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* DJ's psytrance now "techno"


Started Topics :  4
Posts :  130
Posted : Apr 21, 2010 12:44
Inactive User

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Posted : Apr 21, 2010 13:05

On 2010-04-21 12:44, udit wrote:

"both are better" and its no point arguing over it.. some people like it and some don't... its your life and do what you want with it..

we have 16 beautiful pages of arguing here, and you come with your polite manner and tolerance to ruin it. stop having a life and look for some more problems with yourself before you post again. thnx
Inactive User

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Posts :  3018
Posted : Apr 21, 2010 13:19
tech trance is there and rules much much more than this " psy turned techno " thread and whoever made mediocre cheesy psy will do the same in their new project called psy minimal or whatever

change "style" doesnt mean change personality


Started Topics :  4
Posts :  130
Posted : Apr 21, 2010 15:37
[/quote] we have 16 beautiful pages of arguing here, and you come with your polite manner and tolerance to ruin it. stop having a life and look for some more problems with yourself before you post again. thnx

whats tech trance :S 

Started Topics :  2
Posts :  115
Posted : Apr 21, 2010 22:47
Tech Trance: Nuclear Ramjet, Spirallianz/Midi Miliz, Kali Frogz, The Delta, Triac, Digital Diamonds Netlabel, Boshke Beats Records, Horns And Hoofs Entertainment, Opsy, X-Dream

Started Topics :  2
Posts :  115
Posted : Apr 21, 2010 22:48

Dennis the menace
DevilsDennis Sparris McHilton

Started Topics :  128
Posts :  2899
Posted : Apr 21, 2010 23:38
why lock yourself in 1 genre when there's alot of good music in all genres?..?


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Posts :  56
Posted : Apr 22, 2010 13:56
I agree with you dude 
Inactive User

Started Topics :  54
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Posted : Apr 22, 2010 14:18

i try as hard to lock myself out of the cheese genre .....

gives me more & more that vomiting feeling

Martian Arts

Started Topics :  187
Posts :  5292
Posted : Apr 22, 2010 16:32

On 2010-04-21 13:05, JohnTaramas wrote:
we have 16 beautiful pages of arguing here, and you come with your polite manner and tolerance to ruin it. stop having a life and look for some more problems with yourself before you post again. thnx

post of the month!
Electromty Team

Started Topics :  5
Posts :  45
Posted : Apr 23, 2010 19:07
GMS "Riktam & Bansi" Precursors of PSYTECHNO ?


Weekend Heroes - Fear Factor (Riktam & Bansi Remix)

 - All you need is MUSIC!
Maine Coon
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  12
Posts :  1659
Posted : Apr 23, 2010 20:12
Am I getting paranoid here or you really did start this thread just to promote somebody?

Considering your occupation, this theory does not sound too far-fetched, does it?

Started Topics :  312
Posts :  8647
Posted : Apr 23, 2010 20:53

On 2010-04-23 20:12, Maine Coon wrote:
Am I getting paranoid here or you really did start this thread just to promote somebody?

Considering your occupation, this theory does not sound too far-fetched, does it?

You are not a paranoid. Sort of a promo user me thinks.           Everyone in the world is doing something without me
Maine Coon
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  12
Posts :  1659
Posted : Apr 23, 2010 22:33
Promo is fine in general, IMHO. If it's for something psy/trance related. And when it's posted in the promotion forums.

Otherwise, how different is all this from Viagra ads and letters from Nigerian billionairs?


Started Topics :  312
Posts :  8647
Posted : Apr 23, 2010 23:22

On 2010-04-23 22:33, Maine Coon wrote:
Promo is fine in general, IMHO. If it's for something psy/trance related. And when it's posted in the promotion forums.

Otherwise, how different is all this from Viagra ads and letters from Nigerian billionairs?

I don't get a boner from hearing Bansi and Riktam           Everyone in the world is doing something without me
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