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Do you believe in a psychedelic (trance) culture?


Started Topics :  23
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Posted : Mar 25, 2011 17:09
I wonder how many people know that the term "psychedelic" was quoined specifically to describe the "experience of being on the drug". And that the person who quoined this term, although knowing it meant "mind-manifesting", choose/invented/selected this word specifically to refer to the "experience", and not as an adjective. That is to say, psychedelic is the substance and effect, i.e. drug/experience. 

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IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Mar 25, 2011 17:14

On 2011-03-25 17:09, TranceVisuals wrote:
I wonder how many people know that the term "psychedelic" was quoined specifically to describe the "experience of being on the drug". And that the person who quoined this term, although knowing it meant "mind-manifesting", choose/invented/selected this word specifically to refer to the "experience", and not as an adjective. That is to say, psychedelic is the substance and effect, i.e. drug/experience.

I gather this was someone else's experience.

So you like to go with someone else's experience?

I'd go with my own, music works just fine for my psychedelic experience.           We were born naked & grow up to become wicked.
Beat Agency
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Mar 25, 2011 17:24
Each to his own of course.

To me it was never about drugs and I really dislike those people who have been part of giving this scene a very bad image with their drug praising - you know who you are artists and labels

To me (and many other people in the pioneer days) the vision of the scene was all about the music and to create a scene where nobody was an outsider. No matter what you looked like, your religious believes, sexuality etc.

I've been dancing and playing at parties where hippies, moms and dads, office people in suits, drag-queens, punks, Mr/Mrs. ordinary, homeless people, police(wo)men, weirdos and more have all shared the stage in one single vision. To dance and be free.

In the beginning it was never about drugs or to change the World. We just wanted to share our passion for the, at that time new, awesome music and feel free on the dance floor with no usual Man/Woman thing going on in commercial clubs. The music played was Trance and Techno and all music in between. But always with a red line connecting the tunes. And last but not least the Djs/artists was not stars on a big stage. Usually they were located on the floor playing in a corner participating in the fun. And releases was usually anonymous without artists posing on covers.

We the artists, labels and organizers are solely responsible for messing up things. As soon as money got involved things went down the drain. Fast!

All of a sudden people had to look (fashionable) alike (Space tribe Clothes wtf?), limit our taste in music (music got divide into sub-genres) and parties grew much bigger but not better and we got much better paid and started to act like super stars on big stages demanding fancy Hotels, sexy groupies, luxury Cuisine and floods of drugs and alcohol.

Certain artists and labels began to rant about drugs in their tunes and even made compilations praising drugs. This fundamental change in the vision pressured especially new to the scene and youngsters to believe you had to be down with the drugs to fit in. And experienced artists and labels welcomed these young and easy to influence newcomers into the big family of drug Kings & Queens.

Welcome to the scene!!!

Since then much more water ran down the Creeks but fact is that today's scene is not united. There is no scene. All there's left is a shattered community divided into many sub genres all promoting themselves as "the real thing".


IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Mar 25, 2011 17:30
And i feel people who care more for music, who support the music, buy music, pay for gigs, travel for parties/festivals/gatherings to listen to music & dance together are still sharing the same vibe like "in the pioneer days" as mentioned by BA in above post.

Drug (ab)users have killed it IMO.           We were born naked & grow up to become wicked.
Beat Agency
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Mar 25, 2011 17:34

On 2011-03-25 17:30, Dogon wrote:
And i feel people who care more for music, who support the music, buy music, pay for gigs, travel for parties/festivals/gatherings to listen to music & dance together are still sharing the same vibe like "in the pioneer days" as mentioned by BA in above post.

Drug (ab)users have killed it IMO.

They are a very small group of people compared to the overall "scene" and it's majority of "members" who seem to be into heavy drugs, alcohol, women/men and then maybe the music (in that order). 
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Mar 25, 2011 17:37

On 2011-03-25 17:34, Beat Agency wrote:

On 2011-03-25 17:30, Dogon wrote:
And i feel people who care more for music, who support the music, buy music, pay for gigs, travel for parties/festivals/gatherings to listen to music & dance together are still sharing the same vibe like "in the pioneer days" as mentioned by BA in above post.

Drug (ab)users have killed it IMO.

They are a very small group of people compared to the overall "scene" and it's majority of "members" who seem to be into heavy drugs, alcohol, women/men and then maybe the music (in that order).

so yea it's already down the drain.

I still have 'high' hopes. And i do have super good dancefloor experiences every once in a while, though smaller than it used to be but still i am happy.           We were born naked & grow up to become wicked.

Started Topics :  49
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Posted : Mar 25, 2011 17:51
Nice post BA, I agree with it.
Just want to mention that the psychedelic drugs are not the problem. The problem are the users who become worse and not better with them. Who close themselves around their ego and not open up with the psychedelic experience.
The psychedelic experience for me was a huge open-your-eyes-and-heart experience, that helped me reach my balance and open up to strangers, no matter if they are on a suit or naked.           Sérgio Xamanist
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Mar 25, 2011 17:57
I just think it's an individual thing, what you want to do with your personal trance-state experience.

Do you want to attribute it all, and immerse yourself in, the trance scene and try to make something of it, with trance as the vehicle?

Or do you just take the experience, grow inwardly from it, and carry on with your life?

Beat Agency
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Mar 25, 2011 18:04

On 2011-03-25 17:51, Xamanist wrote:
Nice post BA, I agree with it.
Just want to mention that the psychedelic drugs are not the problem. The problem are the users who become worse and not better with them. Who close themselves around their ego and not open up with the psychedelic experience.
The psychedelic experience for me was a huge open-your-eyes-and-heart experience, that helped me reach my balance and open up to strangers, no matter if they are on a suit or naked.

