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Posted : Sep 5, 2006 09:48
Another Day I was reading this Mexican Magazine from August 2006 and I found a new section what said the Hot and the Cold in the Electronic Music Scene and in the Hot they speak about world festivals like Creamfields,Summercase they said are Excelent but in the Cold they speak about Psytrance Festivals things like this:
Festivales Saico
El saico solo existe en sus cabecitas. Sus antenitas de vinil son las unicas que lo detectan, o como explican que ningun DJ internacional de renombre haya oido hablar de esa musica, esa escena y ese movimiento.
Los raves en el bosque eran muy divertidos, pero... en buena onda, eso es del milenio que ya fue hace mas de media decada. Un genero que jamas fue considerado oficial dentro de la musica electronica y que fuera de Israel y Mexico, ningun otro pais tiene la menor idea de que existe. Estos festivales en muchas ocasiones no persiguen ni la calidad ni la propuesta, si no solo el lucro y ser un lugar para ponerse libremente hasta la madre de tachas para "entender" mejor el "concepto". Cualquiera con una compu, un programita Reason y muy mal gusto musical puede convertirse en productor Saico. Neta, esto no es en contra alguien en particular, solo que existe mucha y mejor musica, nada mas dense una vuelta por my Space.
This things was posted by N.A.O.M.I. Naomi Palovits she doesnt knows what she works with Djs like Forza and Vazik they collaborate in this magazine, personally I was sad about this magazine i dont know how can let people like she writes in the Magazine. |
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Posted : Sep 5, 2006 17:51
let them speak....
they dont know nothing!!!!!
  Searching for new Sounds |
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Sep 5, 2006 18:40
Ulises, pls re write down again but in english this so funny! let all the world know about this hahahahaha!!
Shadai / Devil's Rejects
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Posted : Sep 5, 2006 19:35
very funny her comment is sarcastic and uncoherent, really she doesnt hear about boom festival, full moon festival, voov festival etc etc etc, i think she want talk bullshit about trance scene in mexico. |
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Posted : Sep 5, 2006 19:37
This is the text in English:
The psychedelic exists in his small heads. Their antenas of vinil are the unique ones that detect it, or how they explain that no international DJ of reputation has heard speak of that music, that scene and that movement. Raves in the forest was very good, but… that is of the millenium that already was but of the decade ago. This genre never was official in electronic music no considered and that outside Israel and Mexico, no other country has the smaller idea of it exists. These festivales in many occasions persecute neither the quality nor the proposal, if not only the profit and to be a place to put itself freely of drugs for “understanding” better the “concept”. Anyone with one computer, and a program Reason and a very badly musical taste can become psycho producer. This is not against anybody in individual, exists much and better music, only go to my Space. |
Brain Hacked
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Sep 5, 2006 19:49
It's sad to hear ingorance speak!!! i agree that alot of young people think that by buying a pc they will become musicians, but most of the time this people never succeed, so cannot be considered stadistic., obviously she has no idea of how complex is to make a good psytance track and all hard work it involves.
I feel angry, i have studied various sound engineering courses, piano lesonss, even some synthesis courses and that a bitch talks shit about what i belive and have spent time and money on..makes wanna slap her!!!!
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Sep 5, 2006 22:46
Dudes seriosly why u get mad from the words by some bitch that probably doesnt go out from the condesa area and from the most hype clubs in mexico city??? u all getting mad from people who are clubbers and really dont know a shit about the trance scene,they dont know that this thing is big in places like brazil,spain,germany and that is growing in all places in latin america, yeah she has some points like the people making shitty parties but thats another story besides that i think the scene rules.............and cesar dont get mad man if u dont make it in psy trance u always have reguetoon hehe im joking
  If u are Something, Dont ask for nothing
If u are Nothing, Dont ask for something |
Brain Hacked
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Sep 5, 2006 23:54
hahaha good one janue!!!!!
ur right the girl has no clue of what's going on in the trance scene and obviously has no musical background so for her ignorant ears trance is just weird noises. |
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Sep 6, 2006 00:02
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Posted : Sep 6, 2006 01:31
Hey ppl dont get mad!
They´re talking about the word "Psycho - Saico" not about Psytrance genre, in fact if you haven´t noticed they have a lot of time working with Vazik, Forza and Sankha in the BPM´s section, and they have psytrance reviews. (and in the august number is an article by her)
And dont forget that in this year they gave Vazik the cover of the magazine and they speak about psytrance genre. (must be in march or april or something around, so dont be mad)
They are right telling that "Psycho" is only in our imagination, ´cause that word means someone that is crazy, a maniac. And only in Mexico and Israel ppl call psytrance music this way, in the rest of the world they call it Goa trance or Psytrance.
And its not a secret that the last parties of "psycho" have been horrible.
So take it easy ok?
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Posted : Sep 6, 2006 01:45
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Posted : Sep 6, 2006 01:56
Well... the girl should made a MUCH more deep investigation prior to make such statements, even when this text is coming from the what's in/out section of a trendy (and shitty imho) magazine.
Nevertheless, there is something of truth going on... we all know it.
I think is a shame that this is the concept for an outsider of a scene that must be the most progressive and edgy around...
Been realistic is a prestige well earned
What you think? |
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Posted : Sep 6, 2006 02:02
On 2006-09-06 01:45, HaKa wrote:
mmmmm i dont think so,
dont try to fix it!
It wasn´t my article honey, so i dont have to fix something that´s not mine
Its only and objective point of view.
Triton is right when he says: "Nevertheless, there is something of truth going on... we all know it."
The word "Saico" is so foolish, and doesnt exist in the rest of the world, its: PSYTRANCE!!
If im wrong.. so why they gave Vazik a cover and why they have psytrance reviews in the bmp´s section??
Come on ppl, dont make a problem where is not one |
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Posted : Sep 6, 2006 02:49
_dana_ please dont say stupid things (o lo que es lo mismo no digas...) |
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Posted : Sep 6, 2006 04:00