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Do you believe in a psychedelic (trance) culture?


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Posted : Mar 25, 2011 15:26:11
I do, although my experience tends to make me think otherwise, and I wonder whether my continual disappointment is because I am looking for something that just isn't there e.g. the Urban Spaceman.

And if it isn't there, I wonder where I may find it, if it all.

I also wonder what are the best bits of the culture, that we/I would want to hold onto. Sometimes I think even thinking there is a wafe of life other than that present by the system is madness, especially the people often look at me when I broach such subjects.

I suppose for me, the music is a facet of the "psychedelic" culture, that it is psychedelic trance, or perhaps I should call it "high music"

I wonder what bits aren't bullshit in the "hippy ethic" (though everyone I know and met from that era called themselves freaks or heads!)

I wonder if the experience of trance state, and the resultant non-dual-state-of-mind creates a common decency, as I believe it should, but again experience seems to make me think that most are behaving like it is "planet of the apes".

I wonder if we shouldn't emulate, play and perform our "best behaviour" as if in church on the dancefloor and in life, as "monkey sees monkey do" in my experience.

I wonder why we spent so much time "knocking each other down" when we could build a stairway to heaven out of our dreams and efforts.

I wonder many things, some of them out aloud.

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Posted : Mar 25, 2011 15:44
There is undeniably a culture that revolves that kind of music (Psy Trance)
But it's always important to remember that if you are part of it you are NOT automatically:
*Spiritually Evolved
or automatically any better than any other inhabitant of this planet just by being a part of this scene.

Also, your music is not more Psychedelic than let's say Breakbeat or Dubstep or whatever else. The "Psychedelicness" is in the ear of the listener.
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Martian Arts

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Posted : Mar 25, 2011 15:47
Before we embark on this thread, I will quote Wiki:

Culture (from the Latin cultura stemming from colere, meaning "to cultivate")[1] is a term that has various meanings. For example, in 1952, Alfred Kroeber and Clyde Kluckhohn compiled a list of 164 definitions of "culture" in Culture: A Critical Review of Concepts and Definitions.[2] However, the word "culture" is most commonly used in three basic senses:

* Excellence of taste in the fine arts and humanities, also known as high culture
* An integrated pattern of human knowledge, belief, and behavior that depends upon the capacity for symbolic thought and social learning
* The set of shared attitudes, values, goals, and practices that characterizes an institution, organization or group

*IF* we set this definition as the standard to which, culture is defined, then psy-trance is no longer a culture. But it used to be.
In the '90s people did share a taste in excellence of arts, their pattern of human knowledge was a lot more integrated than today as well as their beliefs and they did share attitudes, goals, practices.
Today what with all the extremely varying styles of music, symbolism and extremely varied tastes in excellence of arts, right down to what is actually art and what is psy-trance, the people are extremely segregated, to the extent that they no longer share anything, besides drugs...which is something to think about.

Having said that, I do believe trance music is strong enough to change a (wo)man's life to the extent that they will dedicate their life to hearing it, learning about it and re-creating it. Just like Jazz music, Blues, Classical music...etc.

Peace out.

Inactive User

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Posted : Mar 25, 2011 16:03
No I do Not ,
To much trance can be bad for you too. Equilibrium is everything . And the greatest thought of in state of trance enlightenment that i ever had was the realization that we are just a bunch of sub evolved monkeys acting like we are king shit and know it all already when we have only been around for 5 min.
Confrontation is inevitable.
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Mar 25, 2011 16:05
considering how much the psychedelic trance movement / culture impact had on my life (relationships ending/start of new ones), people I met and shared moments with in past 12 years my answer would be yess defentley. to me this is the part of it that is still worth it. having met so much people arround the globe and still sharing with them so many things (though not drugs) makes me happy about it.
defentley the bigger part of it might differ,           to use your head you have to go out of your mind
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Posted : Mar 25, 2011 16:05

On 2011-03-25 15:44, Pavel wrote:

But it's always important to remember that if you are part of it you are NOT automatically:
*Spiritually Evolved
or automatically any better than any other inhabitant of this planet just by being a part of this scene.


Started Topics :  23
Posts :  743
Posted : Mar 25, 2011 16:05
I agree with much of what you say. Just as going to church and believing in gOd doesn't make anyone a better person.

However I find the being "high" and getting into a "psychedelic trance" does encourage myself to try and be a better, more loving person, and carry that through to all facets of my life. I feel a sense of overwhelming love/joy/ecstasy when I think and wonder about these things when high. In my life/world there quite patently seems not enough love and its expression, and it is something that I would like to see more of.

