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Depopulation & the vaccine connection

Martian Arts

Started Topics :  187
Posts :  5292
Posted : Nov 28, 2009 18:40:36

Toxic Anger Syndrome

Started Topics :  21
Posts :  268
Posted : Dec 3, 2009 04:03
Some sick shit going on in our world today... as I wrote in another thread.. I won't take that "swine flu" shot...

I had already decieded to not take it even before I saw all those videos about it containing mercury etc etc.. my "gut feeling" told me from the very beginning that something smelled fishy about this whole thing! 
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  90
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Posted : Dec 8, 2009 23:13
With all the scary things people say, where is a proper backing for something like say... a study with numbers published in a scientific paper (which requires confirmation and replication of the results)? You know, like *any* scientific discovery that isn't a fraud?

Oh right, no one mentions that in the movie because they got guys like the person that went on Fox News and said the LHC has a 50% chance of creating a black hole that will eat up our planet. Which was later found out to be a school (not university) physics teacher. And not a PhD. And later when Stephen Colbert grilled him (one of his funniest bits ever), that 50% number was found to be because there are only two options, either there will be a black hole or not, so it's 50/50. And hey, there DOES need to be some population control. Executing everyone who makes these accusations seriously without knowing about how these things are tested before widespread use... and how they twisted things here (the poisons there are in tiny amounts - that the body easily handles very quickly - in order to increase the efficiency of the shot, yes. Considering that at a high enough dose salt is poisonous, and you can call salt poison. They have that in FOOD!!!).

I like seeing conspiracy stuff, if only to sharpen my critical thinking, but Alex Jones makes more sense than this one. Ouch. 
Toxic Anger Syndrome

Started Topics :  21
Posts :  268
Posted : Dec 8, 2009 23:32
Here you go Kaz, another source that says its dangerous

IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  90
Posts :  2268
Posted : Dec 10, 2009 02:19
OK, those things are obviously right, and the doctor I asked (a brother of a friend) is wrong. Sure it's dangerous. Anything you put in your body is dangerous. This is no more dangerous than any other vaccine - the doses there are very easy to handle for anyone not suffering from extreme cases of immunal deficiency, in which H1N1 is the last thing that should scare them (that's the explanation I got). 
Toxic Anger Syndrome

Started Topics :  21
Posts :  268
Posted : Dec 10, 2009 03:32
Check out what Robert F. Kennedy has to say about the other vaccines out here:

I know alot of people and read about many others here in Sweden that has taken that Swine Flu shot and has got sick afterwards

I just want to inform people that they should think twice before they take a shot.. I'm not trying to convince anybody... just trying to inform... in the end, you all do what you want with your own body... 
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