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Digital Sales Taking Over.

Wizack Twizack
Wizack Twizack

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Posted : Nov 8, 2009 04:12:12
Do you guys like it that labels more and more releases just digital now and avoiding cd relases? ep's, free net releases, stuff like that.
imo its great. ok we are still releasing cds, but i have a feeling sooner or later there will be only digital sales. Still its much nicer to have a orginal disc in your hand isn't?

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IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Nov 8, 2009 05:00
well, mmm no not really I like to have cd's but oldies and precious ones. CD's are doomed to extinton as cdj's now can read from USB or external hard drives.

Its not like vynil with its almost religious status           "The dedication to repetition — the search for nirvana in a single held tone or an endlessly cycling rhythm — is one of electronic music's noblest gestures."
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Nov 8, 2009 13:36


CD's are nice too.Digital sales are not interesting me tbh but good that they exist. 
Demoniac Insomniac

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Posted : Nov 8, 2009 15:59
because nobody is buying the cds, you can't even get your money back for printing the disks, and whats up with mastering, cover design, promotion,taxes, shipping money for artists???
it's all about promotion now, nobody is buying the cd so bad promotion
and digital distribution is without too much costs, and the time from idea and realisation is very short.
but yeah i like releasing cds too, they look very nice,
thats the only reason           VA - Spiritual Science out now!
Whatist Rance

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Posted : Nov 8, 2009 16:47
Cd is not like a book... You cant listen to music with only a cd, you need something to play it... So it will probably disappear with time... I think its healthy to renew the technologies.
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Nov 8, 2009 18:34
I have no use for physical media any more. I would prefer if all releases were digital.

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Nov 8, 2009 19:32
Welll I love that there are this forms available ,but if I spend money I like to have a cd or vinyl.And I miss the real mixing djs ,with little human errors and pushing up the records manualy.
And because everyone who thinks he is ready can make a digital release for free,good artist go a bit under or loose their right deserved attention,maybe.
But of coures computers,cyber world and digitalism is the future,am myself just not completely satisfied with all its aspects.
What you do with Ektoplazm is a gift for this scene and there are only quality music ,no doubt about it.
Big respect man.Don't misundersand my writings please.

Demoniac Insomniac

Started Topics :  85
Posts :  1281
Posted : Nov 8, 2009 20:15
to all those who want to buy or release on digital distribution pls follow my topic here:           VA - Spiritual Science out now!
Solid Snake

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Posted : Nov 8, 2009 20:18
I will always prefer a physical medium, vinyl/cd is great! The feeling of reading the booklet while listening is hard to beat.

Tsabeat/Sattel Battle

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Posted : Nov 8, 2009 20:25
yeah people want digital (?), but not cause its digital cause its for free download usualy... most of them would prefer free cd but that involve steal from shop and its not pleasent to get cought. i know their face when i give them cd or copy file , they LOVE CDS MORE. what a smile on their face to get new cd almost cant believe i give it to them .. not to mention i didnt heard any amanizg number of digital sales (well maybe 1% from free download)

the loophole has no answer for now in this industry , well nothing better then give away for free everything (wich is nice theory but with no money no one would keep make the music in pro-level as well really great mastering is expensive) wich drive alot of artists to other area's (mostly techno - more money prettier girls lol)
Horrordelic Records

Started Topics :  25
Posts :  1247
Posted : Nov 8, 2009 20:55
Nope, not many buy digital anyways (atleast not by peopel i know).. Would be interesting to see what kind of sales is generated through it..

I like real releases with covers and stuff i can touch, makes it worth buying IMHO.            3o~ kriz aka krize 3o~ ....Horrordelic Records....
- Think for yourself -

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Posted : Nov 8, 2009 20:55
I just did a quick google search and found this..
I really don't understand why an artist wouldn't just do a run of 300 digipaks for $549
Sell it on your site for 10 bucks..signed and numbered.."limited addition"..once the 300 are gone thats it..
For graphic design go on deviant art and find one of the thousands who would probly do it the graphics for free.
You have to sell a whopping 55 cds to break even..even if you only sold 10 of them it would cost you 400 bucks for some great promotional material to get gigs.
If you don't have enough faith in your own product to invest $550 bucks in it, then its probly not worth putting out anyway.
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Nov 8, 2009 21:08
Cd are cool, BUT

Who want to spend 10-15-20 bucks for a support who get ruined very fast if you bring it often to partys to play...

And more, especially in the trance scene, but not only, you buy a cd with 9-10-11-12 tracks, you like maximum 1 or 2 of them..... and play maybe one of them...

Because of this it is easyer and cheaper to buy single tracks on beatport or other digital resellers....

You download all, choose what you like and buy better quality to play with...

Anyway what's the meaning of printing 1000 cd's if you sell 500, the rest you have to give out as promotion for free because nobody buy them as the found the version ( and in some case before even the original cd come to the buyers) on a rapidshare or torrent

Horrordelic Records

Started Topics :  25
Posts :  1247
Posted : Nov 8, 2009 21:18
yeah, but what happens when the harddrive suddenly fails ? And all data is lost forever ?? Not only one track failing, but everything gone ?

I buy many psytrance albums, and i like more that 1 or 2 tracks on all !! If not i simply dont buy it.

I like to support the underground labels..            3o~ kriz aka krize 3o~ ....Horrordelic Records....
- Think for yourself -

Started Topics :  296
Posts :  6194
Posted : Nov 8, 2009 22:05
Digital Sales are tottally useless at least when we are talking about psy trance.

99% of the people in this scene just dont spend any money at all to buy their music.

Artists just release their music both on physical and digital forms for the sake of promotion for gigs and nothing else.And ofcourse in labels run either by them or by their friends.

Also bigger labels just release cds to make money out of their booking fees of their artists.

The good old days of well respected labels releasing good albums and compilations by great artists are long gone.

I browse Psyshop upcoming releases every month and i cant find even a decent compilation to buy except some progressive trance releases.

Such a pity.           Toodaloo Motherfuckers!!!!!
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