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Posted : Dec 13, 2007 03:36
Hey there.
Just wondered if anyone here thinks that the spiritual energies are rising, and as we see is manifested through our culture through the return of spirituality in our lives?
A small sign seen here on the boards would f.ex. be that the last months more and more spiritual posts are being discussed.
Personally I am in a meditative process wich is quite dominant in my life. Even tough I dont meditate as much as I would want to, my hole life experience has turned into a pilgrimage for my soul. I feel I am ending some kind of karmic voyage, and I am ready to be free... So I have started a cleansing process. To try to "rinse" my mind and body of lower vibrations (you might call them) through different practices and lifestyle matters.
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Dec 13, 2007 05:47
Exactly what i was looking for since few months. These damn energies rise and fall in me, they just dont let me go this way or that way. Seem to be using my body as a pivot and playing see-saw on it! This is pathetic and moreover ridiculous. Spiritual posts in isra might be a result of spiritual evolution of isra-trancers, however Google contributes a lot to this.. you know!
I have never meditated till date, but like the idea and keep thinking of going ahead and doing it. But, the damn thing doesnt aint easy with the kind of work-eat-music-sleep-work routine i have. Sometimes, everything sucks big time and i think i should listen to some more psytrance, smoke some weed n offer myself to the lord of trance, Mahadeva. But it simply doesnt happen. The noises disturb me, noises in my mind, outside my body. It's something really difficult to work at and be successful in today's world. These days im managing only with dark psytrance, the rest make me smile but dont do anything to make me happy! I hope you see my point here.
Peace and light.
Om Trayambakam Yajaamahe
Sugandhim Pushti - vardhanam|
Urva - rukamiva Bandhanan
Mrytor - muksheeya ma - amritaat||
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Posted : Dec 13, 2007 08:52
I've had very good periods of constancy discipline and advancement, and others of inconstancy, lack of discipline and going backwards, but it's part of the growing process.
right now I'm in a very good ascendant phase, but I had a heavy descending cycle before.
Peace, Love, Light and Harmony
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Posted : Dec 13, 2007 10:46
Colin OOOD
OOOD/Voice of Cod
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Posted : Dec 14, 2007 05:40
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Dec 14, 2007 20:31
i think it's a couple of guys sneaking in with their talk and topics about divinity on us but i don't mind at all. it's a welcome breeze amongst all the "best psy that came out of your left nostril at a party" or "i want to bitch some more about psy's evolution in a way or another" threads.
keep resonating according to the laws of the universe. the shit is going to hit the fan anyway but that's no reason not to try your best.
"no one ever sweats on a plug-in" -moby
Soul Kontakt
Soul Kontakt
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Posted : Dec 14, 2007 23:27
I think that spirituality has always been there in music since even shaman's used a drum to go into a state of trance...It's nothing new it has always been there and practiced from many different tribes...It's definately a good path to follow in my opinion.
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Dec 15, 2007 00:05
my mind is a constant complex constipated black hole phenomenon with a handfull of energy incomes beeing bombarded and slowly deteriorating the structure of pillars that holds this complete abstract and misterious field of aureus light...
...just confirming that the river is still flowing, and now faster than ever before! Embrace your denial, open up for opportunity and see your life transform into your dream
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Jul 3, 2009 20:46
On 2007-12-13 08:52, Forza wrote:
I've had very good periods of constancy discipline and advancement, and others of inconstancy, lack of discipline and going backwards, but it's part of the growing process.
right now I'm in a very good ascendant phase, but I had a heavy descending cycle before.
exactly...the circle of life...
i would find ascending phases absolutely boring if there would be no descending phases before that as well.
btw this thread is a law of attraction itself:)
IsraTrance Senior Member
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Posted : Jul 5, 2009 00:03
well it is a fact that the interest in spirituality today is far greater than it was 15 years ago...back then speaking about it was considered as way of "escapism" its acceptable...with internet the collective consciousness has double or maybe event tripled...think about it this forum, facebook, twitter etc all are in a sense expressions of the other-self that resides within us...we have alias, we have dual, or in some cases multiple identities..we exist in the past times as well in the present...hence search...all thoughts can be freely thrown onto this big magnet i call the internet which just keeps getting bombarded with information, data, etc...which we ourselves are able to decipher...there is no manual on how to use the internet but street kids and even old people learn to use it like an autoresponse...the world has never in its history seen such free flow of information knowledge etc in a language that is understandable to average or below average is this spiritual rise thats causing so much drama in the so called real world which is made of flesh, blood and the can kill your one avatar and replace it...even the term Avatar comes from the sanskrit word meaning this case in digital form...think about the cyberspace is filled with spirituality...and people are able to share their visions and dreams far more easily today than ever before...we have won...and because of that no meditation today
When death comes to your doorstep, make sure you are alive
On 2007-12-13 03:36, Fragletrollet wrote:
Hey there.
Just wondered if anyone here thinks that the spiritual energies are rising, and as we see is manifested through our culture through the return of spirituality in our lives?
Maybe in certain cases the recession is showing people the limitations or uncertainty of materialistic life. This is leading people to look a bit deeper into their lives. Materialism is good, but there are other things in life too
In my case it was LSD which opened a door to spirituality and loads of other things. I started reading Osho. I love some of his books like The Art of Dying, Hsing Hsing Ming, The book of Wisdom,
Tantra the art of living.
Also, i have learned some of the meditation techniques from Art of Living which are pretty good They are good tools in life