DJ setup - digital
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Oct 3, 2017 02:47:07
Hi all,
So I致e been producing for the last decade & not really dj段ng except a few gigs hear and there where I admit I pretty much just use premixed sets in Ableton with mild tweaking on the fly - bad I know.
I知 kinda keen now to get back in to dj段ng with my new studio and was wondering what the go to for a digital set up is?
Probably mid-rang at around $700-800usd is what I致e got to spend as I知 also saving for Maschine MK3 & Moog Subsequent 37.
Two channels is enough & the less complicate the better, I知 old school and don稚 need fx or massive remixi/sampling capabilities.
Something that can handle a bit of knocking about would be good as well as I知 sure my 6 year old boy will be keen to get in on it as well.
  Cuntus Maximus. |
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Oct 5, 2017 10:02
Traktor DJing is going strong. There are so many NI controllers now that you can customise completely to your workflow.
My digital setup involves Traktor synced to my drum machine and 303 clone. I run a 2 channel DJ setup through the mixer and use the other 2 channels for my synths.
Since I started using the sync on software DJing got boring so having the live component made things a lot more fun again.
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Oct 12, 2017 04:44
Sorry I missed you reply. That sounds exactly what I知 after. I値l do some research & get on top of it.
  Cuntus Maximus. |