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IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Sep 6, 2006 04:26
Ok i think the point here is not the word saico...i mean everywhere we use that word even to make fun of our selves or the scene i dont see the point on complaining about the saico word, what ever i say!!!!!

Keep on trancing,Keep on dancing if the world saids im a saico kilaaaa dude then im a saico reiver kilaa dude fuck em!!!!

Remeber things that are always exceptionall will make controversy just remeber the Metal it toke 30 years so people could recognizte it
          If u are Something, Dont ask for nothing
If u are Nothing, Dont ask for something
Substance / The Ataris

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Posted : Sep 6, 2006 04:48

On 2006-09-06 02:49, Ulises wrote:
_dana_ please dont say stupid things (o lo que es lo mismo no digas...)

hold on there...

_dana_ didnt say anything wrong. not even stupid. she ( sorry if its not she ) standed out for the whole problem, and wrote a valid argument. it is easy to copy what u read on the magazine, and its hard to understand what other who are not into this think of the scene, but we all have our thoughts about techno, house, electro, metal, pop, and freaking reagetton. just because its on a magazine means it matters, we know who we are and what are we here for.

the obvious problems are there... triton already said but, like janue said we should be worry of this DJ CONCEPT point of view ?
its ridiculous

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Posted : Sep 6, 2006 06:28
saico saico saicoooo!!!

This dj concept makes me laugh...

Brain Hacked
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Sep 6, 2006 16:41
Substance is right!!!!! dj concept is not even a strong magazine i think it's far from really representing an electrponic music scene.


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Posted : Sep 7, 2006 03:28
Speaking bad of a genre is speaking bad of yourself, it's worse if you speak bad of something you don't even know about because it reveals the ignorance of who did it.

I think it's totally unfair to speak bad of a genre just because you don't like it, I might not like regaeeton for example, but I don't have anything against it either.

Anyway, it's just the point of view of a person that had the chance to express herself in a respected magazine, it doesn't reflect the point of view of the magazine, however I think it's fair enough that people use the media to express their thoughts and likes, but there's no need to speak bad.

What are your thoughts guys?           Peace, Love, Light and Harmony
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Sep 7, 2006 08:58

yeah i think the point here is not the blast on dj concept ,because at the end the girl that wrote this is not Dj concept, but the thing that worries me more is that dj concept is backing up comentaries and points of view irrelevants and with out of clue of some body that maybe has seem some bad things of the scene thats i think is the biggest problem here, dj concept backing up bad arguements,at the end they supoused to be a professional magazine that in some way represents the electronic scene(i say in some way because they are not the electronic mexican scene)

Hate the player no the game......................But any way dj concept sucks ass hehehe           If u are Something, Dont ask for nothing
If u are Nothing, Dont ask for something
kin beat
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Sep 8, 2006 01:32

On 2006-09-06 01:31, _dana_ wrote:
Hey ppl dont get mad!

They´re talking about the word "Psycho - Saico" not about Psytrance genre, in fact if you haven´t noticed they have a lot of time working with Vazik, Forza and Sankha in the BPM´s section, and they have psytrance reviews. (and in the august number is an article by her)

And dont forget that in this year they gave Vazik the cover of the magazine and they speak about psytrance genre. (must be in march or april or something around, so dont be mad)

They are right telling that "Psycho" is only in our imagination, ´cause that word means someone that is crazy, a maniac. And only in Mexico and Israel ppl call psytrance music this way, in the rest of the world they call it Goa trance or Psytrance.

And its not a secret that the last parties of "psycho" have been horrible.

So take it easy ok?


Isnt funny? i mean Saiko, just the word Saiko honestly scares the popo out of me. I was just talking about that the other day, i couldnt said it better! that girl Rocks! and let me tell you why.
could be sarcastic, could be extremist but I laught about it!.
Saiko is the new trend,(add a Muahaha) music that people, that just like she wrote it, goes to the outdoors and gets higher than a skyscraper and dont know shit, dont even know whos playing though thats what makes it even funnier every morning when you see their faces and they dont even know where they woke up at? anyways believe me take this as it is.....SAIKO SAIKO its one thing sort of ragguetton right now you know what Im talking about? one hit wonders sort of thing, 3-12 months and they fade away... the good thing is that we the people! know that there will always exist the true psychedelic sounds for psychedelic heads!

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Sep 8, 2006 01:40
On 2006-09-08 01:32, kin beat wrote:

On 2006-09-06 01:31, _dana_ wrote:
Hey ppl dont get mad!


Puro saiko mi kinbeat!!! sake la mona ( the funny thing about this is that there is really people that yields this, again we all think defferent.)

suerte           -PaRtYcLeS aLL oVeR tHE WoOdS
kin beat
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Sep 8, 2006 01:44
On 2006-09-08 01:40, alfreak wrote:

On 2006-09-08 01:32, kin beat wrote:

On 2006-09-06 01:31, _dana_ wrote:
Hey ppl dont get mad!


Puro saiko mi kinbeat!!! sake la mona ( the funny thing about this is that there is really people that yields this, again we all think defferent.)


You know how we laught about it Compadre!
its honestly so funny!
dont know why you guys take it so personal!
laught and the whole world would smile back!
o como dice compadre?...

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Sep 8, 2006 02:01

awuebo you dont have to get all butt hurt just live with it and let others think whatever they want about our scene.

          -PaRtYcLeS aLL oVeR tHE WoOdS

Started Topics :  106
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Posted : Sep 8, 2006 07:15
Ok so whats the problem to call it "psycho" the people who really knows whats the meaning ( called it in electronic music) call it that way never will get angry or mad like some of you guys! so why you so angry to called it that way???? me with my friends i called "psycho" and we simply know the meaning and we dont worry about other people thoughts, also that "nickname" is just to people who knows whats the meaning to that word in electronic music, i know who plays in every party and i called it "psycho" and im not worry about that, i really know the meaning of that background history of psychedelic trance so im not worry to say that "nickname" maybe its kind of slang

you please who dont like that nick take it easy and just relax everybody can tell the way that they want, but just a few people knows the real meaning and also you need to know to who people says that word to.. ( like i told kind of slang) so dont worry and let it go...

and remember its just a nickname! everybody here has a nickname... so?????????
          Searching for new Sounds
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Sep 8, 2006 09:50

and remember its just a nickname! everybody here has a nickname... so?????????

we can just stop the mexican tradition man!!!!!!!! every other mexican has a nickname

pure mexican power
          -PaRtYcLeS aLL oVeR tHE WoOdS
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Sep 13, 2006 09:03
who cares..
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Sep 13, 2006 21:04
"tomenlo de quien viene"/ take it from who's sayin it(haha is that the right translation?)... who even gives a sht about dj concepts opinion on whatever concerning our scene? it's one sole opinion, so is it really necessary to make such a big fuss about it?

          A clear conscience is usually the sign of a bad memory.
-=dj fAkE=-

Started Topics :  6
Posts :  77
Posted : Sep 19, 2006 20:28
dj concept = shit

and that's it.
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