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Do you dance at parties?

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Apr 7, 2010 10:37:52
Do you dance at parties?

Personally i did not do it the first times but nowadays i always do it.Its through the dancing one really can get a more deeper experience i would say.

So for me its a big YES

What about you?

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Apr 7, 2010 11:37
some few people seem to just stand on the dancefloor, yes, I like moving a little bit.
IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Apr 7, 2010 11:44
dancing is why i go to parties for..for talking to people i have dinner and coffee
or facebook or forums like a party i dance like a snob...and get pissed off at people who stand in the middle of the dancefloor and discuss whatever.           When death comes to your doorstep, make sure you are alive
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Apr 7, 2010 11:57
IF I go for a party -nowadays- 90% of it is an expirience by dancing & that with my almost 34 years.But Im afraid this times are a bit over,prefer psycedelic which is not that often to find on nowadays trendy festis and partis.
But we have here some good undergournd forests events,with often not more than 50 people but psycedelic spirits from back in the days ,tis is refreshing.

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Apr 7, 2010 15:18
i find it hard these days to be sober and dance. but even when im half intoxicated there is this breaking point after which the dance does not come from the heart and i have to force myself to make sense of the music. its strange that this happens even though the inherent nature of the music 'these days' might not have changed much in comparison to back in the day. i wonder what is it that's changed ?
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Inactive User

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Posted : Apr 7, 2010 15:38
if i like the music i dance, always
if i dislike it i leave or dont attend, simple.
if i have to be there and cannot leave i wont dance either because simple i dislike it

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Posted : Apr 7, 2010 16:13

On 2010-04-07 11:44, Xolvexs wrote:
dancing is why i go to parties for..

+ 1
Horrordelic Records

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Posted : Apr 7, 2010 16:22
dancing is why i go to parties + 1000            3o~ kriz aka krize 3o~ ....Horrordelic Records....
- Think for yourself -

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Posted : Apr 7, 2010 18:11
yes i do
Forest dreams
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Apr 7, 2010 18:27

On 2010-04-07 16:13, Sunai wrote:

On 2010-04-07 11:44, Xolvexs wrote:
dancing is why i go to parties for..

+ 1

me too, love dancing.. every bit of it.           Nothing is said that has not been said before.
almost_human KROX ( Phantasm Rec .)
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Apr 7, 2010 18:31
Yes I dance & move a bit , talk to frnds & Dance           UVV Project / Mandala Project / Crystal noize Project / Cosmic Crew

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Posted : Apr 7, 2010 19:33
dance dance dance

(but only when the music is good)
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Apr 7, 2010 19:43

On 2010-04-07 15:38, gutter wrote:
if i like the music i dance, always
if i dislike it i leave or dont attend, simple.
if i have to be there and cannot leave i wont dance either because simple i dislike it

+1 exactly
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Apr 7, 2010 19:54
I go to parties to stop people from dancing.

Cattle prod!  - Midwest based psytrance group
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Apr 7, 2010 20:23
dancing is the only way to fully enjoy this music in my opinion

there are tracks that make me explode with emotion whether its sheer joy or madly twisted or driving or just keeps me going steady... its something that i cant keep in my head without my body moving
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