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Posted : Feb 11, 2010 23:33
On 2010-02-11 22:58, Beat Agency wrote:
On 2010-02-11 22:51, Spasm wrote:
bla bla bla
give me a straight answer god damnit
i answered you a question, and your kicking to the corner....
which Festival Festival promotes itself as a "Psytrance Festival"???
pretty please
Do you have a problem with me or my opinion because you don't agree?
not really,...
but i do have a problem when someone tries to escape a straight question with some evasive balbering.. no ofense.
Indeed Tasos Nostrea nailed it, and you confirmed it that there is no such thing as a pure psytrance Festival.
I mean. i can only imagine the red steamy look on the Ozoras promoters faces, when after all the work on finally managing to book "pure" psy trance artists..
bang! There goes some bastard and plays techno..... ho ho ho that's mean
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Feb 11, 2010 23:38
On 2010-02-11 22:45, Beat Agency wrote:
I can assure you there are indeed people attending Festivals who have very limited knowledge in who's who and what they play. People who might only just discovered psytrance and mistakenly think that's what they are going to listen to.
Not everyone goint to festivals frequently visit isratrance or know every little detail about the artists/Dj's.
The point is still that people should be able to count on what they are promised. I don't understand why it's so hard to use the right terms regarding what kind of music you add to the lineup.
Would you not be disappointed if you go to a rock concert just to find out rock has been replaced with reggae? Just an example so dont shoot me
I understand what you say, of course I'd very dissapointment if this would happen to me don't worry hehehe
If we were speaking 5-6 years ago then I would agree with you that many many people they don't know what music many djs play etc..Less internet access,bigger difference between musical styles etc. That's why we had empty floors with djs playing progressive trance/house and other experimental styles different from the typical psy trance. Now the same people who didn't like prog house these years suddenly they learned, they die to listen progressive trance/house in a festival under the hot sun nowdays but finaly they listen techno and what bothers them is not techno as music but as culture. At least at Ozora people were more onenminded and had great fun with techno stuff People who don't have any idea about what they are gonna listen today are a small minority.
Beat Agency
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Feb 11, 2010 23:59
My whole point is still very simple.
Why call it a psytrance Festival or psytrance party when the music got nothing to do with psytrance?
I have been playing at and also attending House parties and also techno parties the past 3-4 years and I never experienced one event pretending to be something else.
It just beats me why Organizers clings on to a genre name they no longer represent (of course there are exceptions).
And not to offend anyone, I am only speculating now, but I suspect many of these festivals to cling on to the "psytrance genre promotion plan" because they know they probably would not stand a chance attracting an audience if they promoted it as a Techno Festival and also because they simply do not have the connections outside the psytrance circuit allowing them to loose costumers.
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Feb 12, 2010 00:07
On 2010-02-11 23:59, Beat Agency wrote:
My whole point is still very simple.
Why call it a psytrance Festival or psytrance party when the music got nothing to do with psytrance?
I have been playing at and also attending House parties and also techno parties the past 3-4 years and I never experienced one event pretending to be something else.
It just beats me why Organizers clings on to a genre name they no longer represent (of course there are exceptions).
And not to offend anyone, I am only speculating now, but I suspect many of these festivals to cling on to the "psytrance genre promotion plan" because they know they probably would not stand a chance attracting an audience if they promoted it as a Techno Festival and also because they simply do not have the connections outside the psytrance circuit allowing them to loose costumers.
why call music psytrance in the first place?
"The dedication to repetition — the search for nirvana in a single held tone or an endlessly cycling rhythm — is one of electronic music's noblest gestures."
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Feb 12, 2010 00:09
In just that point you are absolutely wright, if an organizer knows that more kinds of music than psy trance are gonna be played thet he shouldn't use the term PSY TRANCE FESTIVAL in case to make some things more clear for everyone. But as I said if you know what you want to listen you just choose your destination depending on line up Personally I would prefer a psychedelic festival with many different music styles and a good alternative stage to listen them
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Posted : Feb 12, 2010 00:44
Hey... wait a minute. I've seen a CLEAR, slow evolution from progressive psytrance to this new style. It was born in psychedelic scene. It is made by psytrance artists.
I don't care if any scholar has different opinion. I don't care about dictionary definitions. Why should I? Those are changing all the time. Just look how scientists classify plants. Taxonomy is in constant evolution. Remember: map is not a territory. And territory changes all the time. Throw away your old maps and redefine what "psytrance" means. For me trance is this kind of music that can induce this state of mind. So, this new stuff IS psychedelic trance.
Music is a creation of an artist that should expand boundaries, break the rules, explore new territories. For me this is the spirit of true art.
Besides, people will vote if they like it or not by STOMPING ON THE DANCEFLOOR. This scene is morphing, changing, with the world around it. If the music changes - so what?
Beat Agency
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Feb 12, 2010 00:50
I think I am being misunderstood. I am not against the music changing. As I made very clear I LOVE TECHNO.
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Posted : Feb 12, 2010 01:11
On 2010-02-12 00:50, Beat Agency wrote:
I think I am being misunderstood. I am not against the music changing. As I made very clear I LOVE TECHNO.
o m g
and your writing on a psytrance forum... that's just wrong
i understand what you mean, but common its just a name "techno".. it just happened this way, who could have thought a couple of years ago? Fact of the matter is people seem to like it, It's not like Jeff Mills or Ritchie Hawtin are going to perform on the Boom Festival....
and i'm not even considering that option.. seriously
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Feb 12, 2010 01:35
Psychedelic techno rocks
"The dedication to repetition — the search for nirvana in a single held tone or an endlessly cycling rhythm — is one of electronic music's noblest gestures."
IsraTrance Senior Member
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Posted : Feb 12, 2010 02:03
Tek no fo answer
Tek psy co. for power
When death comes to your doorstep, make sure you are alive
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Posted : Feb 12, 2010 13:19
On 2010-02-12 00:44, Kras wrote:
Hey... wait a minute. I've seen a CLEAR, slow evolution from progressive psytrance to this new style. It was born in psychedelic scene. It is made by psytrance artists.
I don't care if any scholar has different opinion. I don't care about dictionary definitions. Why should I? Those are changing all the time. Just look how scientists classify plants. Taxonomy is in constant evolution. Remember: map is not a territory. And territory changes all the time. Throw away your old maps and redefine what "psytrance" means. For me trance is this kind of music that can induce this state of mind. So, this new stuff IS psychedelic trance.
Music is a creation of an artist that should expand boundaries, break the rules, explore new territories. For me this is the spirit of true art.
Besides, people will vote if they like it or not by STOMPING ON THE DANCEFLOOR. This scene is morphing, changing, with the world around it. If the music changes - so what?
Quoted for truth!
Everyone in the world is doing something without me
Freakulizer / Khainz
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Posted : Feb 12, 2010 14:53
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Posted : Feb 12, 2010 15:27
On 2010-02-12 00:50, Beat Agency wrote:
I just don't think false marketing is ok.
I've tried to show you that this new style is psytrance. It's just different then anything that some of us encountered on this scene. It's like saying that making a psytrance party with darkpsy is false marketing just because someone states that darkpsy isn't psychedelic. Pointless.
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Posted : Feb 12, 2010 16:02
could someone find a name for the style and stop arguing?