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Digital Sales Taking Over.

Horrordelic Records

Started Topics :  25
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Posted : Nov 13, 2009 06:14
I think he mean that there will always be labels, not the same labels forever..            3o~ kriz aka krize 3o~ ....Horrordelic Records....
- Think for yourself -
Toxic Anger Syndrome

Started Topics :  21
Posts :  268
Posted : Nov 13, 2009 12:08
I don't like digital sales at all.. I have released 2 EP's in digital format and the sales didn't go well at all.. on the other hand it could be that my tunes sucks bigtime and people don't wish to buy them or people just donwload them for free since it's easier just to google them and download from one of the site's that have them for "free download"...

I'm going to do 1 last try with my digital album and if the sales aren't better I won't release more digital... looks like an better idea to invest some in my music myself and print cd's and sell them myself... but that doesn't have to mean more people will buy my tunes... who knows...

..Anyway.. I guess the biggest reason why I don't like digital is coz I like cd's... I remembered that I got alot happier to recieve a printed cd with my track on then I was when I got the money for the track I sold

Just my thoughs on this matter!



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Posted : Nov 13, 2009 15:06
The same debate comes up again. Time and again, i am still saying, that every release should be synchronized well to be released Digitally as well as on Cd. Currently, the situation is such that, neither the CD or digital media enjoy bigger success than the other. So the ideal way is to make the best of both. I can see that some of the more popular labels are still reluctant to do this.... There is no point in crying bad sales, when u have oppurtunities to improve it..... Just have to shrug off those traditional tendencies...

I like CD's too, but as somebody mentioned somewhere, we are in 2009 , not in 1999 .... So we have to be adapted to times and technology. There needs to be a new business model..... Who will make it .... i dont know... But whoever does, is gonna be setting the trend for the future. Free music is one way.... But how much of it will go further.... needs to be seen.....


Started Topics :  5
Posts :  233
Posted : Nov 14, 2009 02:02
No offense but I've never even heard of Braindrop or Toxic Anger Syndrome....It really amazes me sometimes on here to see these artists I've simply never heard of..
Not met to be an insult at all.
But does it really matter what medium you put out your product in when the exact target market doesn't know who the fuck you are? It probly wouldn't matter if you put out a 30 buck cd or 2 cent mp3..neither are going to sell when you don't market the product.
I'm sure I'm not the only one who has never even heard of 75% of the "artist" name in blue on here when reading a post...
As a consumer its not my job to find you...its your job to find me..and most you "artists" here are failing beyond miserably at doing such.
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Nov 14, 2009 05:17
braininavat has a point... merely releasing the music is not enough; you have to get your name out there as well. I know that my buying habits are keyed into specific artists and labels I like; I don't have time to spend listening to samples or downloading MP3s to preview a release. Following specific artists and labels is a shortcut, and one that many people use. It also works in reverse: we learn to avoid certain artists and labels based on previous exposure to their work. Of course, the artist that releases indiscriminately--on whatever label will take their work--may suffer for it.

Free music is an effective strategy for new artists wishing to break into the market. Both Braindrop and Toxic Anger Syndrome have tracks up on my site for free download. I always recommend stepping it up to at least a 4-track EP if you really want to gain some exposure; releasing individual tracks on a compilation is low-effort but also carries a corresponding lower reward from decreased name recognition.

There's also the matter of the music itself... I'm not too into the loud and angry side of psytrance these days but I am sure the field is still highly saturated. I'll check out Psykovsky, CPC, Mubali, Polyphonia, or artists of such stature, but the sheer amount of new names is overwhelming and I often don't have time to check it all out--except when someone I trust makes a recommendation.

Anyway, those are just some random thoughts on the subject of name recognition... best advice is still to write awesome music and kickstart your career with professional-grade free releases before attempting the switch to selling recorded music. Even then, I'm not sure I see much of a point in amny cases--but it depends on your artistic goals. Just as long as I don't have to hear anyone moan and groan about struggling to "make a living" writing 160 BPM darkpsy.
Inactive User
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Posted : Nov 14, 2009 06:46

On 2009-11-10 16:50, psysnoopy wrote:

On 2009-11-08 04:12:12, Wizack Twizack wrote:
but i have a feeling sooner or later there will be only digital sales.

No... Please don't say this

I love CD's and I try to avoide this digital download story.

CD's are digital and you can always burn your own.
Tsabeat/Sattel Battle

Started Topics :  158
Posts :  5306
Posted : Nov 14, 2009 07:39

On 2009-11-14 02:02, braininavat wrote:
No offense but I've never even heard of Braindrop or Toxic Anger Syndrome....It really amazes me sometimes on here to see these artists I've simply never heard of..
Not met to be an insult at all.
But does it really matter what medium you put out your product in when the exact target market doesn't know who the fuck you are? It probly wouldn't matter if you put out a 30 buck cd or 2 cent mp3..neither are going to sell when you don't market the product.
I'm sure I'm not the only one who has never even heard of 75% of the "artist" name in blue on here when reading a post...
As a consumer its not my job to find you...its your job to find me..and most you "artists" here are failing beyond miserably at doing such.

did you just said in "nice words" you will buy things simply cause they are advertised ?
i strogly suggest to change that system of choosing music.
my system is listen to alot of v/a's with some artists you like from good labels and discover new stuff in the style of it.

and this why quality normal label 'beats' free download - quality control is most important for me. and with good reputation label it gets more respect and even exposure then free sites where anyone can upload his music.

offcourse there is ektoplazm too wich is something in the middle , but not sure it works better yet in terms of total help for artist as much label who also make parties arrange bookings and paying (to artist or for promo etc.)
Tsabeat/Sattel Battle

Started Topics :  158
Posts :  5306
Posted : Nov 14, 2009 08:31

On 2009-11-14 05:17, Basilisk wrote:

I'll check out Psykovsky, CPC, Mubali, Polyphonia, or artists of such stature, but the sheer amount of new names is overwhelming and I often don't have time to check it all out--except when someone I trust makes a recommendation.

here is the proove also from the man himself.. they arent making free releases so its totaly on the music rather then where its been realesed , neither i can remember seeing any banner ads or massive promo campaign from either one of those.. (fria promote psykovsky pritty well actualy i think)so its not as much the promo too...
but they did released on high-rank labels in the past , and that is quality signature imo

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Nov 14, 2009 08:45
Nope, they are not. But I was discussing my taste in darkpsy (which is very limited these days). Oh, and one of those artists has expressed a strong interest in making some releases with Ektoplazm so we'll see

In any event, I think a lot the best music on my site is the stuff that falls between the major movements in psytrance. Less commercial potential, more creative freedom. Of course, there is less of a draw for artists who produce music with more commercial potential that is also quite creative, you see? And what I try to avoid is that which has no commercial potential nor creativity.


On 2009-11-14 07:39, Elad wrote:
offcourse there is ektoplazm too wich is something in the middle , but not sure it works better yet in terms of total help for artist as much label who also make parties arrange bookings and paying (to artist or for promo etc.)

Yeah, I wish I could run a booking agency or something but this isn't my job. Maybe I should emphasize this somewhere? What we're comparing is what the music industry as a whole can offer artists vs what one guy in Canada can do for artists in his spare time. My goal with Ektoplazm was to open up another avenue for artists to reach an audience. Free music, but also with growing professional aspirations. It isn't a complete solution for any artist looking to land a bunch of gigs; it's more a DIY platform where the artists have to take an active role and really leverage the exposure they receive into whatever it is they are looking for. I know it has worked well in some instances. More could be done though, of course. I wish I had the time for it
Tsabeat/Sattel Battle

Started Topics :  158
Posts :  5306
Posted : Nov 14, 2009 09:34
and offcourse what you do is great i just try to find a way to emphasis this , a simple option that wont consume much time would be to send email to many festivals offering the links to the 'best' artists in ektoplazm and offer complete time frame of 6-8-10 hours of ekto artists in cheap(er) price. this gives a good 'corporate' feeling and not just a random dude from his laptop trying to make it on his own..
(will work great for artists who just really looking for exposure as well got good sounds.. and you can 'squeeze' lower prices from artists as soon you get them couple of gigs they wouldnt get themselves.) 

Started Topics :  140
Posts :  1730
Posted : Nov 14, 2009 10:09
@ Braininavat.... I wldnt be insulted if you havent heard of me.... I did not say im a Hallucinogen or Psykovsky or Kdd for a matter.... Some wld know, some wouldnt... simple .

I dont see any label making any big time promotion for any of their releases or artist as such.... At least in our genre..... Just that some labels have been around for some more time and they release music from xyz artist and people blindly buy and sometime it ends up in disappointment? So wat happens in such a situation then? Wat happens to the target segment? I completely agree what Elad has to say here... Its always nice to hear new sounds and new talent... And thts the right way to go about choosing the music imo... a mix of the old and new.. Any genre for that matter....

Regarding free music revolution. As i mentioned... Big ups to Xander for putting out great stuff on Ekto... including one of our release... and yes... i am considering for a EP as well... (i'll let u know on that soon ). Again.... its a matter of quality control.. Not many out there like Ekto ....and these days its so easy to put any music out there... and you can also find some pathetic ones as well..... This is where more reputed labels come into picture....with quality control......

So what would be the problem..... if they release the same digitally as well?? Well i dont think it wld harm anybody.... more than anything to lose.... they have all to gain...

Toxic Anger Syndrome

Started Topics :  21
Posts :  268
Posted : Nov 14, 2009 12:59

On 2009-11-14 02:02, braininavat wrote:
No offense but I've never even heard of Braindrop or Toxic Anger Syndrome....

As a consumer its not my job to find you...its your job to find me..and most you "artists" here are failing beyond miserably at doing such.

No offense taken =)

You just "found" me now dude ..but on the other hand you'll probably forget my "name" very soon if you already haven't..

anyway... my biggest point was that I like cd's more and that I got alot happier to release cd's then to get any money for it


IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  17
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Posted : Nov 17, 2009 08:31
I love CD's but i feel that Digital downloads are the way to go. In the pre-beatport days I would be faced with the dilemma of whether it was worth buying a CD on which i liked only 2-3 tracks.

My purchase of music has increased after I discovered Beatport. I used to buy avg. 3 cd's a month before now still buy avg. 3 cd's + 4 / 5 digital tracks a month.
Travel, Without Moving.

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Posts :  741
Posted : Dec 31, 2009 23:45
Labels and artists can break clutter by releasing quality music. There is very little of that. So, it's only normal that most artists are never heard of.
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  129
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Posted : Jan 1, 2010 13:04
I luv Digital. in any way! - Go Digital Life! 
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