When I am "high" I find my sense of self, melts, and fades in significance, it is no longer at the fore of my mind, and that in this state I feel closer to my environment, and things in that environment, and that I want to nuture, love, interact with those things.

I believe there is a "class" of music that is made by people who like to get high, and can often be high when they produce and play that much, for people to listen to when high.
I find this music "meditational" or conducive to "being high"/"trancey" and feelings of ecstasy. Certainly that music can be subjective, but I have noticed that music from the psychedelic genre (and particularly that having higher production values) seems to resonate better than other music, that seems designed for other occasions.

I believe the music "aids" being high, and can induce a part of the high itself, it isn't the high (for me). It seems to work synergistically with all the other component parts, such as set and setting, etc. To set one's mind on fire and free, exhalting the spirit so to speak.

There seems to be a quality of "clear light" attached to this "high", that makes me want to share the experience of it, as it seems "nutritious to my being", with other people. It makes me want to be the best person I can, and to nuture that in others. However it seems passive, in that the experience seems to demand nothing of me, except that I "do nothing".
In this space-clear light, I find myself imaging that I am having telepathic conversation with other people on the planet, who are imaging the same things, but it is not done with words, but movements, dances of our perception/feeling.
I like to think it is all true, or at least some of it is, but it doesn't really conform to my general experience of "reality", the world as is described. So I am apt to think it is my own projection, fantasy, of how I would like the "world to be and operate".
I pulsate between these two thoughts, that it is an illusion, and doesn't exist and I am mentally wanking myself off, and the other position that maybe it is real and that we are telepathic creatures, with wonderous abilities we haven't admitted/discovered yet, and we are on the evolutionary dawn of a new age. Yet historically every generation has believed in the eschaton, and it seems to be an deeply personal individual thing/experience, rather than some global hollywood blockbuster of an experience.


On 2011-03-25 15:44, Pavel wrote:

But it's always important to remember that if you are part of it you are NOT automatically:
*Spiritually Evolved
or automatically any better than any other inhabitant of this planet just by being a part of this scene.

Funny enough I've NEVER met a SINGLE person who thought that it did.

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Martian Arts

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Posted : Mar 25, 2011 16:24
Are we talking about the state of trance and drugs? or whether psy-trance is a culture, or not?

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Posted : Mar 25, 2011 16:34
Just some thoughts....

Maybe that, as well as the music, our shared values/ethics/decency contribute to the culture.

That those "values" derive from a common experience when high. Maybe they don't and it is just me, but other people seem to have similar experiences, they just seem to consider them less real than often I do.

An experience that in many case is illegal/disapproved/controlled by the state(s) in which we live.

This activity, either "getting high", "into a trance" etc, is partly what defines our culture to some extent, in being part of the visible element. Or maybe we are all just suffering from "a spontaneous outbreak of tarantism".

Not every wants to get "high", be "high", likes being "high" etc, and that in our vision of the community, scene and culture there is room for everyone, to feel free to express themselves, and that we should encourage that openness, and not snigger and point fingers, and reduce everything to the "lowest common denominator". imho.

If this isn't the "psychedelic (trance) culture" what, where is. Can the different experiences of reality, that people have through a common bond of music/forum/expression be tolerated, and synergise off each other.

I am tired of living in fear that the "armed apparatus of the state" is going to bust down my door, just because I like to feel groovey and hurt no-one.
In the face of this very real threat and fear, shouldn't we support, organise and develop a network that isn't based on partisan politics, or ideas, but on the simple expressive idea that everyone should be able to live a life of opportunity in peace and safety across the world and beyond?

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IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Mar 25, 2011 16:36
For me its all about music, dancing, the sense of freedom.           We were born naked & grow up to become wicked.
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Mar 25, 2011 16:54
I can safely assume the culture comes from being in a state of trance which is derived more or less directly from psychedelic drugs.

Yes, i believe in a psychedelic culture where I would tend to imagine that there is a certain sense of 'awareness' about our own existence that tends to elude most of the folks out there. But that doesn't mean we automatically become more intelligent or evolved than the person who doesn't share our opinions (stuff like aliens , space , astral projection, awakening the 3rd eye and so on and so forth)

Also most of the culture that you speak of , the common decency for example is at the fringes of society and i don't see anyone in possession of such values going out of their way to make a real difference either . Most of it remains "high" talk and eventually is nothing more than hot air to be very honest. Thats not to say there isnt healing as well as potential to learn from one another in such non-dualistic mind states.

