do you believe in astrology >?
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Oct 7, 2011 03:32:40
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Oct 7, 2011 16:00
Nope... |
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Apr 3, 2014 00:53
by all means we are not muppets of the planets and the stars. we are just under their influence. and their influence on our mental condition, as well as on internal lunar processes in the human body, is so magnificent, that we could not escape from it even if we wanted. we might choose not to see. but the influence is still there.
and you could feel it every time if there is an opposition, quadrat or conjunction of stars and planets.
But seriously why choose not see it? It is a perfect synchronization of the hidden mystical order of the cosmic mirror of ourselves on macro level. It can guide us and keep us alive. It can motivate us and give us power, for example if Jupiter is with us, and it can explain tricky situations in our lives where there seems to be no emergency escape and everything is more or less fucked, if Saturn is taking care for order.
what sign are you Vermeee?
Maine Coon
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Apr 3, 2014 20:11
Believing in cosmic influences is very similar to believing in God. And in both cases I have similar attitudes: I believe in their existence but not necessarily in the official explanations of how they work.
Teaching of the Church (in general, not necessarily the Christian Church) might have gotten some things about God right and some other - wrong. Likewise, the "science" of astrology is pretty far from being a science. Just because they use fancy terms, draw charts and perform calculations, does not mean it's a science (or that they got it right).
Does it mean I have to deny existence of God just because I don't agree with what a priest tells me? No. The same with astrology. I know for a fact that emergency rooms are much busier during full moon than during other days. I myself lose sleep for 2-5 days around that time, even if the sky is cloudy and I cannot know the phase of the moon. On the other hand, does it mean that I behave in a certain way when Saturn enters Aquarius? Probably not. But then, who knows?..
Moki, I can see you are a believer. So, here is simple question for you: which one of the many astrologies do you believe? Hindu or Babilonian? Or maybe Atztec or Chinese? Or just whichever one uses fancier terms? |
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Apr 3, 2014 23:53
On 2014-04-03 20:11, Maine Coon wrote:
Moki, I can see you are a believer. So, here is simple question for you: which one of the many astrologies do you believe? Hindu or Babilonian? Or maybe Atztec or Chinese? Or just whichever one uses fancier terms?
No, it is the western tradition of astrology which emerged around the year 400 before Christ. It is furthermore the alchemical tradition in the west, the art of foreseeing things and the knowledge of making things happen or prevent bad things to happen. But most of all the wisdom about the macrocosmic mirror of ourselves in the star constellations. The meaning if it all is to make us ask the question WHY do all those stars and planets actually keep this cosmic symphony going on and on in almost perfect orbits, ratios or proportions? Why do they keep doing this, why does this have to happen ?
But of course, the other systems are interesting too, not only the alchemists and the medieval science. There is a great software for Vedic astrology, where the houses and the planets are structured quite differently than in the western astrology tradition, which gives you a whole view of factors like stones, gems, sounds, mantras, colours, etc.. btw co-written by an ex friend. But i do not use this software. The reason: according to it, my ascendant is no longer lion, so i am not sure why eastern and western astrology define it differently. Most important not sure which is the right one, so i choose the lion.
And yes, of course you behave in a certain way when saturns enters aquarius. as well as, when jupiter enters lion, or when mars is in a retrograde motion and takes care for does not mean you have to behave in a certain way, but there is a high tendency to do it.
Saturn is powerful. Do you know where is saturn in your circle?
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Apr 8, 2014 18:45
"The dedication to repetition — the search for nirvana in a single held tone or an endlessly cycling rhythm — is one of electronic music's noblest gestures." |
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Posted : Apr 16, 2014 13:11
"Humans are almost like puppets dangling on magnetic field lines. Almost, but not quite. We have a little freedom. People are alive and have their own little magnetic or spin force. Minute, compared to the Earth’s and Sun’s, but it does exist. By combining thought forces, many accomplishments can be made." Dr. Buryl Payne
reference n full story:
sounds very convincing to me, maybe we need this?
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Aug 12, 2014 16:09
and did you notice anything in the last weeks?
in the last month jupiter entered leo, which is absolutely fantastic. this means that jupiter, the planet of happiness and luck, builds trigon to aries and to saggitarius. it is time for new things to be born and new horizons , both geographical and spiritual, to be reached successfully. for example it will build trigon to my aries in a very short time which i find absolutely great. and it is really a great time btw. of course conjunction jupiter leo too, this will make leos (sun and ascendents) really strong. i have waited for this time very long . best time to quit job and take control on things.
besides saturn is still in scorpio which you must have noticed too:). actually a smily does not really fit into that, it is a hard time. mars is in scorpio too. this is serios!
anyway. the planets and their constellations are one of the most interesting thing on earth. puppets are those who know nothing about the really important things and mysteries in our universe. because thus they cannot take advantage of their strength either.