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do music artists do better in a world with illegal file sharing

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Dec 7, 2009 18:13:19
Check out this article!!
Martian Arts

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Posted : Dec 7, 2009 19:50
One of the reasons we do the legal free downloads.
I wonder if we'd do any better if we did the illegal bit?  
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Dec 7, 2009 21:12
i think they do, atleast for the sake of getting recognized. I mean how many artists in the psy scene would ppl even know about without the internet and mp3s?
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Dec 7, 2009 21:15
if they are good , people would hear about them, and they even could sell a lot more cd`s and maybe could actual do a living from it..           -------......-------...-..-..-..-.-.-.-.-
Martian Arts

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Posted : Dec 7, 2009 21:19

On 2009-12-07 21:12, AumShantiAum wrote:
i think they do, atleast for the sake of getting recognized. I mean how many artists in the psy scene would ppl even know about without the internet and mp3s?

Think about ratios. How many psy artists people knew in the past, when people only used DATs and shared tunes, illegally...before the mass use and advent of the web?

There are probably no official figures, but I have a feeling there are more "unknown" artists today, then back in the day (lets not go back to the early '90s...say, late '90s) when there were a lot less people making trance tunes.

Could be wrong though, just a hunch.
Tsabeat/Sattel Battle

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Posted : Dec 8, 2009 05:05
get to the people every way possible...

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Dec 8, 2009 16:08
Anyway I posted this article to stimulate the discussion, I think the trance scene doesn't work exactly as it is written in this analysis...

But still the concept is an interesting one to see that the MAJORS make less money and the artist get more live gigs money, thanks to the fact more people listen to more music and go more outside....

Tha finally outcome could be if a good system to sell msuic online is finally found, that the artists who makes good music could really makes money from their music and the major can go to hell
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Dec 9, 2009 06:22
In the non-electronic world, artists have always made more money on tour than through record sales.

In the world of psytrance however, most artists I've seen have about zero stage presence and you don't get much from flying the artist out instead of just downloading their music and playing it yourself.

I think if you want to make a living out of electronic music, you need to create a performance that is dynamic and more than just the music by itself. It's kind of a mainstream example but look at daft punk. I didn't really think they were that special until I saw videos of their concerts.

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Posted : Dec 10, 2009 17:21
As someone correctly points out in the comments to that article, you can't really do a study like this with total live revenue because its so extremely skewed towards the HUGE acts as far as who is generating the money.
Springsteen and U2 can sell 30k tickets for one show at 150 bucks a shot.
A band playing a 1000 person place at 10 bucks a shot would have to play 450 concerts to equal one of those sprinsteen or U2 shows.
The irony to me is it simply reflects the extreme prices per ticket people are willing to pay now for the huge name, EXACTLY because there are no more Springsteens or U2s to come because file sharing as killed off that level or artist.
The guy who wrote this is an idiot and needs to take a basic statistics class.
Do a study on what revenues look like for 1500 seat venues and under, and it would paint a much different picture.
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Dec 10, 2009 20:16

On 2009-12-10 17:21, braininavat wrote:
EXACTLY because there are no more Springsteens or U2s to come because file sharing as killed off that level or artist.

This sentence sounds like good old nostalgic bias to me.
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Dec 11, 2009 03:33
sorta relating to dynamic around a year or so my personal goal is to have enough material produced to do a live set...and spin fire in the middle of it hows that for dynamic!

bwah hahah

Tsabeat/Sattel Battle

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Posted : Dec 11, 2009 05:50

On 2009-12-09 06:22, Shiranui wrote:
look at daft punk. I didn't really think they were that special until I saw videos of their concerts.

yeah just give me 20K$ for lazers lights dancers and vj show... no problem


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Posted : Dec 11, 2009 06:32

On 2009-12-10 20:16, Shiranui wrote:

On 2009-12-10 17:21, braininavat wrote:
EXACTLY because there are no more Springsteens or U2s to come because file sharing as killed off that level or artist.

This sentence sounds like good old nostalgic bias to me.

Then name the band who came out this decade who will be able to sell 30k tickets at 150 bucks a shot in 2030 if what I said is just nostalgic bias? I don't even like Springsteen and U2 has sucked IMO since actung baby...Even loving early U2 I would never pay 150 bucks to see them.
I would even go further and say that Radiohead and Tool are the only bands who will be able to sell out stadiums 10 years from now other than the flavor of the month(and neither will do it at todays prices), exactly because file sharing has killed that level of band..Its just that Radiohead and Tool slipped through the crack with because they were on old school rock radio with Creep and Sober...
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Dec 11, 2009 14:51
I can't predict that, and I don't have a very good thumb on the pulse of the world of rock n roll, but...

I honestly could see Linkin Park doing it. As much as people make fun of them on the internet for being whiny, they put out several mega-hit albums and have a lot of enduring fans. I still catch myself listening to them sometimes.

I guess dave matthews band and beck are more than 10 years old... gosh, how time flies.

Oh! How about Muse? I know tons of people who are absolutely rabid about them and they don't seem like the kind of band people grow out of.
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Dec 11, 2009 16:18
Of course artists do better, this way they don't have to spend all that money buying other people's work so they have more to buy studio equipment.  - Midwest based psytrance group
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