Other than that yes this music is something else and awakens the mind eye like nothing else out there. I have always dreamt of a party on some sort of a wonder drug , with simulations in sync with the mood of the music that will help us transcend completely the very fabric of what we call reality. I know that day isnt too far away with how fast technology is evolving in tandem with the quest for inner change /a better life involving spirituality , yoga etc. I see it all converging to one big blast that if is the world doesn't self-destruct before we can take it to the next level.
          missing plug-in
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Mar 25, 2011 16:57

On 2011-03-25 16:54, exotic wrote:
I can safely assume the culture comes from being in a state of trance which is derived more or less directly from psychedelic drugs.

I would replace drugs with music.           We were born naked & grow up to become wicked.
Inactive User

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Posted : Mar 25, 2011 17:01

On 2011-03-25 16:05, TranceVisuals wrote:
I agree with much of what you say. Just as going to church and believing in gOd doesn't make anyone a better person.

However I find the being "high" and getting into a "psychedelic trance" does encourage myself to try and be a better, more loving person, and carry that through to all facets of my life. I feel a sense of overwhelming love/joy/ecstasy when I think and wonder about these things when high. In my life/world there quite patently seems not enough love and its expression, and it is something that I would like to see more of.

When I am "high" I find my sense of self, melts, and fades in significance, it is no longer at the fore of my mind, and that in this state I feel closer to my environment, and things in that environment, and that I want to nuture, love, interact with those things.

I believe there is a "class" of music that is made by people who like to get high, and can often be high when they produce and play that much, for people to listen to when high.
I find this music "meditational" or conducive to "being high"/"trancey" and feelings of ecstasy. Certainly that music can be subjective, but I have noticed that music from the psychedelic genre (and particularly that having higher production values) seems to resonate better than other music, that seems designed for other occasions.

I believe the music "aids" being high, and can induce a part of the high itself, it isn't the high (for me). It seems to work synergistically with all the other component parts, such as set and setting, etc. To set one's mind on fire and free, exhalting the spirit so to speak.

There seems to be a quality of "clear light" attached to this "high", that makes me want to share the experience of it, as it seems "nutritious to my being", with other people. It makes me want to be the best person I can, and to nuture that in others. However it seems passive, in that the experience seems to demand nothing of me, except that I "do nothing".
In this space-clear light, I find myself imaging that I am having telepathic conversation with other people on the planet, who are imaging the same things, but it is not done with words, but movements, dances of our perception/feeling.
I like to think it is all true, or at least some of it is, but it doesn't really conform to my general experience of "reality", the world as is described. So I am apt to think it is my own projection, fantasy, of how I would like the "world to be and operate".
I pulsate between these two thoughts, that it is an illusion, and doesn't exist and I am mentally wanking myself off, and the other position that maybe it is real and that we are telepathic creatures, with wonderous abilities we haven't admitted/discovered yet, and we are on the evolutionary dawn of a new age. Yet historically every generation has believed in the eschaton, and it seems to be an deeply personal individual thing/experience, rather than some global hollywood blockbuster of an experience.


On 2011-03-25 15:44, Pavel wrote:

But it's always important to remember that if you are part of it you are NOT automatically:
*Spiritually Evolved
or automatically any better than any other inhabitant of this planet just by being a part of this scene.

Funny enough I've NEVER met a SINGLE person who thought that it did.

all your posts are very long. Answer for all this posts is: LOL

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Posted : Mar 25, 2011 17:03

On 2011-03-25 16:57, Dogon wrote:

On 2011-03-25 16:54, exotic wrote:
I can safely assume the culture comes from being in a state of trance which is derived more or less directly from psychedelic drugs.

I would replace drugs with music.

I would replace both with experience. 

2,000,000+ views and counting.
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Mar 25, 2011 17:05

On 2011-03-25 17:03, TranceVisuals wrote:

On 2011-03-25 16:57, Dogon wrote:

On 2011-03-25 16:54, exotic wrote:
I can safely assume the culture comes from being in a state of trance which is derived more or less directly from psychedelic drugs.

I would replace drugs with music.

I would replace both with experience.

experience without music sounds a bit offtopic.           We were born naked & grow up to become wicked.
Trance Forum » » Forum  Trance - Do you believe in a psychedelic (trance) culture?

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