I just wont to mention, on that blog I gave the link of, there are some links near the end of the page which go to vege recipe sites, dont follow that, there are some bad recipes which cant be offered..


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Posted : Apr 2, 2009 11:00
Yes that might be true, and they're not taking other industries into account either. But I think most (sane) people - who are aware of the imminent climate changes - agree that cars and planes (as they look today) are coming to an end. The UN report, however, is invaluable propaganda for people promoting vegetarianism. I guess this is a bit off topic tho.          In search of the perfect psyktrans.
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Apr 2, 2009 17:22

stupid fat americans are blaming milk and butter to be cause of their huge mass, can u believe that?

whoa man, theres 300 million people in this country, and in my 27 years here ive not once heard anyone say anything about milk and butter being a problem..           
IsraTrance Team

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Posted : Apr 2, 2009 18:36

On 2009-04-01 14:25, x-rayz wrote:
What I seen few days ago, stupid fat americans are blaming milk and butter to be cause of their huge mass, can u believe that?

Is that karma free talk?
I'm sure you can express yourself in a more respectful way, dude.           ---------------------------------------------
"Be the change you want to see in the world!"
M.K. Gandhi

"There is only one corner of the universe you can be certain of improving, and that's your own self."
Aldous Huxley

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Posted : Apr 3, 2009 07:23

I love meat.

And I thik I know good food havign worked in the industry, and also having a friend who is is respected food critic/ex-gorumet chef over here

I also would say that X-Rayz is blind for not accepting other religons, and people for who and what they are

I thought all religion is meant to teach tolerance and acceptance of all beings, no matter what they are like?

          I hate you, you hate me, we are all so hap hap happy!
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Apr 3, 2009 10:01

On 2009-04-02 18:36, shahar wrote:
Is that karma free talk?

Nah, its bad karma for me, but I can handle it, no worries..
Anyways I cant tolerate when someone speaks such lies just so they have excuse for killing cows.. If something is bad it dont deserves to be talked good about it..
Of course dont grab my tongue, its not that its all americans think that way, hopefully its just some small crew of twisted people..

@ monkey, no Im not talking about religion, religion is framed by time and space, it comes and goes, somewhere u have cristians, somewhere muslims.. People are different, talk different languages, have different colours.. Im talking about faith, which is common to all religions.. Theres only one god, no matter how u call it..
So I have no problem accepting someone who has faith, is in harmony and respects all other beings, but for the one who kills the one whos giving me milk every day I have no mercy.. 
IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Apr 3, 2009 11:16
i am in and out of the box depending on whos turning my knob, if i am tuned right i spring out---Jack In the Box---
the tuner can be a drug, person, what every that grinds ur throughts and helps u shred the unnecessary garbage and dispose it without much trouble. For some its religion, for some its spirituality for some its sex, for some its music...that what helps u get the shit you dont need out...but the problem is by the time the shit is out or while its on its way out, begin to put filters so that the shit does not seep back in, you find best filters that suite you and then u decide to keep them till the time you die...these filters very often accumalate more shit and you need professional shit cleaners to cleanse them. these shit filters are often refered to as SOUL. to keep your shit filter clean you need constant maintainence, thats why "soul cleansing" must be conducted. The autopsy of the soul has been prescribed in almost all religious books, but they dont call it an autopsy, they call it Soul Searching. Eventually when you think you have found yourself or ur soul, you begin to solwly remove one filter at a time, most people get scared of removing filters like religion, society, morality, law and end up obeying these shit filters. Ultimately shit filters become very powerful and these shit cleaners gain more strength over u and u obey shit filters as you are told if you dont then the "flood gates of hell will open and sweep u away" or in simplar terms "we are here to clean the shit, the filters are blocked and we are the only ones who know how to get rid of shit" the question really should have been how deep is this pile of shit called consciousness, and what will happen to it when we flush it down? ---it will decompose and some filter will catch some bits and pieces of it from here and there and bring u back as another piece of shit.           When death comes to your doorstep, make sure you are alive
IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Apr 3, 2009 12:16
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Apr 3, 2009 14:31
damn xolvexs, looks like u flushed your consciousness long ago.. but at least u dont have to worry, cause no matter how dirty your mind is, your soul can never get dirty.. 

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Posted : Jun 27, 2009 17:47

On 2009-03-17 19:18, Jedi_knight wrote:
I believe in the God of love [Christian Orthodox] and this is truly psychedelic for me...

Try to feel love or show love in our days and you will find out how open minded this is... and also uncontrollable for the system which wants us to believe only in ourselves.

Jesus Christ is the greatest rebel that walked the earth!
His teachings is the biggest rebellion ever known!

I am not talking about the modern church or the modern heralds , they for sure are part of the system and they are damned by the teachings of Jesus TWICE than anyone else...

Love saves!
That's all for me...

But let not forget, His name, Yahweh, the Messiah. 
Trance Forum » » Forum  Spirituality - Do you have an actual religious belief? - Just BOX it.
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