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Do you believe in a psychedelic (trance) culture?

Martian Arts

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Posted : Mar 25, 2011 19:19
I've eased up on the psychedelics as well. Been a year since the last time I took a smoke still, don't think I'll ever stop, unless my doctor tells me so...yet I still listen to trance tunes...although I still mostly listen to stuff from the late '90s. I still find making trance tunes a cathartic exhilarating process...kinda like the after effect of acid (let's face it, I am not tripping balls when listening to any trance tune, straight), where everything feels like its falling into place rather than outta place.
I would also say that if I stepped back and looked at what happened in Greece, the rise and demise of the trance scene was almost identical to the rise and demise of psychedelic drug taking amongst the general population. When the police started cracking down on parties and the dealers and especially when the music style changed, the drug habits changed as well and I don't mean the quantities, but most importantly the amount of charlie available in trance parties and the "demand" of the party goers for it.
Yet this is an observation on which I can't come to an objective conclusion, as it has been very different for other people and especially newcomers.

Peace out.  
Martian Arts

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Posted : Mar 25, 2011 19:22

On 2011-03-25 19:18, willsanquil wrote:
IMO the core of the scene is not the huge festivals or the club nights but the outdoor underground parties thrown by people that are not motivated by money or fame, but by the intrinsic power of psychedelic trance to bring us together and help us. The small parties in the woods. That shit is special now and always.

However, I do think that it's impossible to maintain the same attitude or connection to the music and the 'scene' as one had when they were first introduced to and set on fire by said music and/or scene....even if the scene/music hadn't gone through such drastic changes over the past (almost?) 2 decades and it definitely has.

The first time you hear psytrance it is very, very special. Especially if you are amplified by an entheogen.

There's this as well...which makes me think that I am biased from my own experiences, too much to come to an objective conclusion.
+1 on the small parties being the core of the scene, from my experience anyway, it is where I met the people that are still fascinated with the music.

Good thread this!

Peace out.
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Mar 25, 2011 19:29

On 2011-03-25 19:18, willsanquil wrote:
Hell yes there is a psytrance culture and it is not dead. Far from dead. It may be different than it was back in the day, and it may be that in some places it is overly commercial and for making money..but not everywhere. IMO the core of the scene is not the huge festivals or the club nights but the outdoor underground parties thrown by people that are not motivated by money or fame, but by the intrinsic power of psychedelic trance to bring us together and help us. The small parties in the woods. That shit is special now and always.

that the best parties for sure...but the gouvernements make it hard to hapen in many place sadly...

there is a big psychedlic culture , but it s not based only on trance music,in some place it s just a small pourcent... paying 5 euros a drink and 20 euros a entrance is already a border a lot of ppl won t cross .. if the party is free or not expensive ,they will go if not they will do something else.. going in the nature and enjoy with friends, play music and trip just as good or better for free.. these ppl don t really fit in todays trance culture cause they are after psychelic music ,rituals ,enjoying in the beatuiful nature, trance or not.
Beat Agency
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Mar 25, 2011 19:35

On 2011-03-25 19:29, PoM wrote:

On 2011-03-25 19:18, willsanquil wrote:
Hell yes there is a psytrance culture and it is not dead. Far from dead. It may be different than it was back in the day, and it may be that in some places it is overly commercial and for making money..but not everywhere. IMO the core of the scene is not the huge festivals or the club nights but the outdoor underground parties thrown by people that are not motivated by money or fame, but by the intrinsic power of psychedelic trance to bring us together and help us. The small parties in the woods. That shit is special now and always.

that the best parties for sure...but the gouvernements make it hard to hapen in many place sadly..

And the no.1 reason why it's so much harder today to throw small parties (I know it's always been difficult but it's never been as difficult as today) is because the scene promoted itself as pro-drug spokes(wo)men.
Ask any Mr/Mrs Ordinary what they connect Psytrance parties with and their first word will be "Drugs" or "Junkies".

Bottom-line is the scene has shot itself in the foot over and over again.

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Mar 25, 2011 20:01
yes true drugs and aslo cause the gouvernements don t have much controll over this
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Mar 25, 2011 20:07
There is a lot about dancing free and enjoying life without social judgement BUT for me it is drug music and period.

Psytrance is music to get high on psychedelics and enjoy it much more.

Sad thing it is illegal, sad thing many abuse.

The drug problem is not exclusive from the psy scene, but it is much more accentuated here.

Again IMHO: this is music to experience while tripping on psychedelic in order to fully enjoy it. You can rant whatever you want, most of you are jaded and seem to be crying over and over on the old days memory, other carry on with today's vibe.

Anyhow the success of this genre is directly related to psychedelics consumption.

There is a whole culture around "the scene" or inside it... from poi dancers to 2012 freaks and glue sniffers... it is all part of our beloved circle.

Somethings I like, some I dislike, but i do believe in that culture.
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Mar 25, 2011 20:16
drugs is a big part of this scene we cant deny it, i sarted listening psytrance at first cause i was exploring my mind... it was a disscovery , a new way to listen music and hallucinating under the effect of drugs.

but now after years i can tell drugs are not a must for trance state , it depend the quality of the music and knowing your mind and body.
Beat Agency
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Mar 25, 2011 20:18
2 aciduss

It's exactly posts like yours that cause people to post various "whatever" or "lol" pictures.