Of course it's never the drugs or in another example religions fault. It's always those who exploit it who's to be blamed.

I think you are a bit off track when you believe it's the "psychedelic" experience that cause you to be open minded. I rather say it's the music and hopefully the kind of people you surround yourself with that cause you to become more open minded.

One can also become very open minded hanging around people into Dubstep, Folk music or Reggae. I don't see it related to a "psychedelic" experience. IMO

But in order to find some common ground in this scene it has to come to terms with what went wrong. And as long it praise those who IMO are the ones responsible for messing things up (They are the ones controlling this scene as artists, labels and organizers) then the scene will continue being messed up.


Started Topics :  49
Posts :  938
Posted : Mar 25, 2011 18:07
For me the "scene" is a virtual concept.
Peace Love Unity Respect
If enough people apply this principles in their actions and selves and get together in a trance event with the help of trance music, then the scene is alive.
But just like in everyday life, not everybody is in this kind of frequency...
For me the "scene" dies when artists, promoters and trancers don't promote this values through their own actions... and psytrance fails to help getting people closer, rather the opposite, breaking them appart.

P.S: Of course these values are present also in people that never listened to trance music! Not to forget that           Sérgio Xamanist

Started Topics :  49
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Posted : Mar 25, 2011 18:10

On 2011-03-25 18:04, Beat Agency wrote:
Of course it's never the drugs or in another example religions fault. It's always those who exploit it who's to be blamed.

I think you are a bit off track when you believe it's the "psychedelic" experience that cause you to be open minded. I rather say it's the music and hopefully the kind of people you surround yourself with that cause you to become more open minded.

One can also become very open minded hanging around people into Dubstep, Folk music or Reggae. I don't see it related to a "psychedelic" experience. IMO

But in order to find some common ground in this scene it has to come to terms with what went wrong. And as long it praise those who IMO are the ones responsible for messing things up (They are the ones controlling this scene as artists, labels and organizers) then the scene will continue being messed up.

I was already open minded and a good person, I think

Trance music helped me feeling the connection with others better...
But the entheogenic/ psychedelic experience helped me too by itself alone
          Sérgio Xamanist

Started Topics :  49
Posts :  938
Posted : Mar 25, 2011 18:14
Thanks TranceVisuals for promoting this interesting discussion           Sérgio Xamanist
Martian Arts

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Posted : Mar 25, 2011 18:53
The thing is, for better or for worse, that psytrance and psychedelic drugs overlap. +1 on the people, from any circle, exploiting the music and the parties. They ruined it, be it with excessive drug dealing (at the end of the day no one forced drugs down people's throats, although I can't speak for every case obviously), the labels that asked for a sound that sells and the artists for making such sound in order to sell music and get gigs.
BUT isn't it the people who had the last word on what kind of music is good and how much drug intake is enough?
Having said that off course, the lines of enough "fun" get really blurry when you're already high as a kite...then again I do think that some of the most awesome music made was from people that, to my knowledge, were acid users, without wanting to say that people who hadn't taken acid did not make any good tunes, or they would not have made the same music if they were simply hitting chillums...hard to come to a objective conclusion as the scene back then was like a massive tidal wave. It swept the globe and everyone was too busy enjoying the ride...

Peace out.
Inactive User

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Posted : Mar 25, 2011 18:55
is there too heavy a drug connect here ? whatever your choice of drug might be .. i mean heavy in the sense of both been "taken seriously" .. and also a high attrition rate amongst enthusiasts , which is not to say that there aren't people here that never did any and still enjoy just as much , still .. i personally found my interest in psytrance diminish significantly and exponentially compared to my drug use , lol (acid etc only) .. i still play my old grapes of wrath and texasfaggot , and many other cds etc every now n then , .. again , mine is a small example not representative of the "scene" .. still , .. does all the drug connotation , connect take more away than contribute to the scene ?

i still smoke pot , go to goa darkpsy parties whenever i can etc , but .. is a age thing or what ? im very drifted from this for now .. compared to earlier , and dont blame the music or the parties , coz for sure still today people come and have the same "life changing" trips etc
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Mar 25, 2011 19:18
Hell yes there is a psytrance culture and it is not dead. Far from dead. It may be different than it was back in the day, and it may be that in some places it is overly commercial and for making money..but not everywhere. IMO the core of the scene is not the huge festivals or the club nights but the outdoor underground parties thrown by people that are not motivated by money or fame, but by the intrinsic power of psychedelic trance to bring us together and help us. The small parties in the woods. That shit is special now and always.

However, I do think that it's impossible to maintain the same attitude or connection to the music and the 'scene' as one had when they were first introduced to and set on fire by said music and/or scene....even if the scene/music hadn't gone through such drastic changes over the past (almost?) 2 decades and it definitely has.

The first time you hear psytrance it is very, very special. Especially if you are amplified by an entheogen. Especially if you are in a set and setting where you feel comfortable. 8 years after my first party it is still special to me, though not in the same way. Still special enough to spend the vast majority of my leisure time either trying to make trance, listening to trance, or helping to organize trance parties. That initiative and drive is indicative to me of the power of trance culture and that initiative is still there after the acid wears off.

As for the drugs thing, I still partake so I can't say personally how connected the scene is to drug use but I know plenty of people that are heavily involved in the scene who don't do drugs.
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