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Do artists/producers handle well critics?

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Posted : Dec 2, 2009 01:24

On 2009-12-02 01:07, orange wrote:
if they write only for them self's propably they are the only listeners also...

Heard of Aphex Twin?

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Posted : Dec 2, 2009 08:06
A few years ago I thought most reviews posted on Isratrance were permeated with a tone of jadedness. I used to write my own reviews back then and I think I tried to push things a bit, trying to provoke within reasonable limits to get the debate going. I mean, it doesn't seem very plausible to me that every CD is infinitely ground-breaking, does it?

I think I've changed opinion over the years, however. Sometimes I know the hours of work that have been invested in the CD in terms of creating the music, artwork etc., and I can emphasise with the label/artist in question were one so-called reviewer to post a one word review, summarising the hours of work in ineloquent terms.

Sometimes I wonder how many of those reviewers who actually bought the CD and sat down listening it to it for hours on end while glancing through the artwork, giving the piece a fair chance and, moreover, trying to get as much out of the experience as possible. It's worth pondering the impact of the consumption society on our scene. Back in the day your spending money was limited and the accessibility as far as psytrance was limited. If you bought some records you made sure you squeezed out everything each track could offer you. Nowadays it seems more common that people download MP3s and if the record in question doesn't do the trick for them immediately, they'll just delete the files and hit up PirateBay or a similar network to get their next dose and continue until they find something that seems interesting at first glance. One may wonder what kind of music they'll miss out on due to this consumer behaviour pattern because not all releases seem interesting at first but some grow over time, becoming your favourites as you experience the music (and artwork) in different moods, discovering new details.

I guess my point here is that if you really want to post your reviews - and I encourage you to do that because I like reading reviews - please, ask yourself whether you've squeezed everything out of the CD or not and pen down your thoughts in constructive terms. I'm not sure if every artist or label is deeply concerned with the reviews they're getting, but at least give them a fair chance to improve, will you?

My $0.05.
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IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Dec 2, 2009 08:29
a3k i hav ea question for u first - are u talkin abt darkpsytrancers ?

the reason i ask u this is : -

1) Darkpsytrancers make themselves available to every tom dick n harry. ( witout knowledge of ur audience u r doomed ). And cos most dark psy listners are heavy users , they speak a lot of shit. Also , darkpsytrance producers are heavy users. So there is OFCOURSE an ego issue here.

2 )morning psytrancers dont care . Cos of repeated cheese stuff over the year, They just dont care no more.

So the moring artists think their music is the bomb. Now there is Ego of a diffrnt kind .

I fucking dislike thoroiougly the new ' i know all' ' mymusic is better than urs ' And the LATEST - ' ur not part of our label cos u didnt lick my left ball '

Please wrap urself in ur own asses . N go Listen to some music.

I gotta agree wit Kiriyama - most reviewers , readers of this site ( including me ) do not buy the cds they bullshit about.

but most of the time its cos the music sucks.
IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Dec 2, 2009 08:38

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IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Dec 2, 2009 10:43

On 2009-12-01 19:07, Pointless wrote:

On 2009-12-01 17:03, Xolvexs wrote:

I could only watch 37 seconds and I had come to the conclusion that she was very stupid and so very UN-cool.


haha but you missed the best part! the last 10 seconds!!!!
Solid Snake

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Posted : Dec 2, 2009 13:44
scobbah's got a point, excessive consuming of music might lead to artistic deafness. I rarely hear any proper intros and outros in todays releases. I love a cd with a story which seems to have been forgotten by many producers nowadays.

Another POV could be the huge amount of producers in a scene with not so many followers, some people are just not interested. And they are entitled to that.

IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Dec 2, 2009 14:51
yeah...i think i tried to edit and hit delete so the video is gone....

oh and by the way

          When death comes to your doorstep, make sure you are alive
IsraTrance Team

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Posted : Dec 2, 2009 15:12

On 2009-12-02 08:29, aXis wrote:
a3k i hav ea question for u first - are u talkin abt darkpsytrancers ?

actually, after reading a review of a progressive cd, i went to make the i had this in mind for quite some time, but lets say it was after that progressive specific thread review.           ...
IsraTrance Team

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Posted : Dec 2, 2009 15:16

On 2009-12-02 08:06, scobbah wrote:

Sometimes I wonder how many of those reviewers who actually bought the CD and sat down listening it to it for hours on end while glancing through the artwork, giving the piece a fair chance and, moreover, trying to get as much out of the experience as possible.

