"What?! I am a maniac?
Where did YOU get those perverted pictures, doctor?"
I see your point, though...
Should send this picture to my gay friends - ask for an expert opinion. To me it does look like something on a club's wall in Boystown.
P.S. Since the whole thread is kinda off-topic, I have a question for you: who was that purple-haired Zorro boy on your previous picture?
Maine Coon
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Apr 26, 2010 15:59
On 2010-04-25 20:13, Pavel wrote:
[...] 1 user should be more than enough for everyone.
More than one user may be needed if you produce very different styles of music or if you are an artist and a promoter at the same time. Then you can discuss your darkpsy tracks in this forum as Insane Tarantula and write about your ambient music in the chill-out forum as Angel's Harp. Otherwise, it may get a bit awkward.
There would be nothing wrong with Basilisk having 4 users, for example. One for himself and one for each of the 3 labels he represents. Just IMHO.
No argument on the SPAM issue, of course.
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Posted : Apr 26, 2010 16:12
You don't have to discuss about your music with different names, a human's character is one thing, so is music.
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Posted : Apr 26, 2010 16:27
who thought of this shit ? psybaba? or psymary? or psyjulio ? psymateus maybe ?
must be psypavel or psygutter behind
psy this psy that, psy my dick etc etc
psy-shit everywhere
need more poo bags
Maine Coon
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Apr 26, 2010 16:44
On 2010-04-26 16:12, JohnTaramas wrote:
You don't have to discuss about your music with different names, a human's character is one thing, so is music.
Of course, you don't have to. I just think in those scenarios it would not be out of line. Let's say Silent Horror starts writing peaceful ambient stuff. He goes to the chill-out forum to discuss ambient music (including his own). It probably would make sense to post as somebody other than Silent Horror, right? But again - you are right, nobody will die if he posts as Silent Horror either.
Anyway, the problem here is not in having two user names but in starting a totally irrelevant thread in a totally wrong forum for the sole purpose of promoting somebody. This just stinks.
Martian Arts
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Posted : Apr 26, 2010 17:07
On 2010-04-23 19:07, Electromty Team wrote:
GMS "Riktam & Bansi" Precursors of PSYTECHNO ?
"What?! I am a maniac?
Where did YOU get those perverted pictures, doctor?"
I see your point, though...
Should send this picture to my gay friends - ask for an expert opinion. To me it does look like something on a club's wall in Boystown.
P.S. Since the whole thread is kinda off-topic, I have a question for you: who was that purple-haired Zorro boy on your previous picture?
It was Hit Girl
Everyone in the world is doing something without me
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Posted : Apr 27, 2010 00:37
On 2010-04-26 16:27, gutter wrote:
who thought of this shit ? psybaba? or psymary? or psyjulio ? psymateus maybe ?
must be psypavel or psygutter behind
psy this psy that, psy my dick etc etc
Inactive User
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Posted : Apr 27, 2010 10:07
Menog ?? playing minimal ? tracks named "G-Spot" ?? are you kidding me ?
it seems ridiculous to me im sorry and the tracks on myspace above sound really generic and boring and gay, totally nothing special at all
i dont want to offend artist etc etc but this is really lame, sorry
could rename topic to "* DJ's psytrance now following trends "
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Apr 27, 2010 10:48
Is truly bandwagonning at this point.
Just a few names are really up to making a possitive influence in techno.
"The dedication to repetition — the search for nirvana in a single held tone or an endlessly cycling rhythm — is one of electronic music's noblest gestures."
Inactive User
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Posted : Apr 27, 2010 11:04
yea this new menog stuff have nothing really. ok they accomplish some standards(?) but still nothing. made just to be made, no passion, no evolution, nada..
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Apr 27, 2010 14:53
Menog's tech tunes are realy lame and ordinary.. everyone here took the Dubfire's groove stereotype and suddenly started making "techno"... white noise, rims and the same rolling bassline... my ass!
At least they could do it like this: