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Digital Sales Taking Over.


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Posted : Nov 10, 2009 00:54           Everyone in the world is doing something without me

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Posted : Nov 10, 2009 02:18
there's still the placebo in me that cds feel goood.           feed me lepricons :D
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Nov 10, 2009 03:02
making people aware of paypal or other easy payment services.. Even show them how easy it is to make a paypal account... people need to be guided to the right way.... a good way... instead of blamed and judged..
piracy will probably never end if things dont get so dirt cheap and the punishment gets dirt big that its a no option situation for costumers...

The idea of limited copies and special deals are the way to make good business! The power of hand crafted items and soulful music...
But in this "fast food" society digital releases are a good way, cause you can get a groovy track in just one minute or less and put it in your mp3 player or mp3 mobile phone...

also it depends alot on who and which group of people you aim your release to...

Most people like physical mediums and artwork and a little story about the artists or the project... be whatever.. but this is also something that can come with a digital release...

i say do both... if you can
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Nov 10, 2009 03:46
Selection is a factor when it comes to psytrance. A lot of music released on CD is not legally available for download. This is restraining uptake of digital media sales in this scene. I've mentioned it before but I'll say it again: the shortest path to a more profitable digital music market in the psytrance underground is through the existing distributors. There are, at present, only a few major players in the marketplace. Any one of them could begin to offer digital distribution in addition to physical media distribution. I am guessing there is this idea that doing so would be "biting the hand that feeds" but there really isn't any other choice. Are people still going to be buying CDs in five years?

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Posted : Nov 10, 2009 04:09
I prefer digital downloads. I have been into Psy for years and I have never bought a CD (and the reason is not because I don't pay for any of my music). I would just prefer to pay for a download and have it instantly for the show I am playing in a couple of weeks or days.

I see several problems with the current distribution scheme, first off is the music. It is rare to find a CD with more than 2 tracks on it that I would be willing to play out. So why should I allow myself to be ripped off by paying for 12? Digital lets the consumer chose what is quality which is a big issue in a scene with such diverse tastes. It is not that the other tracks are bad, just not to my taste.

Second I think the current digital download system is poorly thought out and does not offer the consumer what he is paying for. All downloads should be in WAV quality, no questions asked and definitely NO ADDITIONAL FEE. Why should I pay for a digital download at 320 kbps when I can get the flac from bit torrent? We all know band width is dirt cheep and all retailers are leasing dedicated fiber lines so their overhead remains the same (or very close to it). Also when a person purchases a track digitally they should be provided with a high resolution digital copy of the artwork and CD label and a lower resolution copy appropriate for printing and pressing at home. These things would cost the music vendor fractions of a penny, we are talking a few megabytes of data here.

Finally all retailers need to offer full length track previews in a quality equivalent to 128kbps MP3. Again there is no excuse not to unless you know most of the track is garbage. Same issue here, why spend money on a track I have only heard 2 minutes of when I could download the full version from Bit Torrent or rapid share for free? Retailers think they are cutting overhead but in reality they are losing business. The quality of the stream is important also, I refuse to use beatport because it is harsh and fatiguing on my ears, fuck torturing myself to do business with someone. Who is really going to hook up analog recording equipment to steal a track stream from a digi retailer when you can save the time and trouble by downloading the full quality for 2 dollars or just pirate it? The concern is totally unfounded.

I will always play CD Decks, I don't care for laptops and think laptop DJs are a joke for the most part. I even look down upon the waveform display in CDJ1000's. But when it comes to getting the music from the artist to my deck digital is the way to go, the retailers need to just think clearly and get their act together by offering a full experience to customers.
Axis Mundi
Axis Mundi

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Posted : Nov 10, 2009 15:25
1.) Not everybody is a DJ.

2.) You might feel differently about many of these issues if you were actually producing your own music.
Martian Arts

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Posted : Nov 10, 2009 15:29
I treasure my trance vinyl, but I don't care about CDs. In any case since barely anyone manufactures vinyl nowdays, digital downloads is the way to go.  
Freakulizer / Khainz

Started Topics :  115
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Posted : Nov 10, 2009 16:21

On 2009-11-10 04:09, musick wrote:
I prefer digital downloads. I have been into Psy for years and I have never bought a CD (and the reason is not because I don't pay for any of my music). I would just prefer to pay for a download and have it instantly for the show I am playing in a couple of weeks or days.

so even when there where no downloadstores u didn't buy cds and call yourself a dj ? 

Started Topics :  5
Posts :  1331
Posted : Nov 10, 2009 16:50

On 2009-11-08 04:12:12, Wizack Twizack wrote:
but i have a feeling sooner or later there will be only digital sales.

No... Please don't say this

I love CD's and I try to avoide this digital download story.


Started Topics :  23
Posts :  743
Posted : Nov 10, 2009 17:45
I think there will always be a place for a "physical facsmilie" of the music, whether it will be a cd, blu-ray 24chz 128000Khz usb thingy, or a small crystal cube that plays and displays the album in a holograph story...
I think these items, will become like pokemon, limited and collectable over time for various reasons. What then the musician is becoming is like an artist or an antique forger, and then it comes down to the providence. By which I mean, the history, or story that is attached not just to the music but item as well, this can be as simple as a number, or a signature, or infinitely more elaborate. Its upto the artist to be creative really.
Its a bit like the portrait artist going out of business with the photograph....... a bit... 

2,000,000+ views and counting.
Ket Sci
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Nov 10, 2009 22:16

On 2009-11-10 16:21, tHuJoN wrote:

On 2009-11-10 04:09, musick wrote:
I prefer digital downloads. I have been into Psy for years and I have never bought a CD (and the reason is not because I don't pay for any of my music). I would just prefer to pay for a download and have it instantly for the show I am playing in a couple of weeks or days.

so even when there where no downloadstores u didn't buy cds and call yourself a dj ?

exactly what i thought when i was reading his post ...... mustn't be a lot of years 
Demoniac Insomniac

Started Topics :  85
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Posted : Nov 12, 2009 22:06
On 2009-11-09 15:08, TranceVisuals wrote:

On 2009-11-09 11:56, demoniac wrote:

too bad that the company is from usa bro, th shipping to europe will be a lot of money, and also the printing in europe for 500 disks is around 1000 eu that is much more then 500 $

Okay after literally 5secs googling - 500 Cds

Which is £600 inc VAT or around 720 Euros.

I don't know where you do your business, but I would suggest shopping around....

Costs for physical media are soo cheap, that really there is no reason not to offer it. Especially if you are a performing artist, as it is piss easy to get rid of 100 Cds at a £6 at gigs, and then you are into pure profit/covered costs.
And if you ain't pushing over 200 CDs then you ain't doing something right.

This is only for united kingdom
and is for jewel case, so if you add 200 eu for shipping and some money for taxes is 1000 eu again.
yeah for artists is good but we speak about labels
i'm not against the cds,but the sales sucks, so its very expensive for the label to make them, i think in the future the labels will die, only the artists will remain, i don't know if they make cds from their music, or put them for free/payable downloads, but the labels will die, because nobody is buying the cds.
look at twisted records for example, they exist from releasing cds, and they are dying because they put money in the artists, and they expect money from the sales, but they are gone
now most of the labels from my scene stopped paying the artists, or they pay but very little for tracks.
in the future the artist will need to pay the labels, or there will be no labels at all           VA - Spiritual Science out now!
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  60
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Posted : Nov 12, 2009 23:34
The labels wont die! they will re adapt and make better deals and wont sign so many artists and they will only go for the cream of the crop and we will have better quality musicians/artists

You wont be able to get a way with half assed album, you will have to work you ass off to make some wicked stuff.... the competition will get tougher!

Everything is as it should be, no worries..

Started Topics :  6
Posts :  165
Posted : Nov 12, 2009 23:37
it would be really great to see paypal on some of you guys.Why is this a problem with that amount of selling pieces?
Fully agree also with Brainiavat

Started Topics :  2
Posts :  209
Posted : Nov 13, 2009 00:03
I have not seen a creamcrop release for some time. I think they died.


On 2009-11-12 23:34, Freeflow wrote:
The labels wont die! they will re adapt and make better deals and wont sign so many artists and they will only go for the cream of the crop and we will have better quality musicians/artists

You wont be able to get a way with half assed album, you will have to work you ass off to make some wicked stuff.... the competition will get tougher!

Everything is as it should be, no worries..

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