i can only speak for myself: all the reviews i made were from origianl cd´s, and the reviews i made were never after i got the cd - the review camed several weeks after listening the cd intensivly, because what could pop to my mind has fresh and absolulty funtastic, it was probably to my state of spirit in that specific moment, and i wanted to experience the cd with other states of spirit and mind. so after carefully listening, and observing the artwork etc etc, i made the review, sometimes it tooked me more than two days to write them.good music stays forever

actually there are very few labels who care for artwork.

i know what it is to compile a cd..i know all the hardwork, and that can all be come down with a harsh review, but if it is done, with correction, and well argumented ideas, well what to do?learn from them i think          ...
IsraTrance Team

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Posted : Dec 2, 2009 15:21

On 2009-12-02 13:44, A.Rosengren wrote:
scobbah's got a point, excessive consuming of music might lead to artistic deafness. I rarely hear any proper intros and outros in todays releases. I love a cd with a story which seems to have been forgotten by many producers nowadays.

Another POV could be the huge amount of producers in a scene with not so many followers, some people are just not interested. And they are entitled to that.


i also love a cd with story and a concept..not just releasing music for just releasing it..i love an idea, a concept, something made with a purpose.

and about the so many newcomers, it is impossible to follow them all..there was a time i could almost do it, but not these days..i simply have to be more picky, and sometimes be surprised
like the case of solid snake, it was a pleasent surprise for me to listen hte album..i did not knew what to expect from you, but it surprised me a lot, and you got yourselfs a fan..not a blind fan of course, but a fan
so make bad music and you get           ...

Started Topics :  20
Posts :  268
Posted : Dec 2, 2009 20:38
I had one reviewer write about my material (and I quote..) "WOW...pretty much the worse stuff I've heard in my entire life! You people need to get some taste! Later loosers!"
Now, admittedly, this did hurt my first. But I also think this kind of review really has no merit because it simply states an opinion, and doesn't explain 'why' it is the worse stuff ever heard. Conversely, I had a reviewer stating how great it is. Obviously that's better to hear, but again...why? Though these weren't as much 'reviews' as they were simply comments...
I think a good review (at least one that can be taken seriously--be it positive or negative) comes from a place of objectivity, and really examines the pointed out by a3k and Kiriyama.
Artists need to understand as well that you can't please everyone, and as long as you're making the music you love, then that is what will come through in the end. Constructive critiscism is vital for growth, especially for technical growth, IMHO. The story varies from listener to listener...and everyone 'hears' differently...

Yep, ego is such a fickle character....           "Any act, if in accordance with the Will, is an act of Magick."

Started Topics :  23
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Posted : Dec 2, 2009 21:47

Yep, ego is such a fictitous character....

i think that says it better...

Tbh, really at the end of the day, with doing visuals/graphics/videos the only person(s) opinion I actually give a toss about is the person who wrote the music. If they like what I have done to their music, I am stoked, if not, I sulk and work harder to do better for the next video.
I probably produce better work as a result of being challenged, though getting a pat on the head is nice and inspiring also.
Carrot and stick I guess, whatever it takes to do better the next time.

Personally I think my stuff sucks compared to the visions in my mind, but I am getting better so I look forward to see what I am producing in another ten years time.

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IsraTrance Team

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Posted : Dec 2, 2009 22:32

On 2009-12-02 20:38, mukti777 wrote:
I had one reviewer write about my material (and I quote..) "WOW...pretty much the worse stuff I've heard in my entire life! You people need to get some taste! Later loosers!"
Now, admittedly, this did hurt my first. But I also think this kind of review really has no merit because it simply states an opinion, and doesn't explain 'why' it is the worse stuff ever heard. Conversely, I had a reviewer stating how great it is. Obviously that's better to hear, but again...why? Though these weren't as much 'reviews' as they were simply comments...
I think a good review (at least one that can be taken seriously--be it positive or negative) comes from a place of objectivity, and really examines the pointed out by a3k and Kiriyama.
Artists need to understand as well that you can't please everyone, and as long as you're making the music you love, then that is what will come through in the end. Constructive critiscism is vital for growth, especially for technical growth, IMHO. The story varies from listener to listener...and everyone 'hears' differently...

Yep, ego is such a fickle character....

of course a review like that with no sense, it is to be avoided..
if you make a coment about something you should explain why is that

to bash or to praise with no fundamented opinion reveals the true intentions           ...
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Dec 2, 2009 23:25
I've developed my motto for reviews:

"Ignore the opinion, take the advice"

You can apply this to pretty much anything anyone says about an art form. If there is no advice (like the review Mukti got), then you can just ignore the whole thing. It's a good way of dispelling any personal feelings you might have.  - Midwest based psytrance group

Started Topics :  296
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Posted : Dec 3, 2009 02:38

          Toodaloo Motherfuckers!!!!!
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