IMO you are narrow minded at best when you claim that no one can enjoy music unless they do it your way and that us who have experienced a very different scene (and much better IMO) are jaded etc.

My point is we had a polite debate going on with no name calling etc. And then you felt personally attacked on something I wrote (my opinion) and had to call us/me jaded. Debate killing IMO!

So now I did the same calling you narrow minded. I'll edit it and say your opinion belong to yourself and does not reflect on anyone but yourself.

Inactive User

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Posted : Mar 25, 2011 20:25

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Mar 25, 2011 20:28
Drugs amplify the experience. That is undeniable imo.

However, if there are plenty of people who are invested enough in the scene to continue throwing parties, being dedicated DJs/artists, dancing for hours and hours and entering a trance state etc that do not do any drugs then I think that it invalidates your argument that this is 'drug music'            If you want to make an apple pie from must first invent the universe
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Mar 25, 2011 20:46
for me psychedelic trance (culture) is a state of mind at first and will stay at last.I dont know if I really will always hear psytrance tbh for whatever reasons,but I truely believe in psychedelic trance itself,for other it can be church me needs sometimes trance. 
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Mar 25, 2011 20:49
Hehe i'm not narrow minded bud, of course anyone can enjoy life without aid, but when well used, psychedelics just give a completely different perspective on music and the whole life experience.

I could write an essay on why and how psytrance is drug music but i don't care about preaching this stuff to you guys who have such respectable and grounded opinions on drugs around a genre labeled "psychedelic" which talks about how the psychoactive factor was forged into the the core of the scene.

Beat Agency you love to bash people on this forum, and you do it right... but i just don't care it is ok if you disagree with my ideas and judge me as a narrow person based on that sole comment, which is ridiculous since i never said that no one can enjoy music if not on drugs... i just said it wouldn't be the same.

Next time do your LOLpic thing but don't call me a narrow minded guy when you know nothing about me.

Also I don't agree that what pavel said about psychedelia being in the audience ears... it is not as trippy to listen to, say for example Tango rather than psytrance on acid...

Psychedelic trance is crafted from mostly synthetic sounds that resemble the psychedelic state.

It is something about computer music, universe basic principles, mind expanding, mental voyage and such hocus pocus topics that most of jaded guys around reject so much and get pissed when called jaded.

This is my personal opinion and some of the most important things to me that guide me when i produce this genre which i love, because it was only until i tried psychedelics that i began to really understand the world around me and the reason for my existence... not that i had completely understood yet anyway

Some of us live in a psychedelic state most of the time, even when not on drugs. That is what I believe in, a life style in which psytrance is the soundtrack for a self discovery odyssey.

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Mar 25, 2011 21:08
Psychedelia is definitely in the mind of the listener.

What is trippy for you may not be trippy for the next person - there is no objective viewpoint here.

How is it that I can listen to say, psykovsky and get nothing psychedelic from it in any way shape or form while other people have a transcendent experience?

Why is it that when I listen to dubstep I cringe and want to rip out my eardrums, yet someone else can have an amazing time and comment on how crazy psychedelic it is?

Because trance has had such a large impact on our lives we have a tendency to blow it up and make it the end all be all form of music and experience. I did it for years and still do from time to time when I get caught up in the moment, but at the end of the day you have to humble yourself...because once you start down the slippery slope of saying what is and is not psychedelic then you end up making rules and sweeping generalizations and you restrict your viewpoint.            If you want to make an apple pie from must first invent the universe
Beat Agency
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Mar 25, 2011 21:09
Dear aciduss

So when I call you narrow-minded its not ok but it's OK to call me and others jaded and whining? well ok

As I said as the first thing in my original post here. Each to his own. I did not at any point force my opinion on you or anyone else. I spoke my opinion based on my own experience. And I did not call anyone names or pointing fingers at anyone as you do.

You on the contrary wrote this:
"this is music to experience while tripping on psychedelic in order to fully enjoy it"

and by that you told everybody here that they are not fully enjoying psytrance unless the do as you dropping drugs before hitting the play button.

That is in my world extremely narrow-minded as you hereby exclude everyone that does not need drugs to enjoy the music.

The downfall of this scene is related to drugs. Period (as you say).

Colin OOOD
OOOD/Voice of Cod

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Posted : Mar 25, 2011 21:12

On 2011-03-25 20:49, aciduss wrote:
Also I don't agree that what pavel said about psychedelia being in the audience ears... it is not as trippy to listen to, say for example Tango rather than psytrance on acid...

Psychedelic trance is crafted from mostly synthetic sounds that resemble the psychedelic state.

It is something about computer music, universe basic principles, mind expanding, mental voyage and such hocus pocus topics that most of jaded guys around reject so much and get pissed when called jaded.

So do you believe that psytrance is the only psychedelic music? If yes, you've just set yourself against a generation of Grateful Dead/Pink Floyd/Beatles/Ozric Tentacles etc etc fans... and if 'no', then you contradict yourself when you disagree that psychedelia is in the ear of the beholder.           Mastering - ::
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